Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Conversing with the Dead

~The deeper and deeper I go down the "Rabbit Hole"the less and less I can talk to the living, but please don't feel sorry for me. The living are quite boring but the Dead wow now they are interesting and there is a lot of them, of course why wouldn't  their be. They are mostly not scary, I mean the living are truly terrifying! I'm not joking. 

A friend of mine ex wife was a Jehovah Witness, who had trouble
with me talking with Dead people. The conversation went something like this: 
JW Woman: Aren't you scared of "Devils in Sheep's Clothing" when you commune with the Dead. 

Me: I more worried about people in "Suits and Tyes!" LOL

JW Women was aghast.

Me: Know I don't mean JW's ( I wasn't trying to poke fun at her or her religion)
I'm more worried about meeting, Presidents, Heads of State, Aldermen, Priests, 
Big Twisted Stars of Hollywood and its Producers, Actors, Coaches, Teachers
and just general living messed up humans. 

I've got more i'm trying to publish on the Blog...but B Blogger seems to be blocking me, and I can't figure out why? Ill keep trying.

Duende Naddred (c) 2019