I thought it was just me wanting to save the world. No seriously it what I came here to do but I always thought it was just me. I'm writing this now because I had a conversation with a dear friend of mine in the Netherlands, just the other night.
She said that since she was young she'd always wanted to save the world, even though she was so young she didn't entirely know how or what to do. She just knew it was something that was calling her to do. Then she ask "Duende, do you know what I mean? Have you ever felt that way?"
Wow, wow, wow! I thought I was alone. I don't have normal goals like other folks or most folks: I'm not as interested in climbing a corporate ladder or get a house, and 6 figure wage. Having kids though was always super important to me because It's apart of continue with the legacy of life. So when my friend asked me this question about saving the world, it was a question that I never ever thought some one would ask me if I ever thought about it. Are you kidding me. I have been on this trail since I was really young, age 7 I think is when it all began for me.
My wise old dead friends (guides) asked me to figure out a "Revolution" that works. I thought about this and thought about this, for the next 20 years. Then it was a big "Ah ha moment" I don't think of it myself, I probably read it somewhere but I figure out a "Revolution" that works because mostly always "Revolutions" do not work. They start off with grandeous idea's and ideals with passionate people and then it is documented that most "Revolution's" that revolt from oppression of awful tyranny become worse when they gain power than the power they over threw. I finally found the answer: the only "Revolution" that works is when you take the "R" out of it and it stead of "Revolution" it turns into "Evolution" and that'll work.
That's the first I knew of what new I had to do. Most people think that this has got to be the most crazy thing to do. Fuck it! I'm crazy, happily so. I'm doing it. This was my answer to my friend:
I have a connection with the "White Botherhood" or "The Warriors of the Light" strictly other world peoples, they are magical people who come down and assist me in the middle of the night around 2 or 3 oclock in the morning. I always know it was them because I (still happening) and wake up with my heart beating so fast, and feeling in the other world with an heightened energy, it was over the roof.
I'd gone on my first "Vision Quest" and met 101 "White Robes" (with gold sashes around there waist). The first times I've met them in such numbers but before that I've seen them in 3's and 6's.
I'd just came back from a circle when everyone was talking about at end times and Captain Ashtar would come down and save only "144,00" people. I know humanity only to well and I know who'd be on that ship, all "A Type" personalities all Alpha all over the top and mostly probably the odds are that kindness was not going to be at the top of the most wanted list.
I turned to my other world friends "The White BotherHood" and asked if that name means that they were from a the "White Pointed Hat White Cape", cross burning guys?" They laughed and said, "Oh no Duende, no not at all." I smiled and sighed with big relief. "Okay here's my question?" They laughed again (in a good way), " Ask Little One" (thats what they call me)
"Who gets to go?"
"At the end times, who gets to go?"
"Anyone with Hope in there heart."
"Even my special needs friend, that don't look so good, that most people have trouble looking at?"
"Yes even them."
"How many?"
"As many as you can touch."
"If you give me enough time, I'll touch the world. Does the whole world get to go?"
"Little One, if you can touch the whole world, then they get to go. "
"Okay, then I'll do it. "
"Yes Little One we think you will."
My friend sat there in silence for a long time and we knew we knew, something was going on.
That's my most crazy story, (well one of them, haha I've got many wonderous out there stories) and now what about you out there, readers? Have you, like my Netherlander friend and I, have you got this same calling? I always thought that I had this passion by my own self and yes I sometimes I think I'm delusional but I don't stop. I'll let people deal with climate change, and deal with recycling but for me, me, I'm here to deal with HOPE in the SOUL. That is my goal. Do you smell what I'm cooking! This is the core of me, of my being, everywhere I go, whatever I do, that's why I do this blog, to grow HOPE from the DEPTHS of my SOUL to YOURS.
Duende (c)
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