Friday, September 1, 2023

How do I see spirits? I was asked.

A friend of mine the other day, asked me how I saw spirits. I thought how odd...I've never thought about it. I asked her..."What do you mean?" You see I thought everyone saw spirits the same but when I inqured with my friend, I realized that we saw spirits very differently and sometimes the same. Very Interesting. So I thought alot about it and here's what I've come up with: I see spirits in a miriade of different ways. I rarely see them in visicual form in this world (Reality as we are told it)and if I do it will only be for 1-5 seconds which is a long time, even though you may think its a blink. Here's an experiment: Stand in a room, pick an object in the corner of the room, such as a lamp (in semi darkness) and then imagine yourself shitty your pants because what's appeared infront of you should not be there! Everything you have ever been taught speaks to the impossible, as it is absoultely 100% impossible but there is a person standing in the corner of the room looking at you (sometimes talking to you). Then image the fear you have as your paradigm is blown wide open and you're absoultely freaking out! Now count to 5 slowly.... Its a long interaction, trust me. This has happened to me sincet I was wee, way back when I remember. I've seen an angel float around my bed, I've seen my grandfarther, I've seen my dad in a british WWII army uniform float through a dark room at the foot of my bed. I've seen an ElF on the side of the highway in bright daylight and yes he was wearing a wee little pointy hat, a nice suit and pointy shoes. To name a few. The list goes on. However its not always how I see spirits. When I drive down the HWY I see dead people, but rarely in visicual form. I feel see them. I get a ping in my heart, an energy signature you could say and then I get images that start from those energy signature from my heart (The heart has as many brain cells as the brain does. Really look it up) which transfers it to my brain who puts together the energy signatures and translates it into form. This takes milliseconds and then I get an image of who is dead on the side of the road. I also hear them talking to me and that also gives me energy signatures which translates into the image in my head. I don't see the image of the person on the side of but more in my head. Its at this time, driving 80 -120 k that I can figure out how to help them. "Oh thats JUST your imagination" I hear you saying...Well of course it is where else does this Reality come from. Or "its all in your head" ....well dah, of course it is, but who says is not real? Well the NORMY"S say its not real, the majority say its not real. Have you met those people? Lovely but they tend to buy into this REALITY Narative 100%. Its not been my experience throughout my life. And what I'm sharing today is my experiences and what I see in this WORLD REALITY and how I see it. I can feel/see spirits walk across a room. My Heart/brain recognises a different energy signature and then the process of figuring out who it is begins. I start sleuthing. The more you know who you are the more you know who you're not. I have worked on my issue's from my past that I have become very clear of my own energy signature and when I'm alone in a room and another energy signature aka spirit I can feel/see who they are very quickly. Relying on your eyes and brain leaves you blind but using your heart, your gut feelings, your spiday senses, all senses and trusting them takes you into the other worlds, because they are colliding and interacting with us all the time. Not evey second, or minute but often, very often throughout the day. The more you know yourself, eat right: Stop eating sugar (sorry but true)dairy and wheat. All stimulants, coffee to pharma to drugs (sticome inhance the seeing but I don't recommend doing them day to day.Save for special times of the year ie: Equionx, Solstice etc. You get the idea. I hear voices in my head.OMG! Really but no one is trying to get me to do harm to anyone and if they did I'd tell them to bugger off! I don't have to listen everything, I'm discerning, I break it down. I won't react or do anything I've interacted with the spirit until the 3rd incounter. I seen alot of phenomenon and a great memory and am able to cross reference my past with the present. I have spirits that talk to me in sleeping dreams. Mostly benevolent. Even in the sleeping dreams I can sense/feel a spirit who's interacting with me. I've also seen Nastly Bits Of Business. Hooded Assasins, Hounds, Nasty Aliens (Majority are Kind) and other creatures that are scary as FCK. I sense/feel who and what they are and they can't hide from me in the sleeping dream or this world or any other worlds. Its like I have special vison. I use my heartbrain my gut feelings, my spidey senses but I've been doing it for so long that its become a wonderful acute tool and what used to take hours now takes milliseconds to figure out. I once had an Aunty say to me "...YOu are very strong." I looked at her and said ...."What do you mean.I'm strong intutively or what?" She said..."You have a huge heart."( This is how I see. The bigger your heart the better your sight into the magical other worlds and they're lots of those. So If you want to see...clear out your baggage, your pain, your bullshit....and trust in your heartbrain,your gut, your spidey senses. Its an easy process and a difficult journey. Letting go of all your trauma...phew its a process, with lots of tears and then after alot of work, you smile more and see and see and see. Wow!! I'm writing this because we all think we see the same. This is my way, my process of seeing. Sense/Feel/See. BODY feel/senses MIND processes and opens the door to your imagination (which is the doorway to the Dream/other worlds) and SOUL heart/spirit. All have to work together in order to SENSE/FEEL and after a while viscually interact with a enity/spirit/other world creature. Spirti Driven - Alien Inspired Duende Naddred 2023 (c)

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