circles as they are commonly called were initially thought to have originated
in Britain
in the 1970’s. However “saucer nests”, (depressions in grassy/reedy areas in
Australian swamps were reported in the 1960’s. Also swirled in a clocklike
pattern). Circle researchers have now uncovered historical woodcuts that seems
to indicate that farmers were aware of these “devil patterns” as far back as
the 1700’s.
media attention was drawn to these formations when two retired gentleman
commonly known as Dug and Dave came forth to publicly claim that they were
responsible for the multitude of formations that were being reported around the
country. This was in the early eighties. They obligingly demonstrated the
method they used. A long piece of string, and a board that they used to
methodically compress the grain, this technique was illustrated during the
light of day. No one (amongst the media) deemed it necessary to ask them to
produce these intricate, precise, and sometimes large formations during the
hours of darkness. Nor did it seem to occur to anyone that maybe interviewing
their wives as to what they thought about their hubbies nocturnal activities
which seemed to require them being away from home as often as two hundred times
a year!
that time the formations have not only increased in size but also in complexity
and when seen from the air are breath takingly beautiful. The observer can
hardly be less than impressed by the scale and care that the artist/s have
exhibited in creating these portraits in a variety of material. They have been
found in grass, wheat, flax, maize, sugar cane, and forest trees. For some
strange reason they are often located in close proximity to ancient and
historical sites, even more attention grabbing is the fact they regularly turn
the same location on a yearly basis.
visitors to the formations have reported a wide variety of unusual effects such
as; dizziness, asthmatic symptoms disappear, headaches suddenly arrive, cameras
won’t work, nor will tape recorders, neither dogs nor cows will readily enter
the formations.
variety of theories are offered as to whom and what is causing them: Everything
from vortexes, unusual wind patterns, UFO’s and inevitably with regrettable
justification and a degree of pride, copy cat hoaxers. It is apparent that
although these formations have been reported in twenty six countries the
various governments are equally puzzled. For in Britain evidence has surfaced that
indicates various agencies including the military are equally puzzled and
therefore interested.
film and still photos have frequently shown balls of what appear to be
intelligently controlled (lights/objects?) moving around in and over the
formations during the daytime as well as at night.
we being led to look up and out? Is this another learning curve for humanity?
further information
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