Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Medicine Throwing

Medicine Throwing is a First Nation’s/Aboriginal term for someone who is throwing bad medicine at you, negative medicine to control and manipulate or even medicine to kill. No, seriously this has been going for generations upon generations from one family, and one nation the next.

The art to affecting someone who is in the process of throwing medicine is to make sure that you are not compounding the problem by throwing medicine back at them. I have thought about this for a long time and it is important to me to, empower those who are Throwing Medicine at me. This is what I do: I disable their ability to Throw Medicine ever again and leave them with enough medicine to empower these people instead. In other words, I transmute the negative energy in such a way that I leave them healthier for the encounter with me.

Here are some stories that relate to what I am talking about and the depth and the levels in which it may occur.

I was talking on the phone with David who was telling me about his sister who had been having trouble with this native guy from the states who wanted her to marry him and she didn’t want too. David had suggested that his sister and he had thought that this guy had paid a medicine man to pull her down to him, her now ex-boyfriend.

Now, there I am talking on the phone with David and the next thing I know I’m in a Vision which appears to be somewhere down in North Dakota. I see this Medicine Man with a coyote pelt over his head and a couple of rattles, chanting and dancing in a circle that we are talking about, on the phone, at the same time in that very moment.

I’m still chatting with David while down in North Dakota (while “Walking Between Worlds) when I see these three Black Adder snakes from each of my legs leave my body and slither over to the Medicine Man and grab onto his ankles. The Medicine Man suddenly stops what he is doing and falls to the ground limp.

I think to myself, “Oh no, what have I done to this man?”

So, I ask my wise old dead friends, “Hey, hello is this man dead? Have I just killed him?” I can hear repressed laughter from them and then they say, “Oh good heavens no, just stay with him for the next nine days and watch him closely.”

I tell David and to tell his sister that I think everything will work out and I hang up. And then I watch the Medicine Man from North Dakota for nine days. On the ninth day, the snakes pull off of him and crawl away and then he wakes up.

He looks up at me and points an accusing finger towards me shouting, “You took my medicine!” 

I smile and say, “What do I want with your Medicine? No, no, I didn’t take your Medicine but I’ll tell you what, every time you try to manipulate or harm people it won’t work but if you want to help them you’ll have no problems. See yah!” And then I was gone.

I checked in again with David about the Medicine Man from North Dakota and the ex-boyfriend had stopped bothering his sister.

Medicine Throwing II

I had a sleeping Vision in the Dreamtime, about my friend Aunty Gwens son Nat.
I was walking through some long grass when I looked up and saw four native people beating up on Nat. He was lying down with his hands over his head trying to protect himself as these four other guys where putting the boots to him. I yelled to get their attention and ran down to assist Nat, they looked up at me and instantly stop putting the boots to Nat and then jumped me. Nat ran up the road scared as I took the next beating and then I lay silent. I was in my body and out of my body watching the whole event. They walked away very pleased that they had hurt me so badly thinking I wouldn’t get up after the violence they’d just inflicted on me, for a long long time.

Just as soon as they were a little way away, I stood straight up, bouncing on my toes and I whistle at them, “Hey,” I said, “Aren’t you forgetting something.”

They turned startled without saying a word and then rushed me again doing the same thing they did before with the same result. This time they put a few more boots into me to make sure I’d never get up again.

The native men turned smugly on their heels and headed away, but just as they were little ways away I popped up again whistling for their attention, “Hey,” I said, “Now come on you’ll have to do better than that.”

They looked at each other, and then me and then jumped me again, this time with more force and more brutality. And as soon as they walked away I would pop up as if nothing had happened. This frightened and confused them, which put them all in a huge panic and they ran through some tall grass and into a large thicket of trees.

The sleeping Vision ended. At this point I woke from my sleep Vison and decided to enter back into the Dreamtime awake and began to “Walk between Worlds” but what I do is I contact another friend who was Psychic/Clairvoyant/Empathic (in our Ordinary Reality) and we “Walk Between Worlds,” together. This way its two set of seers eyes instead of one. I find with two people you can do and see things that sometimes can get a little tricky when working by yourself. I have several friends that I do this with and it helps me immensely because these situations are like trying to figure out bizarre mind boggling puzzles, they’re emotional labyrinths filled with booby traps!

I go back into the Dreamtime again; this time fulling awakes and start investigating from where my sleeping dream finished. My friend May and I both go in and turn towards the huge thicket of trees, trying to decide whether or not if I should to go in there or was it just another potential trap. Suddenly all these big snakes (tons of them) different types and sizes pour out from my body and into the long grass. My friend and I stand confused by what had just happened and it takes us several minutes to figure out why the snakes didn’t go to the trees.

My friend and I decide that she will go to make sure that Nat is okay and when she does she finds Uncle Jimmy Jimmy watching us but that’s all he was doing was watching, not helping. I think he was checking out are medicine.

In the huge thicket of trees in which we sense/see, there are at least a hundred-people  hiding and waiting to jump on me as soon as I started to hunt the four violent native men. (We turn and see a small creek running past a corn field through the thicket of trees and beyond. Behind the trees, there was a small lake and lakes are filled with water and water are a reality-based representation of spirit so, therefore, it is a natural portal).

I decide to light the field on fire in the Dreamtime, I come out of the water as this huge Dragon and burn the trees which brings everyone out of the grass, very fast. Where all the snakes went and as they run to get away from the fire in the trees the get healed by the snakes. Ha-ha. It was too funny to watch.

This is all in spontaneous moments of discussing it with my Seerer friend May. We plan, and check all possibilities of further violence from the assailants and then I go in a sneak up on the four men, from behind and put my hand on palm open on their heads, over their third eyes. They all drop limply to the ground. Nine days later they are better, healing and no longer hurting anyone, especially Nat.

Duende (c)

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