It is through my experiences that we as spiritual beings have many many past lives. I believe that an old soul has been around for 20 billion years and a young soul 10 billion, but not just human lives, or animal, or bird, or insect (I'm fine being all these creatures) also other beings in other worlds, in other dimensions. All I had to do to see them all is find the ones I most didn't want to be and as soon as I came to grips with that then one night in a dream they all walked past me one by one, it was mind blowing. These are just some of that number to help give you an idea of the possibilities that can and do exist. Please keep in mind that follow past lives does not mean that they stretch far back in a easy linear fashion, there are time lines and different realities all crossing over each other. You may remember one past life and think the other that shows up can't happen because its at the same time. Nope that is unfortunately a misnomer. Time is only in this world, in our construct here on Earth so the possibility of 2 or 3 time lines, or 4 or 5 etc is very real.
Some of the Past Lives I remembered:
*These first two past lives are ones that I am not fond of being and also in seeing these past lives and accept that I could be them then all the other past lives came flooding through.
1) One of the things I most did want to be in a past life was a warrior enjoying killing. I was a Templar Knight approx in the late 10th century, I have images riding through bands of the Islamic Armies cutting of heads with such joy. At that time I had such blood lust is was all over the top for me here now in the 21st century.
2) I was a Pomp in the late 17th century. A part of the french decadent aristocracy and it's gluttonous life style. I was on my way to the gallows, with no idea that I was going to the guillotine to get my head removed from my body. The only thought I had was, "Who were all the dirty people and I just hope and prayed none of them would touch me with there filthy filthy hands."
*These are my other past lives:
3) I was a Shogun, Japanese Samurai is the late 16th century.
4) I was a French Lady apart of the french aristocracy in New Orleans back in the 16th Century.
5) I was a Scottish Laird of the Island of Morar in the 16th century and met my friend here now in 2011 at a workshop is the Netherlands. He was a she and she recognized me well before me but as soon as we hugged all the images of who we were to each other in Scotland came flooding back.
6) In the 18th century I was shot in the back (as I was a stream with my battalion) by Napoleon's French Army. The shot hit my spine and left me paralyzed as I feel face down in the 12 inches of water and I drowned.
7) I was a Zulu Chieftain (a warrior) fighting against the Afrikaans in 18th century and died in that battle.
8) I was Sitting Bull in the middle of the 18th century and remember getting killed by the Indian Agency Police on the Standing Rock Reservation.
9) I was flying for the British as a Canadian Fighter pilot in the WW 1 and was gunned down and died.
10) I was in the American Army as a private and was killed in France nearing the end of the WW II.
This past life happened 4 thousand years ago and now:
I live on the Sunshine Coast, a beautiful spot in the West Coast Rain Forest. The moment I step onto the coast some 30 years ago, it had such familiarity that it threw me off balance for a long while, It was like home to me. I couldn't figure it out until I started have visions of my other me in a Salish First Nations big canoe 4 thousand years ago. At one point I was in Marine Search and Rescue and I was training and I began to slip from this time to the 4000 year time all at once. I told my other self back then, not to panic that he would see me in a fast moving boat he'd never seen before but to know that was me/him, and then it happened, me/him smiled at me as we had that split second of recognition. Now I work for a client (here now 21st century) in the very cove on the Sunshine Coast I used to live in 4000 years ago with the Co-Salish First Nation peoples.
*This life memory might be now or then its so hard to say:
Alien/Star Person
I was being hidden in a cave by my friend and wise teacher Tamlet on a Planet called Atroni III off, which exists NW approx 4 suns from our planet called Earth.
I was sleeping in the cave when I woke up. I looked up to see Tamlet (who I've know from this world). I asked him "What am I doing here?" Tamlet smiled and answered "Sleeping my Lord."
Well "Duh" i thought. "But why was I sleeping," I asked. "You have been sick." "But why in a cave Tamlet?" "We'll Sire we had to hide you." "From?" And he look at me and said, "I don't think you'll want to hear the answer." I was not sure if indeed I wanted to hear the answer but I asked anyway, "From?" "From those that would prefer you were dead Sire." Agggh I thought that but was hoping against hope that wasn't going to be the answer.
I looked around the room and saw 3 grey aliens wearing brown cloaks with hoods. "Who are they and what are they doing in here." I was not fond of the grey aliens as I had run ins with them in the past. "They are my disciples my lord," Tamlet answered calmly. "What are they doing here?" "Helping Sire" "Helping to do what?" Tamlet took a deep breath, "Helping to keep you alive." "Was I endanger of dying Tamlet?" "Not anymore Sire." "Why is that?" He sighed growing tired of what he probably thought was a fairly redundant amount of questions, "You are now awake Sire, are you not?" I gave up on this coyote questions in question answers, it was like talking to a teenager. Worse. But I could only give up and laugh.
"Do you wish to go outside Sire." I was a wee bit shocked, "Is it safe?!" "Of course Sire why would I suggest to go outside if it wasn't safe?" I just gave in at that point as Tamlet was all ready headed through the cave entrance to the outside world.
The ground was all red and spongy, with these huge white birds (thunder birds maybe) roaring over our heads. They where all white energy with no form but with form but not as we on earth would know it. Magnificent just incredible creatures, one after the other thundering across and up into the sky's.
This planet Atroni III was all red earth with 2 huge white moons, I didn't see the Sun as it was night but still light outside. Tamlet guided me over to the sea. Blue in color similar to this planet our Earth but there was something different about it, it was more obviously alive and communicating as it rolled up on the shore. Then a dolphin popped its head outta the water. I knew it as a dolphin but it was just all white energy. The dolphin was extraordinary!
"Are you like that too Tamlet?" I asked. He wore a Cobalt Cloak and Hood which covered his whole body, except for 2 white glowing dots for eyes. "I am Sire" "Can I see the rest of you" I think I even may of heard him laugh at me (in a good parental way) "You can Sire." And then he disrobed and there he was all energy. I looked at him and said "Can I do that, Tamlet? Am I like that?" "You are Sire." He replied. I pulled back my purple robe and was all light. We walked into the water and swam with the Light Energy Dolphins. It was an amazing experience.
Duende (c)
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