Sex and spirituality are entwined together like
two snakes spiraling upwards along a sword; they are wrapped together so tightly that it is very difficult to tell them
Sexuality is clearing long ago been detached
from spirituality. Sex is a confused convoluted bizarre event in our lifetime. I suspect it has been for last 2000
years in most Western cultures. If someone wanted to control our society and
keep us from discovering our true spiritual potential what better way to do it than by creating an environment where people
couldn’t trust themselves to know the difference between spirit intensity and
sexual intensity.
Get help friend, (a good therapist) and deal with
your past hurts/pain and then it will become a lot easier to understand what’s
going on in your body.
I once met a medicine woman much older than
myself; dressed in white from head to toe. (Which means she’s really really
spiritual right? Not!) And she said to me “My guides said it’s okay if we have
sex.” I looked at her thunderstruck then quickly regaining my composure, and
with my quick wit said; “Have you checked in with my spirit guides?”
“No,” she said. I replied “Well I have and they
said that it's not going to happen.”
Spirituality and sex are sometimes, not always, a nice disguise
for manipulation and control. Just because someone
is saying all the right things, wearing the right clothes and is acting like
they are really really spiritual doesn’t mean they are clear, sexually and
emotionally healthy. Be careful, be
aware, and be discerning.
If you are on a spiritual journey then please
consider this: If you think of yourself as a Medicine Person/Healer and that is
your soul's quest then that is what your whole being will do, consciously or
unconsciously. When you meet someone and they are in pain from trauma from
their life (who isn’t in this society) be aware that your whole Medicine Self
will help them heal; emotionally, spirituality, physically and SEXUALLY. As
soon as they have healed, they will most likely leave because they will not be
able to receive such big unconditional love because or your huge heart. It will
be difficult for them because you don’t desire to control and you want no
manipulations in the relationship, this is so foreign to people. They would
rather return to a potential messed up relationship than be in unconditional
love. It scares them to death to be loved so deeply.
I call this syndrome “Trouble believing you're worthy...worthy enough to be loved.” They will have no idea what to do with someone with such honesty. Are
you having TROUBLE believing you’re worthy enough to BE loved.
As a Medicine
Person/Healer, you are meant to help
people and watch them go on their way that is your job. If you have them stay
they will idolize you and put you up on a pedestal. Then later in your relationship they will have to
begin to find things wrong with you in order to topple the pedestal, to save
face and that’s painful and ugly for both parties involved. It’s okay for
people to come and go that’s the job you signed up for and it’s really okay as
long as you know it will occur and why.
I was once told by Si’Taxulwood;” You will never
have children or have a partner in your life. Your life is sacrificed for the
good of the people.” Doesn’t this statement sound like some sort of religious
hand me down of misery or what? It is true that your life is not your own but
that doesn’t mean to say that you can’t have a life while you hang out here and
help folks (by the way I have a family and I am very happy.) I had a chat with
my “Wise Old Dead Elders,” and they suggested to me that I am a Doctor on Call. So, when I’m needed, I
help. This is about 30% of my life and the other 70% is to do with as I want and
I integrate all of it into my day to day life.
Being a Medicine Person/Healer does not mean you
have to be alone for the rest of your life, although know it is a lonely path.
Know it, accept it and move on. Do not sell your soul down the river to be with
someone because you are deathly frightened of being alone. If you are doing
this then I ask you; “Are you having Trouble believing you're Worthy?” How’s your self-esteem?
Have you dealt with your past hurts/pain?
When you want to meet some to be with, find
someone who truly champions your heart. They are going to be the only person
who will be able to be with you and who won’t leave. If you settle for less you
will in the long run, sabotage yourself.
What are you looking for? Someone who is as
nice, honest, considerate, caring, giving, and gentle as you? No one else will
do. Really don’t take my word for it but if you want to save yourself a lot of
time and pain, why don’t you give it a whirl? What have you got to lose? What
are you frightened of? And most importantly imagine what you have got to gain?
