Again I had a very deep conversation with a friend and was listening to her plight with dealing with white noise around her house and then I realized that I did too! I've been so just coping and finding solutions to my Hyper Hearing sensitivities that I didn't even know what I was doing, I just coped thinking that no one else was doing this. I was minding my own business doing and dealing with my own life style until my friend shared about her hyper sound sensitivity and I thought, "Wow WTF I deal with this too, every night!"
I have worked with folks with Autism and some of them have such a Hyper Sensitivity with there Hearing that I had to help them cope with what was going on, looking for solutions to help make there life more bearable.
For Exmaple:
My friend Danny (not his real name) is Autistic and one day when I was working with him this happened.
I was doing one to one with him in the community and we were standing outside his friends house waiting for him to come out. I had a hard day with the day job at a school I was working at helping other special needs people. It was a shit show with the other workers/employee's crazy levels of politics where there shouldn't be, manipulation and control outta the ying yang. It was driving me nuts and I was replaying the events of the day in my head. I was hurt and upset and I was mad at the out come, so I kept replaying the events and I kept getting more upset quietly not saying a word out loud, not wanting to disturb my friend Danny. Inside of my head was a different storry, I was shouting and cursing and freaking out into my self, quiet on the outside but inside really fn Loud!
"Stop yelling! Stop!" My friend yell while putting his hands over his ears.
"Danny, what's up?" I was very concerned,not yet catching on to what was going on with him because of me.
"Stop it, stop yelling!" He looked like it was hurting him.
"I wasn't yelling Dude!" I was puzzled.
"Oh I'm sorry." Danny now slumped over in relief.
"No, no my friend, I wasn't yelling out loud but I have been in my head. Did you hear all that?"
"Yes, no, oops I'm sorry." Tears came down his face.
"No Danny, it's me I'm sorry. I'm sorry I yelled so loud that it freaked you out."
"Its okay, never mind, I'm sorry."
And the night and other nights went even better and I was more careful of Danny's Extra Sensory Super Hyper Sensitive Hearing.
I'm surprised that I didn't catch on at that time with the similarities between Danny and I, but I didn't until the other night when talking to my friend.
I cannot go into Malls because the hum of the florescence lights and all those people talking and all the other white noise, escalators, elevators, and countless machines humming, aargh. I can only be in that environment for 1 hour and then I get crazy skittish.
The Olympics came to Vancouver BC and I so wanted to go to the fun plaza and people watch but that many people is so overwhelming I get tired so fast.
On Buses, same thing occurs, Sky Trains, and where there is a group of people, it's all way to much but i push threw and cope, cause hey I'm a functional human being. LOL not! The solution I found, my coping mechanism is to put ear buds in my ears and play the music I love. I turn it up loud and I can be in mall's for hours (shopping with my Daughter lol) and walk among 10,000 people on the street in Olympic events. I can go on buses and any form of crowds without getting exhausted or messed up. I think its because like my friend Danny I can hear the unspoken noise in all the general public. I travel with my music every where and it calms me. I can drive long distances but it'll makes me so skittish and overwhelmed until I put a talking book into my CD player and then no problems I could drive for 8 hours without feeling exhausted.
Being Clairaudient is a thing that I knew about but didn't put it all together, (sometimes I can be really super genius guy and then kinda miss sometimes) until the other night. I live in an fairly quiet neighborhood in a rural town on the West Coast which I didn't realize until last night. I prefer to be in the forest but that doesn't make me feel overwhelmed skittish, it does the opposite effect, it calms me and I'm rejuvenated, spirit filled, my central nervous quiet.
This doesn't even include spirits and them wanting to talk to me too OMG! But the music sure helps with that too.
I have created a medicine circle around the house to deal with unwanted spirit static, I suspect I can hear them at night, the healthy ones who come by to visit. I know this because my family hear's them too. I can't have anything on at night especially clocks that tick as well as not being able to have any red lights from clocks, or dripping taps, or running toilets. So, I went to the dollar store and got 3$ ear buds, cut off the wires and wear them to sleep. It works.
I hate TV because of the commercials they drive me crazy, its the noise that happens with them not necessarily the content matter although that is mind numbing.
I wonder sometimes if we might be bombard by white noise to confuse and disorient us by forces governed by the world order, my best guess is H.A.R.P. Its a theory and so far I don't have enough proof.
The other night with my friend, I realized again that I'm not as alone as I thought. Do you have the same things going on? Did you think it was only happening to you? What do you do to cope with this bombardment of white noise?
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