Monday, October 9, 2023

Druids, who where they really?

Druidic Beliefs There were no temples built for the Celtic gods. Shrines and sanctuaries were established outdoors at sacred groves or nearby sacred lakes. Sacrificial things, human and animal, took places at these sacred sites. Icons made of either of wood or stone were stored in the shrines, along with sacred, precious artefacts. Hauls of silver and gold were deposited into the holy lakes and rivers. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, one of the centre of the druids were at the sacred grove on the island of Anglesey. In AD 61, because of human sacrifices that took place, the Romans under Suetonius Paulinus took action to eradicate the bloody practices; druids were massacred, and groves were destroyed. It was only when Gaul and Britain had become provinces of Rome, did the Celts have temples built and the Celtic deities receive Romano-Celtic names. Despite these names, all the inscriptions on these Gallic and British deities were written in Latin, since neither Gauls nor the Britons have their own writing systems. The only source in the Irish literature that indicate that Irish worshipping a god, in the usual sense, come at the reign of the high king, Tigernmas. Tigernmas was said to have introduced the worship of Crom Cruach. Human sacrifices were performed before the stone idol of Crom Cruach. Some ancient Gallic deities such as Belenus, Danu, Lugus, Ogmios and Epona survived the early spread of Christianity to be transmitted into Bel, Ana, Lug or Lugh, Ogma, and Macha – the Irish deities of the Tuatha De Danann. While the Welsh had transmitted Belenus/Bel into Beli, Danu/Ana into Don, Lugus/Lug into Lleu, and Epona/Macha into Rhiannon. The British god Nodons was transmitted into the Welsh Nudd, who was sometimes equated with Nuada Airgetlám. Ignoring the Irish and Welsh literatures and concentrating on the ancient Gaul and Britannia during the Roman empire, you will find that there is no Celtic pantheon, such as the Greek and Roman Olympians or the Norse Aesir. There are hundreds of Celtic gods and goddesses, where some are more popular in Continental Europe and the British Isles. There is very little evidence of magic from the ancient druids in Gaul that appears frequently in Irish and Welsh literature. The classical authors believed that druids practised magic and witchcraft but were very vague to what sort of magic. What is clear is that the ancient druids took special interests in healing and divination. Like shaman or medicine man, the druids made charms and talisman to ward off evil spirits. As physicians and healers, the druids gathered herbs and poultice. They gathered plants known as selago, without using iron. Another special plants were the marsh plant, known as the samolus, used as charm against diseases of cattle. Pliny the Elder (AD 29-79), philosopher and natural scientist, wrote that druids held the mistletoe and oak trees (genus Quercus) as sacred. The mistletoe were rarely found on oak trees. The druids would cultivate mistletoes with great ceremony on the sixth day of the moon. They always used golden sickle to carefully cut the mistletoes and gathered them in white cloak. It was said that mistletoe contained special properties that would cure all illness and diseases. It was said to be antidote to all poison and impart fecundity to barren cattle. However, in the medieval Irish literatures, it was ash trees, often called rowan and quicken trees (genus Sorbus aucuparia), and the yew trees (genus Taxus) that were sacred. They contained magical properties. Also sacred were the apple trees (genus Pyrus malus) and the hazel (genus Corylus). In Tóraigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne (The Pursuit of Diarmait and Gráinne), the giant Searbhan (Sharvan) guarded rowanberries on the Quicken Trees, in the forest of Dubros. The magic berry could restore an old man of 100 to his youth of 30-year-old. The Welsh legend, seemed to favour the apple trees. In the poem attributed to Myrddin, the antecedent of Merlin, he hid up in the apple tree, when the men of Rhydderch, but he was hidden by the magic grove. Though druids could heal, using some sort of magic or just using herbs, it was mainly the work of physicians. The most famous physician was the Danann Dian Cécht and his children. Dian Cécht had blessed the spring, which healed the Danann warriors during the Second Battle of Mag Tuired. His son Miach had restored Nuada’s arm. The magic is more explicit in Irish and Welsh literature. Some druids used wands, especially when transforming another person into an animal, plant, or rock. A sorceress or witch was called bantuathaig. Be Chuille and her sister Dianann were the sorceresses of the Tuatha Dé Danann. They used their magic to conjured up host of warriors from the grass and leaves, during the war against the Fomorians. In Irish and Welsh legends, prophecies and divination were frequent in the literature.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Confused? Got any questions? Ask away!