And then when it finally happens and it will, oh
boy look out, the depth of intimacy is incredible! Love with Sex and
Medicine/Magic IS real intimacy. Sex without love tends to be shallow and dulls
in comparison with love, intimacy, and
sex over a lifetime. Love is about trust
and feeling safe (profoundly) with yourself. How can you have intimacy with
someone else when you can’t even TRUST to love yourself first? And as you trust
yourself more and more you will set up healthy boundaries around you because
you care, respect and love who you are. As soon as you have learned to trust
yourself then and only then will you feel SAFE enough to be able to let someone
in close enough to you to love you.
Sexually Awakening
I have filtered and kept a very close eye on my
spirit leaking through into my sexual intimacy. All sorts of psychic phenomena
has happened to me while having sex. It used to scare me because it felt out
of control and I didn’t know what to do with it when I’d be in the that
heightened state and then I would step into the Dreamtime, and a panther would
show up when I was reaching the heights of ecstasy. It is amazing to have this
occur but it can be extremely unnerving, if not frightening for your partner
who is witnessing and apart of the event at the time. I had one partner I was
with, her eye’s got really big and wide eyed! She was overwhelmed to say the least
because she knew that I was a Panther and that I was not entirely there. I was
but I wasn’t, I was having an out of body experience.
This used to trouble me a great deal but now
that I met someone who was open to SEXUAL MEDICINE I am in a much better place.
Here’s how it works; I’m a channel then it
stands to reason that when I’m in an altered state of awareness all sorts of
people and animals will want to channel through me when I reached that place of
Be aware that being Psychic/Clairvoyant/Empathic
just doesn’t stop when you decide you're going to get naked and share intimacy. It
will be DEEP, don’t think for a moment that CASUAL sex is going to happen, it
won’t! It will be very deep.
The depth of touching is incredible and if you
are lucky enough to find someone else who is just as aware as you are, Wow!! I
highly recommend “Spirit Mingling” which is when you bring your energy up more
into the forefront of who you are and you are both doing this together. When
you both hit the heights of Climax the BODY ORGASMS are amazing and you haven’t
even taken your clothes off.
I have had all sorts of creatures come through
me in times like this. I have a SERPENT
inside of me and I will invite her to be present for love making/mingling. This
can be done with your partner while being intimate or it can also happen in the
Dreamtime and you can Spirit Mingle from a distance (ask PERMISSION before
doing this with a new partner). Be mindful, if you do this gently and
respectfully then you will support a depth of intimacy that you may never have
come close to in your life. Creating a place of SAFETY and TRUST opens the door
mix, blend, intermingle, commingle, intermix, interweave, interlace, combine, merge, fuse, unite, join,
amalgamate, meld, mesh, coalesce, inter-blend; inter-flow.
Everyone has a familiar (a spirit creature) in the inside of who we are, mine is a Serpent. In the beginning I had no idea what was going on and she was so strong that she would come out, (when I was dancing mostly) and pull the other persons familiar out and interweave with them.

mix, blend, intermingle, commingle, intermix, interweave, interlace, combine, merge, fuse, unite, join,
amalgamate, meld, mesh, coalesce, inter-blend; inter-flow.
Everyone has a familiar (a spirit creature) in the inside of who we are, mine is a Serpent. In the beginning I had no idea what was going on and she was so strong that she would come out, (when I was dancing mostly) and pull the other persons familiar out and interweave with them.

Here's a visual to help you see what it would look like when to familiars Mingle but it's rarely two Serpents, or Dragon's. Be aware not to want it so bad that you don't see who you or your partner truly are. All familiars are powerful and can mingle. When I was aware of what was going on I was Mingling with my partner's White Tiger, it was still very very strong.
