first case that came to the public’s attention was in 1961 when Betty and
Barney Hill were driving home to Portsmouth , New Hampshire on their return from Canada . They encountered a large
UFO en route and subsequently revealed (under hypnosis) that they had shared an
abduction by the crafts crew members, which also resulted in a detailed
“medical” examination of them both. In 1966, Random House published their
story, entitled, “Interrupted Journey”.
resulted more people coming forward, (albeit reluctantly) to relate similar
stories. Since that time various estimates have emerged that possibly millions
and most certainly thousands of people throughout the world have experienced
this unsought intervention, often since childhood.
that time the scientific community has to a small extent become publicly
involved with Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack, Dr. David Jacobs and Dr.
Edith Fiore all engaged in trying to determine what is exactly taking place.
Clearly commonalities have emerged but the proverbial “smoking gun” is yet to
be found.
the most attention getting book to arrive in the public arena was Whitley
Streibers personal account of on going events in his life. This resulted in
more ripples within the media than anything else offered to the public, other
than possibly the two movies, “E.T.” and “Close Encounters…”
the time it is very apparent that whatever is taking place in those unfortunate
people’s lives, it didn’t begin yesterday. Research has long since established
that it begins at an early age,(even around the crib stage) and continues on
throughout that persons child bearing years. In many cases the intruder activity can be traced
through four generations and is frequently found occurring through four
generations. People with both Jewish, Native Indian and Celtic back ground seem
more likely to be selected victims. Who the abductors are what they want, why
they are here and from where they come, we do not know.
more information
first case that came to the public’s attention was in 1961 when Betty and
Barney Hill were driving home to Portsmouth , New Hampshire on their return from Canada . They encountered a large
UFO en route and subsequently revealed (under hypnosis) that they had shared an
abduction by the crafts crew members, which also resulted in a detailed
“medical” examination of them both. In 1966, Random House published their
story, entitled, “Interrupted Journey”.
resulted more people coming forward, (albeit reluctantly) to relate similar
stories. Since that time various estimates have emerged that possibly millions
and most certainly thousands of people throughout the world have experienced
this unsought intervention, often since childhood.
that time the scientific community has to a small extent become publicly
involved with Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack, Dr. David Jacobs and Dr.
Edith Fiore all engaged in trying to determine what is exactly taking place.
Clearly commonalities have emerged but the proverbial “smoking gun” is yet to
be found.
the most attention getting book to arrive in the public arena was Whitley
Streibers personal account of on going events in his life. This resulted in
more ripples within the media than anything else offered to the public, other
than possibly the two movies, “E.T.” and “Close Encounters…”
the time it is very apparent that whatever is taking place in those unfortunate
people’s lives, it didn’t begin yesterday. Research has long since established
that it begins at an early age,(even around the crib stage) and continues on
throughout that persons child bearing years. In many cases the intruder activity can be traced
through four generations and is frequently found occurring through four
generations. People with both Jewish, Native Indian and Celtic back ground seem
more likely to be selected victims. Who the abductors are what they want, why
they are here and from where they come, we do not know.
more information

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