Hi everyone...I'm out here in the great internet world...a space in a space, in the worldwideweb, like an island onto myself. What questions do you have? What's happening that I might be able to help with? I will responsed if asked. Please FIRE AWAY....and I will do my best to answer anything burning questions. And if I don't know, I'll go hunt it.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Near Death - Saved by a Wise Old Dead Person

I came so close to getting trampled to death by this enraged Mama Elk who was only trying to protect her baby! WTF! Who would have thought. I live in the West Coast of BC, a wilderness rain forest and was working at my clients house. (I work as a Care Worker taking care of the elderly) My 92 year old client called Bella and she is a Black Lab, who is very protective. Every morning around 8 I get up and feed her, check on my client and then she always brings me a bone to throw off the deck. She does her business and then brings the bone back and I give her a treat. She's a Lab and they (if you don't already know) are very food moutivated. So this morning I went to the edge of the Veranda/very large front deck and threw the bone into the air and Bella (the black lab) took off after it. The Bone was in mid air when I notice to Exteremly Large and a baby in the driveway which is very close to the house (approx 10 meters/20 yards from the house). Its at this moment with the bone in the air that Bella (The great barking portector) spys the Elks and goes after them, hell bent for leather. Which makes baby Elk go to ground to hide, the other Elk took off but Bella sent Mama Elk into attack mode. OMG! I've not ever sense an animal that big move that fast. Bella turned on her heels and took off up to me on the deck. I swear, if she didn't have a small distance on the Mama Elk (Very pissed off, fierce and dangerous!) she would have gotten her ass kick in from this ways to Sunday. That Mama Elk was in full avenger mode. Kill the threat! Bella was in her scope of kill and destroy! There I am witnessing this (pooping myself big time!) and Bella come charging up onto the deck with Mama Elk at her heels. WTF! Mama is within arms reach of me coming full (OMG!) on the other side of the deck in full seek and destory. Image being in the middle of railroad track foots stuck with a train coming down the tracks and you have very few options to escape harm. Now Bella is beside me and then without a thought of what to do next, suddenly I am speaking the Old Language of a Lakota Soiux!! Wok,Wok,Wok!!! (I am a deep trance channel and the voice is an Wise Old Dead Person - White Feather) I shout at the top of my lungs. The Mad Mama Elk stops right in her tracks. Boom, just like that. WTF!! The deck is 2 meters from the ground and Mama Elk (on a Bella and me protect baby death march). Then I say "Wok, Wok, Wok esta wa tay at tah!! 3xs loudly!! The Mama is STUNNED! Lol and so am I. And I continue to channel this wise old dead women (Who's last time visiting this Planet was 600 years ago) and the Mama Elk appears to be in shock and listening and not moving, just standing there in what appears to be awe. (me and her both lol) She listens, turns and walk away in search of her baby who went to ground to hide. More Old Lakota Language comes out of my mouth as she moves further down the drive way with Tragedy and Bella Death and me Death (or badly hurt) overted. OMG! I live in wilderness and know the dangers of wild life. Its an awareness that you grow up and into when you live in Rural Canada. And I've seen Elk this close before (Well not this close but close) infact I've seen the Heard of 16 this close, in the drive way 4 times before, but Bella was inside on those occasions. What did I she say to make the the Angry Mad Mama Elk from not coming on the deck and taking us out? I can only paraphrase: "Stop, Stop, Stop!! We peoples mean you no harm!" or something to that effect. The thing is though, I had know idea I could do that...I mean to spontatiously channel in a death defying situtation, and if you'd asked me in a calm conversation before hand "If I could do that?" I would have said "Hell NO!" but I guess its now a "Hell Yes!!" Thank the stars I did, we! That was an extraordinary WILD happeing with no one to blame. We where all doing what we should and it went side ways. WTF! Blows me away!! The IMPOSSIBlE is really POSSIBLE. Duende Naddred 2023 (c)

Power Comes From?

