Thursday, December 10, 2020

Rabbit Hole Ramblings - The Special Ones


Could there be...Special Humans Amongst Us? And why not, anything is possible if you believe in the Great Mystery, called life?

Is that you? Could it be you? Anything IS Possible.



There are Special Ones
So special they truly are
Special because I have formed them
My Special Ones
Never ever doubt or stop to wonder
A Special One cannot be Explained
No, not in human language
No, they are Heavenly Special
Out there they walk away among you
Out there is where I placed them
They are seen only by special vision
They are My ministering Ones
Oh you never even considered them
Nor did you see their valued price
They are among men unrecognized
They are among men unaware

* * * * * *

I have written this Poem exactly as I heard the LORD speak it to me today.  I post this in Obedience.


~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
The light will shine in His glory… In the desert.

Mythical Creatures - Do they exist?



As one of the most significant mythical creatures in Greek mythology, Pegasus, the winged horse was the offspring of Poseidon and Gorgon Medusa.

Simultaneously with his brother Chrysaor, Pegasus was given birth when Perseus killed his mother.

Some accounts suggest that these two creatures were born from the blood coming out of Medusa’s neck while others suggest that they were born from the Earth when Medusa’s blood fell onto it.

Mythical Creatures - The Ultimate List of Mythological Creatures

A third version of the story suggests that they were born from the mixture of sea foam, pain and Medusa’s blood implying that Poseidon played a role in their birth.

To Find all or most Mythical Creatures see link below:

Mythical Creatures - The Ultimate List of Mythological Creatures (

Have fun.


More Mythical Creatures:

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Rabbit Hole Ramblings - Creativity, Magic or Art?

Accidental Channeled Art: 

I'm not sure when I started realizing that something was going on that was greater than myself? Maybe it was in my poetry when I was younger,  yes most likely it was then. Some feeling, something ethereal would come over me, like a mood shift, or change and then I could hear things that I didn't before that moment. A rhythm or cadence, it might have been the air, wind, earth but something was talking to me and then the words would flow out of me. I was prolific with words. That's a bit of life's irony considering I am a Dyslexic with a capital "D".  It was like a river of words, that would just pour out of me. Sometimes ideas seems to drop outta thin air and onto the page. A wonderful rush of creative energy that left me blissed out after I'd finished "wordspell or word spew" (That would be a better name for it lol) . I call it that now but had no idea what was happen back then when I was 14. 

I'd spend hours looking at the letters and words on the page, and the feelings I could feels from them. I was fascinated of how I could see the inside of me, ideas and thoughts that came from nowhere to somewhere, from the "All" or "The Collective" or "Creator". These are words I use to describe the process now but back then I just felt, relief and then bliss. 

I started playing instruments at a young at but somehow that type of music didn't seem to inspire me. I'm not to sure why, playing through elementary school. Something was lacking. Then I discovered "Acting", and wow did that ever send me! It was amazing! I loved it. I was good at acting and got huge positive reinforcement for what I was doing. I think it was grade 6 when I took to the stage, or when the stage took me. It wasn't until I got to high school when I was performing in Theatre Festivals, (it was competitive venues) and I remember I was doing "Passion, Poison and Petrification by George Bernard Shaw". I had strep throat so badly with a temperature of 104. My Dad (bless him) brought to the Theatre and stayed with me the whole time. I step on stage with a fever, I was burning up and was so determined to just do the part, didn't want to let down my cast mates. When I stepped on stage something happened to me and I shifted and step back and the character I had developed stepped forward and filled me with a surge of energy. Sick as I was I made the 15 mins on stage that I needed to, and wasn't to sure how it went, because I wasn't entirely there. I won best supporting actor and we won best play. How did I do that, I have know idea but again it was something really special that occurred and its only now in retrospect that I realize that something "Other Worldly" may have happened to me. 

The magic "Other World" energy happen many times after that leaving me, absolutely blissed out, the river, the flow, the knowing however at that age (17) I only knew it felt different and strange and amazing all at the same time.

I performed in another highly competitive Theatre Festival and my fellow actor and I did a play that I just can't remember the title and we worked so hard creating an authentic relationship together. She was brilliant and she was determined as much as I was. It was our final year in high school and both of us really wanted to make this piece our "Swan Song." The piece started off slow in the first three minutes and then.. Wooooosh! I was completely gone, living in the moment and experiencing every moment as if it was real. It flew by. After I'd finished I thought I'd done the worst job ever, the worst performance ever. My drama teacher came back stage came back stage and congratulated us on a superb show, he was so proud. I was in tears thinking I'd blown it and he said, "No, my wife said that you'd done a better job than I had when I performed this play professionally." I was completely gobbed smacked! He was a seasoned professional. My fellow performer Beth and I won, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Ensemble! I had no reference to know what exactly had happened on stage in that short I act play, in 20 mins. Something had come from no where, or from deep down inside me and exploded brilliantly out of my body without me even knowing what it was. The neat thing was that now, now I new where the energy was and I began to know how to pull it towards me more, the magic was deep inside me, or outside of me, and inside of me all at once. 

Theatre Schools after high be continued.

I became a Deep Trance Medium, taught by a leading Spiritualist Medium in Ontario at the age of 30 and it was around this time I gave up mainstream acting. I was done with it all, but she was not done with me. It was around this time I started developing my own characters and taking them out on the road. I created a Bird Clown, that came from out of the ethereal realm. She was a delight and I did festival with her. Very wonderful and other worldly. Around the same time I got a job as Santa and at a place called VanDusen Gardens in Vancouver. They had Santa workshop outside in a glass atrium, it was amazing! And I decided to do Santa as Irish, which I thought was prefect and  what I did was channel Dema this 600 year old Leprechaun, and the Magic exploded from there. I would do, 82 shows a season to 100 people crammed into that tiny building and every so often I would see someone who caught what I was up too. They'd feel it, sense it, know it, and then without realizind it they would nod and smile at me. It was glorious.

and then I started to recognize the magic in day to day life. 

I would be with people, stoned and drunk at a party and they would be struggling (sometimes even suicidal) and ask me a question and then....the magic would come out...wooosh! I'd say something profound, which years later when reminded of what I'd said that changed that persons life, I'd have no recollection if what they were talking about. Nada, zip, no cognitive recall at all. I thought in that moment, in those moments, that it was "Weird" that I could be so helpful and profound without knowing what I said. But that is not ART, or maybe it is just another art form. 

to be continued....

Duende Naddred (c) 2020