1.) Discover who and what type of familiar is inside of you(watch the movie the “Golden Compass or read the trilogy or books “His Dark Materials” by Philip Pullman to understand what I’m talking about. It’ll give you a better idea).. For example mine is Shayahrana and she is a Blue Serpent. I also have a Prehistoric Black Panther, but he is not my familiar, and a White Dire Wolf and she is not my familiar but rather spirit animals that walk with me and some times come through me. Shayahrana is always inside of me. How to do this? Know that your familiar has always been there and you are just trying to reveal him/her to yourself. You could ask the question when automatic writing and see what answer comes forth. Go through the internet looking at different animals big and small from all over the world. Ask the Question. Ask the question and the universe will give you an answer but be aware that its not what you want but who you are. If none of this is working and you're wickedly frustrated then for this exercise: Imagine you're both eagles and take it from there.

*for more photo's please go to
2.) Make sure you have a partner who is also into it too or you will scare them to the core of there being. Create a safety net that you both agree to. Create a safe word that will let each of you know that you need to STOP NOW because you or your partner are too overwhelmed. You will not go deep if you don't do this. A safe environment will not occur unless it is talked about and discussed in detail before hand. Remember almost everyone has come from some sort of trauma or another, violence is rampant in a Western Culture. Trust is not given its earned and if you want to do this and have deep fun you have to feel safe with who you're with.
3.) Now that you've got a partner who willing and able, healthy and clear take the next step. Put aside some time lets say 3 hours. Tell spirit on your intention and call the familiars to Mingle. I recommend each of you asking out loud, or both of you writing it down on a piece of paper and burning it in the candle flame. Next, with your partner, sit across from each other (with your eyes close) in a dark room, with a candle (between you both), on the couch, bed, grass, or in forest. Make sure you're comfortable. Slow your breathing down 4 sec deep breath through the nose, Hold breath for 7 sec then exhale through the mouth, piercing your lips together (making a wind sound) and exhale for 8. Imagine your whole being (your familiar) reaching out to the other person, and the other person doing the same with you. Allow the Mingling to occur feel it, be it, touch it. Do this for approx. 30 min.
4.) Imagine it and it will come. Your imagination is the door way to the other world. If you imagine it's happening it is but stay in your heart and be authentic.
5.) Open your eyes and stare into each other deeply.Take all you power/magic and look with it through your eyes into your other. This is not a shallow process and is not about just having sex. (although sex is very fun too)There will be a lot of distracting thoughts that will whirl through your head (don't focus on them but rather let them go, passing like clouds in the sky) Try to stay outta your head keep moving into your heart. In the darkness you will see a multitude of faces flashing across or partners face, this is natural (try not to analyze it, let them go) and you'll want to go deeper, further, farther. You know it going well when every thing in the room becomes 2 dimensional, and its at this point that I recommend kissing your partner.
6.) Kissing your partner. Take all of your energy, love, care and respect and put them in your lips before you kiss your partner. Imagine all the power of who you are just in your lips (take your time, resist the urge to hurry ahead, and you're going to want to) then lean across and kiss your partner (who is doing the same). Soft kisses at first for at least another 15 min. Then use the same process to extend through your hands, to your fingers (hold on and don't get naked yet) and touch eachothers face, run your fingers through each others hair, touch eyes noses, mouth, temples ears and necks.
Then begin to move down the arms intertwine fingers but do not lock them together as if you were making love with just fingers. Continue doing this (slowly) over the whole body with clothes on.
6.) Move the candle,(keep it going and close though) take each others clothes off, slowly all the while continuing to look into each others eyes. If you are getting to into your heads then go back to the eyes while you are touching/mingling. This whole process will bring up fear (not to worry you've got your safety net so you'll be okay) fear is your friend and a wonderful indicator about what's going on, fear is the door way to freedom. You know you're doing it right if you a wee bit in your fear. You are stepping into the unknown.