After years and years I've begun to realise that magic/medicine is attracted/attached to kindness. No way really I believe this to my core. Some people will have you think that you'll get there by reading books, sweat lodges, halucanigtics, vision quests, yoga...and it does but does not quite quite quite attract Power/Magic/Medicine, like Random Acts of Kindness. I said to my 3 year old nephew "Do you want to be the strongest man in the whole eyed world?" And he looked at me in awe and said.."Yes, Uncle yes!" I smile and reply: "BE GENTLE". I know what you're thinking, nah it can't be that simple. It is! You can take my word for it, or prove me wrong. What goes around comes around. Power is within us all people say but as I tell my friends "We can all boil water but how many become Chef's? So how do you enhance the Power/Magic/Medicine. You are born with it, some more than others, but to enhance it you have not to desire it, the more you focus on it the more it runs away from you. Now wait a minute did I just contradict myself. Yes I did. And how has this got to do with Kindness? The more you help others, the more you focus on something more than yourself. The more you practice Random Acts of Kindness, the better you feel about yourself and the better you feel about yourself, the more you love you, more Acts of Kindess and the less random they become. Then you move into the flow and then start to trust where that flow will take you. You let go of preconsieved ideas on what you want or about chasing Power. And then you may begun to reconginse Magic/Medicine/Power coming back into your life. Wealth beyound the imagination, with family, with friends, and it all will flow towards you, into you, around you. Kindness so easy of a concept, difficult in practice. Well its not and it is. Clearing the way is helping yourself to become more than you ever imagined. No harm to any sentinet creature. Heal is the face of Nastyness. Help in every moment in every way you can. Medicine/Magic/Power will come. Duende Naddred 2023 (c)

Friday, September 1, 2023

How do I see spirits? I was asked.

A friend of mine the other day, asked me how I saw spirits. I thought how odd...I've never thought about it. I asked her..."What do you mean?" You see I thought everyone saw spirits the same but when I inqured with my friend, I realized that we saw spirits very differently and sometimes the same. Very Interesting. So I thought alot about it and here's what I've come up with: I see spirits in a miriade of different ways. I rarely see them in visicual form in this world (Reality as we are told it)and if I do it will only be for 1-5 seconds which is a long time, even though you may think its a blink. Here's an experiment: Stand in a room, pick an object in the corner of the room, such as a lamp (in semi darkness) and then imagine yourself shitty your pants because what's appeared infront of you should not be there! Everything you have ever been taught speaks to the impossible, as it is absoultely 100% impossible but there is a person standing in the corner of the room looking at you (sometimes talking to you). Then image the fear you have as your paradigm is blown wide open and you're absoultely freaking out! Now count to 5 slowly.... Its a long interaction, trust me. This has happened to me sincet I was wee, way back when I remember. I've seen an angel float around my bed, I've seen my grandfarther, I've seen my dad in a british WWII army uniform float through a dark room at the foot of my bed. I've seen an ElF on the side of the highway in bright daylight and yes he was wearing a wee little pointy hat, a nice suit and pointy shoes. To name a few. The list goes on. However its not always how I see spirits. When I drive down the HWY I see dead people, but rarely in visicual form. I feel see them. I get a ping in my heart, an energy signature you could say and then I get images that start from those energy signature from my heart (The heart has as many brain cells as the brain does. Really look it up) which transfers it to my brain who puts together the energy signatures and translates it into form. This takes milliseconds and then I get an image of who is dead on the side of the road. I also hear them talking to me and that also gives me energy signatures which translates into the image in my head. I don't see the image of the person on the side of but more in my head. Its at this time, driving 80 -120 k that I can figure out how to help them. "Oh thats JUST your imagination" I hear you saying...Well of course it is where else does this Reality come from. Or "its all in your head" ....well dah, of course it is, but who says is not real? Well the NORMY"S say its not real, the majority say its not real. Have you met those people? Lovely but they tend to buy into this REALITY Narative 100%. Its not been my experience throughout my life. And what I'm sharing today is my experiences and what I see in this WORLD REALITY and how I see it. I can feel/see spirits walk across a room. My Heart/brain recognises a different energy signature and then the process of figuring out who it is begins. I