Tuesday, March 12, 2019

How to Drum and Chant

The great thing about drumming and chanting is it allows you to emotionally process on a deeper cellular level which has been proven (you’ll be relieved to know) by science.  This makes me laugh because aboriginal peoples all over the world have known this for Millennium but now its good cause science deems it so. 
1. Make a drum approx. 12 to 16 inches in diameter. I recommended a North American native hand drum because they’re light weight, easier to carry around and the single beating rhythm requires little expertise to achieve a good solid sound which is great because then you can be just concerned with your own self, your own song, and your own way.

2. If you can’t make or find a workshop to make a Native Hand Drum then I suggest buying one. Who you purchase it from is not as important as to how the drum makes you feel. If the drum speaks to you then I highly recommend buying it. How do you know the drum is speaking to you? You’ll get really excited and overwhelmed when you look at the drum. It will spin your head a little (sometimes a lot) you’ll lose your ability to concentrate, outside noise will get very echoey and you’ll have difficulty conversing with anyone who’s trying to talk to you in that moment. This is called being “PULLED” by your medicine which is another way to say your heart feelings because that is where Medicine/Magic comes from, from love.

3. Look for a good place to drum. A quiet place that makes your heart soar, that gives you a good feeling inside, that makes your senses light up and leaves you a tiny bit off balance and feeling light headed. I have discovered from years of trial and error that trusting my gut is a good way to find a strong spiritual place, a sacred place, a place supported by the ancestors of the land, and by your ancestors from your long-forgotten past.

4. You can also paint a symbol on your drum or have one that painted on the drum or even buy one already painted. The more you make it your own the more power/magic/medicine/love it will have.

5. Treat your drum as you would a loved one i.e.  a grandmother or grandfather, uncle or an Aunty. 

6. Rub the drum/your grandparent three times to wake he/she up and in a clockwise (to wake him/her up) and after you’re finished, in counter-clockwise direction (to put her/him back to sleep).

7. Carry sweet grass in your drum case. Your ancestor, the drum, will love that.

8. Choose to drum in a secluded spot (bring a friend along for comfort and extra safety), close to a river, or a lake or ocean, or on the top or a hill, or on the outcrop of rock overlooking a valley, or in the desert, these are usually high energy places.  Let your heart guide you. You’ll know when it's right, it’ll just hit your heart with a big psychic woosh like a gust of wind that comes up out of nowhere.

9. Have a ritual, or prayer to start the ceremony and one to end the ceremony. Whistle three times to start and three times to end. You can also pound your beater on your drum three times it will achieve the same result. I find this calls in the ancestors to you or says “Hey, I’m ready to go here and I need support.” And the ancestors will come whether you’re aware of it or not.

10. Start beating slow and steady. Don’t worry about being the best (our pop culture melba toast society is always grading each other which I find stifles creativity) just hum in the beginning and then the sound emerges from your heart, up into your throat and out into the world as sound. If you are shy about this and need some help knowing how to do this then go to a chanting workshop, or a vocal sound workshop, or a drumming workshop, in the town or city nearest you.

11. If you begin to cry, then sing and cry. If you want to scream, then sing and scream. If you want to laugh, then laugh and play and sing. Dance drum and sing if the desire arises.

12. If you are moved to write songs then write songs.

13. If you are moved to go to talking circles or drumming circles then go to those circles and pray and play. A note about doing this, be in the group and be an individual, try not to compare yourself to anyone else. This can be a bit of an obstacle in our competitive culture.

14. I recommend doing this once a week or twice or even three or four times a week and every day if need be. It’ll only make you feel great.

15. When you finished your whole body will hum, and you can feel light headed, make sure you drink plenty of water. Don’t stand and leave right away, wait for at least 15 minutes that way you take in the whole experience fully.  Whistle three times (this is what I do but they are no rules around this) or pound your beater on your drum three times then stand up to leave but whatever you do move really slowly. No matter how intense it was or exhilarating do not leave your sacred place quickly.

16. When you are finished be mindful to pull your spiritual light back in, it’s now going to be supernova big (in the beginning you might not feel this way but just because you are not aware does not mean it’s not occurring) make sure you make your spiritual supernova  light self-back into small candle light. Another medicine thing to do is to shower when they get home, cold as you can stand it. Doing this will help to keep your heart centered and lower the chances of the possibility of painful headaches in the morning. 

17. In the days to follow you will feel relaxed, blissed out, calm, heart-centered and at peace.

Duende (c)

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