If you are dabbling in becoming a stronger Psychic/Clairvoyant/Empath then not to worry about Protecting yourself you'll be fine. I do recommend staying away from the Ouija Board, its an easy way to enter the negative without realizing it.
Now if you are going deep, or if you find yourself there and overwhelmed then I do recommend PROTECTION.
Some People say to imagine rose bushes around you but that always feels to static to me, it slows me down in my work, its stationary and planted. The other recommendation I hear constantly is pretend your in a shower of white light but again for me this is to static. I imagine a Nasty Bit of Business standing around waiting until the shower is over to psychically attack who's ever in the shower.

I recommend Dynamic Protection which is protection that moves with you and is functional when out in community. I imagine a blue bubble around me at all times as I walk out and about in life. I really think this works well because its a dynamic process, it creates good boundaries and it will heal anyone who passes by who is in trauma. I've done this with great success and used to have a terrible time when walking and coming upon someone who is totally messed up. I'd find my back would shake like someone walk over my grave. Now when I encounter someone who is not well I feel them and they get a healing nudge as they pass through my Healing Energy Field. And I'll say this little prayer or healing mantra: "You know and I know who you are. You know and I know that what you are doing is hurting yourself and other people. You know and I know the next time you think about it, or about to do it, you will seek help, or be caught but it will stop. It is my will, it will be, It is my will, it will be, It is my will, it will be, Bless you." Before doing this I'd carry the person's creepy or violent or abusive images and now after doing this mantra, not at all. It works very well, give it a try.

Then I put my genius brain into action and I started to develop away to create sanctuary around my house too.
1.) Whenever I create a Medicine/Fairy Circle of any kind I always have a wee bit of magic/prayer I attach or twine to it. Here it is "Cross my boundaries and I/It will HEAL you." This is a wonderful way to go because you don't want to get caught up in battling anything or anyone, from anywhere big or small. If you fight them and win then they return for revenge to fight you to win, I think you can see that this whole process spells: D Y S F U N C T I O N A L. When does the wars, the battles end?
They have been going on for Billions and Billions and Billions of years. Why continue in that violence, it hasn't work in the past and it certainly won't work now.
2.) Go get some cheap cheap salt. Then take the salt and create 3 rings around your yard or in your apartment. Clock Wise or Counter Clock Wise it makes no difference (I go counter clock wise but I have Coyote/Raven opposite/backwards Medicine/Magic. Oh and when you sprinkle the salt (lightly you don't have to see it, it's meant for the other world, the dream) say "Cross this boundary, my boundary and It/I will heal you."
3.) Go to a scared place near water (this is a place you love to go to near a river, lake, ocean, spring, stream, waterfall) and talk to the stones there, tell them what you need them for and there purpose will be. Ask them for there help. The wee stone people will come gladly. You'll want to gather 13 (thirteen is a scared number) wee stones the size of your palm or smaller. Once you have those you'll need some red sand or red cedar dust again go to a place that calls you, that calls to your heart (this is how you know its scared). Now you have the two elements (you can also use crystals if you feel called to doing that, but please remember bigger is not better) go to the center of your house and place the first stone there with a little red dust. Put it in a place that'll not ever be found again. After placing the first stone walk directly out of the house and place the next at the perimeter of your yard. Dig a small hole and place the next wee stone and red dust in it, always twining your Magic/Medicine Mantra/Prayer "If you cross my boundaries It/I will heal you) Do this around the whole house until you come back to where you started. If you are in an apartment, place the next one on the north wall. Now proceed in a clock wise or an anti clock wise position until you get back to the north wall again.
4.) If you can get your hands on "Mycelium" then make a circle around your house, or apartment with that. Remember you're not concern with it growing here but it will grow in the other world/Dream.
5.) We have wild roses growing here on the West Coast of British Columbia and Rose Stems with thorns are good for putting over all entrances, and not just the ones going outside, but bed rooms and bathrooms are good too. I'll buy tiny roses for my house ( I like flowers) and as soon as they start to wilt I turn them upside down over the doors to outside. They not only look pretty but they function as protection for you creation of Sanctuary (again remember to say the healing mantra "Cross my boundaries and It/I will heal you)
6.) A Mandrake can be used for harm or for curing. We want to use it's wonderful healing powers to help people not hurt anyone(if you do hurt people even if its for the right cause be aware that it is just not over in this life, you'll continue to do the "The Dance of Dysfunction" for life times. Place the Mandrake underneath the entrance door from the outside that you use most. Or put two, one for the front door and another for the back. Twine Magic/Prayer when placing them down on the chosen spots. If Mandrakes are impossible to get then find a root that speaks to you and take them home. Or in your head ask Creator/Great Spirit/God which one would work best for the purpose that you need (they'll help you).

If you do every thing I recommended or even some you will create a safe space/sanctuary for you and your family to live in with no "Silly follow you home Spirits/Ghosts" or any "Nasty Bits of Business" dropping in. Or anything else from the "Other Worlds" that might be wanting to do a fly by, like Aliens, or anything with ill intent, with there ridiculous hidden agendas.
You know if its working because folks who have known you for a long time come for a visit and ask if you painted or done something new to spruce up the house. Or if they start falling a sleep, or yawn alot because they feel so relaxed. The other indicator is when someone comes over who is struggling hard and is not nice and is grumpy and angry, they'll won't be able to sit still and will leave quickly because they (weather they now it or not) are being healed. Lol... its a beautiful thing.
More to come.....soon.
Duende (c)
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