I write this blog to help you on your path, your journey into Shamanism (if you choose that path). I am not the Big Kahuna of the Big Mystery, no I'm just a guy who's gotten frustrated with people within holding information other world this world. There is so much toxic "Power Over Others" that it gets crazy trying to navigate the spirits and all the worlds that exist, and to try to find information without having to jump these huge hoops. At the age of 30 I realized if I was going to continue on the path I was on I would just have to dig it up myself. I got so sick of folks dead and alive telling me that "One Day You Will Know," and that I was not enlightened enough to be told the answer to all my questions. I called bullshit on that, its more likely was that they do not know. There is an old saying that goes like this "If the student is wise enough to ask the question, then he is enlightened enough to receive the answer." My Dad once said walking towards me as we were going into the kitchen for breakfast.."You Will Never No the Big Answer." Without skipping a beat I responded, "Oh Dad that's your gig, I don't care about The Big Answer, I'm just content to ask all the millions of little questions. Sometimes my farther's UFO researchers scientific brain for me was totally unfathomable. Really that's what you say to your son on his journey to self actualization? Really?
I want to provide on this forum a place where people, of all races, all colors (including white folks) on all levels on there journey, no matter where they come from, a place of safe information that they/you/us won't have to jump any hoops for (isn't life hard enough without more hardship?). I also want to talk about the subjects that no one will or are to frightened to talk about like SEX, SUGAR, and Hallucinogenics and the taboo subjects that surround aboriginal medicine (which is okay to receive if you are the right color). However I do not presume that I have all the answers but I do believe that I can find them, not because I don't want the help (if it was out there, and believe me I have looked) but so far most of Main Stream Aboriginal Medicine just has no idea however they do like to pretend they do. The wise old dead people or guides always make me feel that I'm a donkey with a carrot tide on a string attached to a stick dangling in front of my nose. It's always there just in front of me but I'll never reach it, ever.
I got to a place in my life at a fairly young age that I knew the answers are within. How does that translate you might ask? Well I have found if I ask the question then Great Spirit, Creator, God, the Goddess will provide the answer but you've got to pay attention. It's more times then not going to be out right told the answer by some one in a Medicine Circle, or an ancient Guide (although this is not written in stone, I've had had it happen). It'll come in the form of a book or a movie or a bum on the street, or a child passing by, a stranger and yes sometimes even your mother and farther, brother or sister or cousins. On the TV in a Sitcom (no really) movies, video games, in the quiet forest and it could literally drop out of the sky with Aliens, even fairies, elves, gnomes and leprechauns. If you ask the question be prepared and realize the universe will help you to sleuth it out. It's all about discovery, or self discovery but of course it is the answer is within.
Know the deeper you go inside, the more you will heal, I guarantee it and in my experience it gentles you. Power isn't about being able to have millions of people listening to your every word or having followers its about self, inner self and that's the big knowing, that's the big answer to all the question's in the end. Can you find out cool and fascinating stuff along the way? Oh yeah! That's the coolest part but don't be fooled on the journey to shamanism its all about letting go of past trauma, past pain and will lead you right back into a gentle heart.
Hears a question for you and answer all at the same time. How you begin to know more? Isn't about changing perspectives, you are not empty when you arrive hear on earth you are full to the brim but school, life, western societies convince that we are vessels needing to be filled up and the only way to do that is to learn is from a teacher in a school and if you don't then you'll never know anything! Bwhahahaha, that's just one way, and it may even be the smallest way. We are all created by the universe which means the universe is, you guessed it within. Not outside of yourself, in another but inside of yourself and then when you get there then you realize (and hears the contradiction) everything is a mirror and your answers lies in the other too. Its all about heart to heart deep connection. As soon as you know your own heart you'll, see, hear and listen better.
Duende (c)
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