Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Conspiracy of Sugar Sugar

It is not hard to believe in the Conspiracy Theories when you start to look at sugar and how inundated it is in our society. I will go as far to say it is most likely the first entry drug in a long line of drugs/medication that is used to sedate and control the population of the world.

If you walk into any Elementary school guess what you will find in the hallways? Pop Machines! In the canteen during lunch guess what they sell in out of there? 95 % sugar. Seriously I’ve seen it firsthand. And so, it goes right on through Junior High School and right up to High School and well into Universities. Why are Coke and Pepsi in the schools? Well if they can get the children hooked on their product early they will use it for life. And why isn’t anyone stopping this in the school systems? Well because of government funding cutbacks, and the athletic departments need to pay for new jersey’s and for the buses to be able to ship their teams back and forth to tournaments. I worked in a Junior High School and I figured the PE Department must be pulling in at least $15,000 a year in revenue from the machines alone.

Ah, Sugar, (sweet sugar) that destroys everyone’s immune system and keeps us all perpetually ill. Now just think about it for a second if you wanted to control people how would you go about it? By keeping them sick of course because just by keeping them ill will keep their focus on themselves and not on anything else. Especially the government or forget the government the corporations, big business, the government is just a bunch of puppets of economic kingpins anyway.

You can’t get anything done when you’re battling one cold after another, now can you, or can you? Having a Cold, this is just the tip of the iceberg, what about diabetes or all the other ways sugar can affect your health negatively.  You don’t even need an army to subdue the masses when you got sugar because sugar is a sweet drug, it keeps you stupid and tired. Apathy is an epidemic problem in our society is it not?

Do you know what happens to a Car if you put sugar into a gas tank of a car? It kills the engine. Ah, white death so simple so subtle.

Who needs to go further than sugar to see the possibility of a conspiracy theory?
Do you realize that if you walk into a supermarket, (any supermarket) the only things that don’t have sugar in them are on the outside walls where all the fresh produce and meats are? That means that 90% of a grocery store has some form of sugar in it.

Don’t take my word for it go read the labels.

A friend of mine told me she even found sugar in “Windsor Salt.” Why would it be in there?  To keep you coming back of course.

There is one natural sugar that doesn’t affect your blood stream and that is “Stevia” a sweetener derived from plants. I tend to use “Stevia” which is been mixed with Mandarin oil or other extracts. This takes that tin flavor away (most products now don’t have this problem anymore) that tends to a company “Stevia” when you use too much.

It is expensive in comparison but pay now or pay later. You can pay a little extra now or pay for all the hospital bills later on in life, oh let's say about the ripe old age of 45, take your pick.

Read “Sugar Blues” by William Dufty. It’s a real eye opener.

Duende (c)

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