start sleuthing. The more you know who you are the more you know who you're not. I have worked on my issue's from my past that I have become very clear of my own energy signature and when I'm alone in a room and another energy signature aka spirit I can feel/see who they are very quickly. Relying on your eyes and brain leaves you blind but using your heart, your gut feelings, your spiday senses, all senses and trusting them takes you into the other worlds, because they are colliding and interacting with us all the time. Not evey second, or minute but often, very often throughout the day. The more you know yourself, eat right: Stop eating sugar (sorry but true)dairy and wheat. All stimulants, coffee to pharma to drugs (sticome inhance the seeing but I don't recommend doing them day to day.Save for special times of the year ie: Equionx, Solstice etc. You get the idea. I hear voices in my head.OMG! Really but no one is trying to get me to do harm to anyone and if they did I'd tell them to bugger off! I don't have to listen everything, I'm discerning, I break it down. I won't react or do anything I've interacted with the spirit until the 3rd incounter. I seen alot of phenomenon and a great memory and am able to cross reference my past with the present. I have spirits that talk to me in sleeping dreams. Mostly benevolent. Even in the sleeping dreams I can sense/feel a spirit who's interacting with me. I've also seen Nastly Bits Of Business. Hooded Assasins, Hounds, Nasty Aliens (Majority are Kind) and other creatures that are scary as FCK. I sense/feel who and what they are and they can't hide from me in the sleeping dream or this world or any other worlds. Its like I have special vison. I use my heartbrain my gut feelings, my spidey senses but I've been doing it for so long that its become a wonderful acute tool and what used to take hours now takes milliseconds to figure out. I once had an Aunty say to me "...YOu are very strong." I looked at her and said ...."What do you mean.I'm strong intutively or what?" She said..."You have a huge heart."( This is how I see. The bigger your heart the better your sight into the magical other worlds and they're lots of those. So If you want to see...clear out your baggage, your pain, your bullshit....and trust in your heartbrain,your gut, your spidey senses. Its an easy process and a difficult journey. Letting go of all your trauma...phew its a process, with lots of tears and then after alot of work, you smile more and see and see and see. Wow!! I'm writing this because we all think we see the same. This is my way, my process of seeing. Sense/Feel/See. BODY feel/senses MIND processes and opens the door to your imagination (which is the doorway to the Dream/other worlds) and SOUL heart/spirit. All have to work together in order to SENSE/FEEL and after a while viscually interact with a enity/spirit/other world creature. Spirti Driven - Alien Inspired Duende Naddred 2023 (c)

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Lost Civilizations: 12 Societies that Vanished bySteph FacebookTwitterRedditEmail
Why would a flourishing civilization, advanced for its time, suddenly cease to exist, its inhabitants gone and its architecture abandoned? Conspiracy theorists offer all manner of offbeat explanations including alien abduction, but in the case of these 12 societies, the causes were likely more mundane: natural disasters, climate change, invasions and economic irrelevance. Still, we don’t know – and likely never will – exactly what happened to bring about the end of the Khmer Empire of Cambodia, the Minoan society of Crete or two ancient civilizations right here in the United States. The Indus Valley Civilization, Pakistan (images via: national geographic) Home to one of the greatest man-made architectural wonders of the ancient world, the Indus Valley Civilization (known at the height of its influence as the Harappan Civilization) was among the largest early urban settlements on any continent. Located in modern-day Pakistan, the Indus Valley Civilization thrived 4,500 years ago and was then forgotten but for local legends until ruins were excavated in the 1920s. Sophisticated and technologically advanced, this civilization, including the famous Mohenjo Daro, featured the world’s first urban sanitation systems as well as evidence of surprising proficiency in mathematics, engineering and even proto-dentistry. By the year 1500 BCE, the Indus Valley Civilization was virtually abandoned, possibly after invasion by Indo-European tribes or a collapse in agriculture due to climate change. The Khmer Empire, Cambodia (images via: tourism object, christian haugen, christoph rooms) Once one of the most powerful empires of Southeast Asia, the Khmer civilization spread from modern-day Cambodia out into Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Malaysia and is best known today for Angkor, its capital city. The empire dates back to 802 CE. Other than stone inscriptions, no written records survive, so our knowledge of the civilization is pieced together from archaeological investigations, reliefs in temple walls and the reports