While it may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, the concept of fairy bloodlines among the human population dates back to Celtic folklore. Celts believed that there were certain members of their royal family that possessed fairy blood elevating them to a higher status in their society. Not only were they a member of the royal family, but they were tasked with the important job of protecting this unique royal blood both for the future of their family as well as to safeguard the future of the human population as a whole.
As this bloodline continued to grow and develop, their story was shared across the lands. Various cultures and religions picked up on the folklore surrounding their gift, desiring to marry into the bloodline in hopes of also being blessed by their gift.

Source: Patheos
The fairies as depicted in ancient Celtic folklore was very different from the tiny, magical, winged creatures that come to mind today. They could often pass as human, being of the same size and shape, however, they possessed magical powers and appeared to never age. The didn’t have wings or other obvious physical differences, allowing them to walk among humans undetected. The Welsh even believed that fairies were also mortal, however, their lives lasted much longer than that of their human counterparts, often living hundreds or thousands of years.
As these fairies traveled freely among us, it is no surprise that tales exist of romantic connections developing. In many cases, it is said, humans weren’t even necessarily aware that their partner was a fairy! If these relationships resulted in a child, it would go one of two ways: A child born of a human mother and a fairy father appeared human, however, they likely possessed the magical abilities of a fairy handed down from their father. A child born of a fairy mother and a human father was, instead, born in the fairy world and was described as being ‘ethereal’.

Source: Exemplore
Other stories were shared of fairies who would steal the child of a human couple leaving, in its place, a fairy baby. The parents, unaware that the swap had occurred, would raise a child with abilities that they may not be able to explain. These children are known as ‘changelings.’ Venturing into a more energy based explanation, some believe that those who carry fairy blood are created when our souls are called to our body. Due to some mystical confusion or error, instead of simply drawing a human soul and placing it into the body, a fairy soul is transported.
Regardless of how this comes to be, the blessings and honors of descending from a fairy bloodline have been passed down from generation to generation. Do you believe that you may have been born with this magical blood flowing through your veins?
Here Are 15 Signs That You Descended From A Fairy Bloodline:

While it may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, the concept of fairy bloodlines among the human population dates back to Celtic folklore. Celts believed that there were certain members of their royal family that possessed fairy blood elevating them to a higher status in their society. Not only were they a member of the royal family, but they were tasked with the important job of protecting this unique royal blood both for the future of their family as well as to safeguard the future of the human population as a whole.
As this bloodline continued to grow and develop, their story was shared across the lands. Various cultures and religions picked up on the folklore surrounding their gift, desiring to marry into the bloodline in hopes of also being blessed by their gift.

Source: Patheos
The fairies as depicted in ancient Celtic folklore was very different from the tiny, magical, winged creatures that come to mind today. They could often pass as human, being of the same size and shape, however, they possessed magical powers and appeared to never age. The didn’t have wings or other obvious physical differences, allowing them to walk among humans undetected. The Welsh even believed that fairies were also mortal, however, their lives lasted much longer than that of their human counterparts, often living hundreds or thousands of years.
As these fairies traveled freely among us, it is no surprise that tales exist of romantic connections developing. In many cases, it is said, humans weren’t even necessarily aware that their partner was a fairy! If these relationships resulted in a child, it would go one of two ways: A child born of a human mother and a fairy father appeared human, however, they likely possessed the magical abilities of a fairy handed down from their father. A child born of a fairy mother and a human father was, instead, born in the fairy world and was described as being ‘ethereal’.