7.) Be present. (Do not try this under the influence of alcohol or any Hallucinogens) Start taking each others clothes off, yes slowly, wait, wait, wait. Outter layer first then sit touching gently with all the magic still in your lips, still soft kisses, begin to cover each others body in kisses. Move to the feet and kiss the feet, kiss the hands, lick the fingers, kiss the eyes, lick the ears continue for as long as you can. Remember to enjoy the heck outta yourselves, it's wicked wonderful fun!
8.) Take off the final bits of clothing and let your imaginations fly on the rest of sexual intimacy. Remembering to always looking into to each others eyes. Imagine all your energy Mingling with your partner. Hold off on going sexually over the top for as long as you can and when you just have to because you can feel the need, the calling then and only then let go!! Have fun!! The Mingling will take it from there.
9.) At the point of Climax it will feel like jetting, (light speed) soaring up into the sky and both of you exploding like super nova's at the same time. You might not Climax and your bodies might shake and shake and shake. This is good! This is the Mingling. Repeat and practice as often as you'd like, its extremely healthy and fun!
10.) After the Mingling has ebbed then spoon, cuddle and coo with each other. Be one, in peace together. Falling asleep like this is extraordinary.
11.) After the Mingling. Blow out the candle. Have a shower together and pull your own familiars back into your selves. Touch hug caress each other while showering. Talk about what happened, share with each other. Not just the great, incredible emotions but the confused scary emotions too. Talk, and share.
12.) You can even do this when your partner is miles and miles away. Agree on a time and go visit one another and Mingle. Sending your familiars out to your partner, remembering that your imagination is the door way to the other worlds. This too is an incredible intimate encounter.
13.) Don't be fooled, Mingling will take you deep into who you are and emotional issues will float up into your psyche within hours, or days after Mingling. My experience is at least 3 days. Have a good counselor, therapist you can talk too, and if you can share with your partner that's good too. Communication with your partner is key to Mingling because it strengthens trust, helping you both to feel safer and SAFETY is the key to Mingling Deeply.
Practice, Practice and Practice Some More!
14.) Mingling while on Psychedelics aka LSD/Acid: Before you decide to have intimate intercourse (Sexual Mingling) with your partner, be in a good space, put aside at least a day because Acid will take you on a journey for 8 hrs. May partner and I decided to experiment with Acid and go on a sexual journey together, she being the one with all the experience, I was a novice. It takes about an hour for the Acid to begin to effect your body and we began by just talking, touching and kissing (without getting naked) the intention of bringing all our energy to the extremities of our bodies. This was on its own a mind blowing experience especially when the journey began to kick in, at which point I remember not worrying if we were naked yet and what was going to happen next. Every touch, every kiss, every stroke was mind blowing, we could feel it to our core, to the heart, wow, and we'd only just begun. Acid amplifies your focus and intensives the sensations, you just don't touch but rather you TOUCH deeply and deeper than you'd ever been touched before. The neat and extraordinary thing is the Psychedelic drops all filters and you're literally spiritually naked to be with your partner, and therefore if you are looking for a spiritual sexual journey, THIS IS IT! Wow! My partner and I almost climaxed kissing, and then we started taking each others clothes off, we could feel our familiars leave our bodies and intertwine, that thrive, undulating slowly together. Every cell is active in the process of sexual pleasure, licking, kissing, caressing is so sensual so beautifully extreme, it just rocketed us to another world. We lost time, or at least I did and when my partner asked if we wanted to Mingle all night, I was floored! All night really? Yes we thought, Yes, Yes, Yes. She'd/we been moaning for the past hour as I had licked and tongue flick her beautiful bronzed body from head to toe, but it'd been 2 hours that we'd been teasing and kissing reach other. In that time I cannot tell you how many times our bodies had body spasmed together without climaxing. When we finally made love the Mingling became sooooo wonderful intense and we exploded and climaxed together in a rolling, thriving, shudder all in one long screaming giggling moment, all at once, again and again and...AGAIN!! Our familiars or serpents, we were satiated, gorged, surfeited beyond our human comprehension, and the humming, vibrating and uncontrollable twitching of our own physical bodies seemed to gone on for hours afterwards. It was the pleasure of pleasures as we spooned and snuggled together, drifting off into a bliss filled sleep. Body Mind and Spirit, heart to heart as one.