of outsiders including the Chinese. The Khmers practiced both Hinduism and Buddhism and built intricate temples, towers and other structures including Angkor Wat, dedicated to the god Vishnu. Attacks from outsiders, deaths from the plague, water management issues affecting the rice crops and conflicts over power among the royal families likely led to the end of this empire, which finally fell to the Thai people in 1431 CE. The Anasazi, New Mexico, United States (images via: erik anestad, national geographic, puroticorico) ‘Anasazi’ is the modern name for the ancient Pueblo Peoples who inhabited the ‘Four Corners’ area of the southwestern United States at the junction of the states of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado. Their civilization emerged around the 12th century BCE, and remains best known for stone and adobe structures built along cliff walls including Cliff Palace in Mesa Verde National Park, the White House Ruins and Pueblo Bonito at the northern rim of Chaco Canyon. This architecture evolved into amazing multi-story dwellings that were often only accessible by rope or ladder. The ancient Puebloans did not necessarily “vanish”; they did, however, abandon their homeland for reasons unknown in the 12th and 13th centuries CE. Many experts as well as modern Puebloans, who claim the ancient Puebloans as their ancestors, believe that deforestation and droughts caused internal conflict and warfare, causing these ancient people to disseminate. The Olmec Civilization, Mexico (images via: wikimedia commons, bernt rostad) In what is now Veracruz and Tabasco in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico was once a grand Pre-Columbian civilization that constructed incredible ‘colossal heads’, practiced bloodletting and human sacrifice, invented the concept of the number zero and essentially laid the foundation for every Mesoamerican culture that was to follow. The Olmec civilization might even have been the first civilization in the Western hemisphere to develop a writing system, and possibly invented the compass and the Mesoamerican calendar. Dating to around 1500 BCE, the Olmec civilization wasn’t ‘discovered’ by historians until the mid-19th century. Its decline is blamed on environmental changes caused by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes or possibly damaging agricultural practices. The Aksumite Empire, Ethiopia (images via: wikimedia commons) A major participant in trade with the Roman Empire and Ancient India, the Aksumite Empire – also known as the Kingdom of Aksum or Axum – ruled over northeastern Africa including Ethiopia starting in the 4th century BCE. Theorized to be the home of the Queen of Sheba, the Aksumite Empire was likely an indigenous African development that grew to encompass most of present-day Eritrea, northern Ethiopia, Yemen, southern Saudi Arabia and northern Sudan. The empire had its own alphabet and erected enormous obelisks including the Obelisk of Axum, which still stands. It was the first major empire to convert to Christianity. Axum’s decline has been variously blamed on economic isolation due to the expansion of the Islamic Empire, invasions, or climate change which altered the flood pattern of the Nile. The Minoans, Crete (images via: wikimedia commons) Named after the mythical king Minos, the Minoan civilization of Crete wasn’t rediscovered until early in the 20th century, but since then we have uncovered fascinating puzzle pieces of an ancient civilization that began flourishing over 7,000 years ago, hitting its zenith around 1600 BCE. Centers of commerce appeared around 2700 BCE, and as the civilization advanced, palaces of greater and greater complexity were built and rebuilt following series of disasters – likely earthquakes and eruptions of the Thera volcano. One of these palaces was Knossos, the ‘labyrinth’ associated with the legend of Minos, which is now a major archaeological site and tourist attraction. But sometime around 1450 BCE, there was an unknown disaster that the Minoans apparently weren’t able to recover from, and the civilization met its downfall. In moved the Mycenaeans – who would later join the Minoans in the void of vanished empires. Fun fact: the Minoan script, known as Linear A, remains undeciphered. The Cucuteni-Trypillians, Ukraine & Romania (images via: wikimedia commons, germanici) The largest settlements in Neolithic Europe were built by the Cucuteni-Trypillians of modern-day Ukraine, Romania and Moldova. This mysterious civilization, which flourished between 5500 BCE and 2750 BCE, is characterized by its uniquely patterned pottery and by its bizarre habit of burning its own villages to the ground every 60 to 80 years. The villages were rebuilt again and again, on top of the ashes of the old ones. About 3,000 Cucuteni-Trypillian archaeological sites have been identified including what may be the world’s oldest saltworks. Like so many other civilizations, the Cucuteni-Trypillians may have been wiped out by climate change, but other theories suggest that they gradually blended with other groups until their own culture was lost. The Nabateans, Jordan (images via: wikimedia commons) The ancient Nabatean civilization occupied southern Jordan, Canaan and northern Arabia starting in the sixth century BCE, when the Aramaic-speaking Nabatean nomads began gradually migrating from Arabia. Their legacy is epitomized by the breathtaking city of Petra, carved into the solid sandstone rock of Jordan’s mountains, and they are remembered for their skill in water engineering, managing a complex system of dams, canals and reservoirs which helped them expand and thrive in an arid desert region. Little is known of their culture and no written literature survives. They were overtaken by the Romans in 65 BCE, who took full control by 106 CE, renaming the kingdom Arabia Petrea. Sometime around the 4th century CE, the Nabateans left Petra for unknown reasons. It’s believed that, after centuries of foreign rule, the Nabatean civilization was reduced to disparate groups of Greek-writing peasants who were eventually converted to Christianity before their lands were seized altogether by Arab invaders. Cahokia, Illinois, United States (images via: wikimedia commons) Few Americans realize that we have the remains of a lost ancient civilization right here in the United States – in Illinois, just across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri. The Cahokia Mounds Historic Site is all that is left of an indigenous civilization of the Mississippian culture, settled around 600 CE. The inhabitants of Cahokia did not seem to keep written records, but preserved at this World Heritage Site are a series of grass-covered man-made ‘mounds’ as well as pottery and other artifacts. Cahokia was once the largest urban center north of the great Mesoamerican cities of Mexico and may have once been home to as many as 40,000 people – greater, in the year 1250 CE, than the population of London, England, or that of any American city that was to come until Philadelphia around the year 1800. Cahokia was abandoned around 100 years before Europeans arrived in North America, possibly due to environmental factors or invasion of outside peoples. The Mycenaean Civilization, Greece (images via: clairity, wikimedia commons) Unlike the Minoans before them, the Mycenae didn’t flourish by trade alone – they set out to conquer, and expanded into an empire that overtook much of Greece. Hitting its peak right around the time the Minoans disappeared, the Mycenaean civilization enjoyed five centuries of domination before vanishing sometime around 1100 BCE. Hellenic legend holds that the Mycenae defeated the possibly mythological Troy, and the empire’s artifacts have been found as far away as Ireland. In fact, this culturally and economically wealthy civilization has left behind a wealth of art, architecture and artifacts. What happened to the Mycenae? Natural disasters are possible, but most experts believe that it was either foreign invaders or internal conflict that brought about the end to this once-great empire. Moche Civilization, Peru (images via: national geographic, inkanatura) More of a collection of peoples that shared a similar culture than an empire, the Moche civilization developed an agriculturally-based society complete with palaces, pyramids and complex irrigation canals on the north coast of Peru between about 100 and 800 CE. While they had no predominant written language, leaving us few clues as to their history, they were an extraordinarily artistic and expressive people who left behind incredibly detailed pottery and monumental architecture. In 2006, a Moche chamber was discovered that was apparently used for human sacrifice, containing the remains of human offerings. There are many theories as to why the Moche disappeared, but the most prevalent explanation is the effect of El Nino, a pattern of extreme weather characterized by alternating periods of flooding and extreme droughts. Perhaps this explains the Moche’s bloody efforts to appease the gods. Clovis Culture, North America (images via: clovis in the southeast, wikimedia commons) Very little is known about the Clovis culture, a prehistoric Paleo-Indian people that were thought to have been the first human inhabitants of North America. Archaeologists have tentatively dated artifacts found at an archaeological site near Clovis, New Mexico at 11,500 RCYBP (radiocarbon years before present), equal to about 13,500 calendar years, but dating beyond 10,000 years is considered unreliable. The artifacts, bone and stone blades known as Clovis points, are among the only clues we have that this group – technically not a civilization – ever existed. In the last thirty years, remains of possibly older human activity have been discovered, calling the Clovis’ status into question, but whether or not they were first, they did disappear rather abruptly. Some speculate that the Clovis overhunted, compromising their own food supply, or that climate change, disease and predators took their toll. Others believe that the Clovis didn’t disappear at all, but simply dispersed into the beginnings of early Native American tribes.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Higher Self WTF!?

