Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Rabbit Hole Ramblings - 1% The Corrupt Elite

The Elite, the ultra ultra Rich (beyound our imaginations) make up all the rules (which I believe in) and then don't follow and totally disregrad the laws that we all agreed open. The Elite, raise Medical, Gas, Oil, Electrical, Water prices knowing it'll push us into poverty without a concern or care for our welfare. None of which matters to The Elite because none of this effects them directly. I mean my god now they're trying to inhabit Mars. Same same routine since the begin of time, explore and then exploit whatever resources they can find in the new found land. Sound familar? The Elite ravage/exploit the earth, with oil, minerals, people (7 countries in the world have slavery) and have little or no regard for conservation controls to help the enviroment or its creatures, land and sea or air. Posioning the earth, water, air and food, every element vital to our existance. The Elite abduct 8.5 million childern under the age of 10 around the world to use for there sex trade. For sex yes and I've heard they drink there blood...really, I find that hard to believe however I keep hearing it. There's an anti aging componant in childrens blood and we know that the Elite are fixated with this. Oh and gold aka "More Money", "More Power." The Elite, have power and want more and more power, so they have wars which is all about $$$$$$$$$, resources, and culling the GQ public. They create the Wars and the poor fight the wars and they stay home in the secure nice beds creating more war. WTF! The Elite, don't take sides in world conficts they just sell weapons and resources to the highest bidder. The Elite have not been doing this for the past 100 or 200 years, this has been going on for 4000 years, since the time of Babylon. Really. Were at that time the "Star Nations" had a civil war and we lost, however we vowed to return and save the children. We are Back. Who is are we? We are the "Children of the Sun." The Elite do all these dispicable things and humanity lets it go unchecked. There is so much we could be doing but most humans don't even believe its going on and it is. Really. Horid unspeakable things. I mean look at it folks how many of us are slave work force? WE think we are doing well but we are not and it gets harder and harder. And the GQ Public allows it! Really they do. The Elite convinces us, that trying to effect the world will do no good and its impossible, because we can't help everyone. It would be too overwhelming and we would fail. We ought to just leave it to the "Pyschopaths" (The Elite, and they are) to make sure everyone is taken care of? With them really? We want to leave the welfare of the next generation in the hands of...."The Elite Pyschopaths"? AAAaaahhh no! I don't. But humans do? How could they, the end result is awful. Besides its only a half truth. We can't help everyone in the world all at once but we can help our family, friends, neighbours, and community by practicing random acts of kindness. If everyone in the world did this we will have saved the world. I help and help and help some more, always, in every breath, in every moment... Hence the Blog. In the dream, waking and sleeping. "If not you then who? If not now then when?" Duende Naddred (c)2021