Saturday, September 2, 2023

Power Comes From?

After years and years I've begun to realise that magic/medicine is attracted/attached to kindness. No way really I believe this to my core. Some people will have you think that you'll get there by reading books, sweat lodges, halucanigtics, vision quests, yoga...and it does but does not quite quite quite attract Power/Magic/Medicine, like Random Acts of Kindness. I said to my 3 year old nephew "Do you want to be the strongest man in the whole eyed world?" And he looked at me in awe and said.."Yes, Uncle yes!" I smile and reply: "BE GENTLE". I know what you're thinking, nah it can't be that simple. It is! You can take my word for it, or prove me wrong. What goes around comes around. Power is within us all people say but as I tell my friends "We can all boil water but how many become Chef's? So how do you enhance the Power/Magic/Medicine. You are born with it, some more than others, but to enhance it you have not to desire it, the more you focus on it the more it runs away from you. Now wait a minute did I just contradict myself. Yes I did. And how has this got to do with Kindness? The more you help others, the more you focus on something more than yourself. The more you practice Random Acts of Kindness, the better you feel about yourself and the better you feel about yourself, the more you love you, more Acts of Kindess and the less random they become. Then you move into the flow and then start to trust where that flow will take you. You let go of preconsieved ideas on what you want or about chasing Power. And then you may begun to reconginse Magic/Medicine/Power coming back into your life. Wealth beyound the imagination, with family, with friends, and it all will flow towards you, into you, around you. Kindness so easy of a concept, difficult in practice. Well its not and it is. Clearing the way is helping yourself to become more than you ever imagined. No harm to any sentinet creature. Heal is the face of Nastyness. Help in every moment in every way you can. Medicine/Magic/Power will come. Duende Naddred 2023 (c)

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