Is anyone else confused about, Higher Self, Knowing Self, Jesus Awareness, God Self....Oh my god. I don't know about you all but this stuff is so complicated how is one to find inner peace when most spiritual newagey people are so in there heads. Have you heard them talk about this? OMG! I just fall asleep when they go about explaining what's higher and what's lower self and Jesus or God Consiscouness WTF!? I don't know when it happened but western spiritual culture at some point in there enlightened awakening made a huge Left and disconnected from there bodies, right into there heads. Well not me. Is it me or do most New Agers seem to all appear to be recovering catholics, or survialists of chrisianity (not going to win any popularity contests for saying that) and make everything about spirit in what they know from.....CHURCH. Exibit A "Christ Consciouness" And as soon as they get in a postion of New Ager power ie: leaders of Talking Circle, or Yoga Groups or dare I say it make everything into some sort of God, Jesus reference WTF. They suddenly create Priest qualities. Ie: If you want to know anything about spirit ask me because I am the door way to....Your higher self. Hello...really!? Then they proceed to complicate a simple process into a mind bloggaling diatribe of the ins and outs of Christ Cousiness and Your Higher Self. LOL. Crazy?..Hell yeah. In my humble opinion...Higher Self turns into mind numbing, soul sucking separation. The Head takes off into the stratosphere, leaving the rest of the body to the human experience. Which goes into ego, that goes into most folks thinking they're are some sort of Ascended Master. Really. So okay Duende, Mister Smarty Pants what do you listen too, when struck with a deep ethral question? My go to is this: Your heart. Duende is that it? Yep. Don't not separate you Body, mind and Soul. And your soul is Aka: Your heart. Simply put, its the best thing to follow and it doesn't get intellucally complicated where you figure you need a PHD to understand it. If you don't believe me, then go ahead and listen to the New enlightened Agers...most are in there HEAD. Why? Cause if they can complicate it so much that you're having trouble with the concepts they've complicated then ultimately you'll...follow them. Does this sound like...Church Cult Mentallity. Hell yah. (I am so, not going to be popular lol) Step 1 look at your shit and deal with it. Which is easier said then done. Step 2 The heart will never lie, so are you ready to hear and follow your truth. Step 3 Listening to inner guidance is not complicated and if it is, don't follow it, because then you'll go right into your head and...separte guess it, separation of life the universe and everything. My Uncle was a prime example of that. He could complicate the simplist concepts into PhD material when its ultimately "Childs Play". Here's a basic rule, if a 5 year old can't get it then it ain't worth listening to hours of "Verbal Diarehia". Follow Your Heart. That's the answer to understanding what, where, how and why to the Universal Questions or to following your own path. Wether it be God, Jahovah, Buddha, Alah, Creator, Great Spirit, Geometrics, or the Grand Nothingness of Being of Atheisist. Whatever floats your boat. But most of all through your journey, my best advice is get outta your head, and spot trying to figure out what's higher or lower or inner self. Its messed up and will fuck with your head. Simply put....Follow your Heart. It'll never steer you wrong. And side note...Its been scienctically proven that your Heart has as many brain cells as your Brain! PS. When in doubt, children have got this down, look to them for guidance. Watch them play and know the universe. Duende Nadderd (c)2023