Source: Exemplore
Other stories were shared of fairies who would steal the child of a human couple leaving, in its place, a fairy baby. The parents, unaware that the swap had occurred, would raise a child with abilities that they may not be able to explain. These children are known as ‘changelings.’ Venturing into a more energy based explanation, some believe that those who carry fairy blood are created when our souls are called to our body. Due to some mystical confusion or error, instead of simply drawing a human soul and placing it into the body, a fairy soul is transported.
Regardless of how this comes to be, the blessings and honors of descending from a fairy bloodline have been passed down from generation to generation. Do you believe that you may have been born with this magical blood flowing through your veins?
Here Are 15 Signs That You Descended From A Fairy Bloodline:
1.From a young age, you were drawn to all things involving spirituality and folklore. You were curious, wanting to learn more even if it went against the beliefs that you were raised with. Anytime that you did decide to experiment you discovered that you were naturally gifted in these areas.
2.You operate at a lower body temperature than the people around you. This may be discovered through touching your skin, or through taking your temperature as some individuals who descend from a fairy bloodline will even run a chronically low blood temperaturecompared to their human counterparts. Despite your skin being oddly cool to the touch people find this to be comforting rather than off-putting.
3.You experience a ‘white noise’ sound nearly all the time in your ears. This isn’t a distinguishable sound like a ringing that can be explained away, it is more of a ‘feeling’. The sound gets louder anytime that you are receiving premonitions about the future, or experiencing strong ‘gut feelings’ about what is to come.
4. Your eyes appear to have a magical power all of their own. Others describe being drawn to your gaze, captivated and under your spell. You generally don’t need to say a word in order to win others over, you just look deep into their eyes and allow your natural abilities to take over.
5.You are drawn to the path of the healers, wanting to bring happiness, light, and healing to the world around you. This likely led you to a field such as that of a doctor, nurse, chiropractor, massage therapist, counselor, veterinarian or something similar in a healthcare related field.
6. Your sleep schedule always operates at one extreme of the spectrum or the other. You may find that you are constantly tired, sleeping ALL the time, awake and active only for very short periods of time. On the other hand, you may battle insomnia, sleeping far less than those around you and yet somehow discovering that you are blessed with more than enough energy to get through the day.
7. Throughout your childhood, you had no shortage of invisible friends, and they were VERY real to you. To this day you still firmly believe in these relationships and may even be hiding the fact that you still have invisible friends in your adult life.
8. You are highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields, experiencing headaches, stress, skin prickling, rashes, burning sensations and other health-related symptoms anytime you are in close proximity. This includes all frequencies, including fluorescent lighting, cell phone, and Wi-Fi routers.
9. You may feel as though something is ‘off’ in your family dynamic that you can’t quite put your finger on. You may even find that you question whether or not your parents are actually your parents as you have a sense that you may be adopted.
10. You have a strong love for all things related to music – including listening to music, singing, playing an instrument, composing, and dance. You believe that music is the key to expressing and dealing with all emotions and feelings that you may encounter in the world.
11. Your personality is often described as ‘different,’ ‘unusual,’ or ‘unique.’ Despite being different than those around you, however, others generally find you to be oddly attractive and seductive.
12. You feel an incredible sense of calm and comfort when you are surrounded by the natural environment. Plants, flowers, trees, insects, animals, and bodies of water are all known to help you to recharge and center your thoughts.
13. You feel as though you don’t quite ‘belong’ in the world that you live with. Despite your best efforts, you can’t connect with others or with the activities and events that you feel as though you should be able to connect with. Instead, you feel as though you are always distant, longing to travel and find something more.
14.You regularly drift off into daydreams, lost in your own world. The truth is that this isn’t ‘your own world’ that continues to draw you in, it is the realm of the fairy world. Even when you are ‘awake’ you may seem spacey or lacking focus.
15. You have noticed that children and babies naturally love you, always happy and content when they are in your presence. You also connect with animals better than most others. Regardless of the type of animal, you can calm them in seconds just by being with them.
Duende: Comments about this Blog below
I've posted this because it is something I didn't look at until 10 years ago even though I had experienced fairy world phenomenon, lol seems pretty obvious in retrospect.
If you are from Europe and you have a calling for Native Culture you might want to look into this ancestral magic as your aboriginal culture. Ireland and the Irish Folklore (they say its folklore but that doesn't mean it wasn't real or still is) with the *Tuatha De' Danann, and the *Celtic Picts would be a great place to start digging up your ancestral background. Another option would be looking into *Wicca Magic that was dominant across Europe before Rome wiped most of them out and then the Spanish Inquisition wiped out another 3 million. Leaving everyone even today concerned that these people of the earth or any one calling themselves that now, are evil (This of course is not true and I'd be more worried about, Presidents, Priests, Aldermen, Coaches or the select few in the Entertainment Industries.
We are all aboriginal all of us and just because you're getting called to a Native Path that might be the fact that they are the closet aboriginal's to you. If you where in Italy it would be Gypsy and if you were in Australia it would be the Aborigines of that land, and if you where in Mexico you'd be seeking out the Medicine People there. The Land will call you no matter where you go, follow that but also know that if you are European this might be a good thing to think about and explain alot of what might be going on with you. It did me.
*The Old Irish word tuath (plural tuatha) means "people, tribe, nation"; dé is the genitive case of día and, depending on context, can mean "god, gods, goddess" or more broadly "supernatural being, object of worship".[14] In the earliest writings, the mythical race are referred to as the Tuath Dé (plural Tuatha Dé).[1meaning "the folk of the goddess Danu"), also known by the earlier name Tuath Dé ("tribe of the gods"),[1] are a supernatural race in Irish mythology. They are thought to represent the main deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland.[1] The Tuatha Dé Danann constitute a pantheon whose attributes appeared in a number of forms throughout the Celtic world.[2]
*Celtic Picts of Scotland. ... They were called Picts by the Romans because they were “painted people” and even today we don't know what they called themselves. During the late Iron Age and early Medieval periods, the Picts were a tribal confederation of Celtic peoples living in ancient eastern and northern Scotland.
*Wicca Magic: Witchcraft or witchery broadly means the practice of and belief in magical skills and abilities exercised by solitary practitioners and groups. Witchcraft is a broad term that varies culturally and societally, and thus can be difficult to define with precision,[1] and cross-cultural assumptions about the meaning or significance of the term should be applied with caution. Witchcraft often occupies a religious divinatory or medicinal role,[2]and is often present within societies and groups whose cultural framework includes a magical world view.[1]
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