We had giggling, smiley body orgasms for days afterwards.
I have never achieved that depth of sexual intimacy or intimacy ever in my life and I really look forward to doing it again.
Duende (c)
1.) Discover who and what type of familiar is inside of you(watch the movie the “Golden Compass or read the trilogy or books “His Dark Materials” by Philip Pullman to understand what I’m talking about. It’ll give you a better idea).. For example mine is Shayahrana and she is a Blue Serpent. I also have a Prehistoric Black Panther, but he is not my familiar, and a White Dire Wolf and she is not my familiar but rather spirit animals that walk with me and some times come through me. Shayahrana is always inside of me. How to do this? Know that your familiar has always been there and you are just trying to reveal him/her to yourself. You could ask the question when automatic writing and see what answer comes forth. Go through the internet looking at different animals big and small from all over the world. Ask the Question. Ask the question and the universe will give you an answer but be aware that its not what you want but who you are. If none of this is working and you're wickedly frustrated then for this exercise: Imagine you're both eagles and take it from there.

*for more photo's please go to
2.) Make sure you have a partner who is also into it too or you will scare them to the core of there being. Create a safety net that you both agree to. Create a safe word that will let each of you know that you need to STOP NOW because you or your partner are too overwhelmed. You will not go deep if you don't do this. A safe environment will not occur unless it is talked about and discussed in detail before hand. Remember almost everyone has come from some sort of trauma or another, violence is rampant in a Western Culture. Trust is not given its earned and if you want to do this and have deep fun you have to feel safe with who you're with.
3.) Now that you've got a partner who willing and able, healthy and clear take the next step. Put aside some time lets say 3 hours. Tell spirit on your intention and call the familiars to Mingle. I recommend each of you asking out loud, or both of you writing it down on a piece of paper and burning it in the candle flame. Next, with your partner, sit across from each other (with your eyes close) in a dark room, with a candle (between you both), on the couch, bed, grass, or in forest. Make sure you're comfortable. Slow your breathing down 4 sec deep breath through the nose, Hold breath for 7 sec then exhale through the mouth, piercing your lips together (making a wind sound) and exhale for 8. Imagine your whole being (your familiar) reaching out to the other person, and the other person doing the same with you. Allow the Mingling to occur feel it, be it, touch it. Do this for approx. 30 min.
4.) Imagine it and it will come. Your imagination is the door way to the other world. If you imagine it's happening it is but stay in your heart and be authentic.
5.) Open your eyes and stare into each other deeply.Take all you power/magic and look with it through your eyes into your other. This is not a shallow process and is not about just having sex. (although sex is very fun too)There will be a lot of distracting thoughts that will whirl through your head (don't focus on them but rather let them go, passing like clouds in the sky) Try to stay outta your head keep moving into your heart. In the darkness you will see a multitude of faces flashing across or partners face, this is natural (try not to analyze it, let them go) and you'll want to go deeper, further, farther. You know it going well when every thing in the room becomes 2 dimensional, and its at this point that I recommend kissing your partner.
6.) Kissing your partner. Take all of your energy, love, care and respect and put them in your lips before you kiss your partner. Imagine all the power of who you are just in your lips (take your time, resist the urge to hurry ahead, and you're going to want to) then lean across and kiss your partner (who is doing the same). Soft kisses at first for at least another 15 min. Then use the same process to extend through your hands, to your fingers (hold on and don't get naked yet) and touch eachothers face, run your fingers through each others hair, touch eyes noses, mouth, temples ears and necks.
Then begin to move down the arms intertwine fingers but do not lock them together as if you were making love with just fingers. Continue doing this (slowly) over the whole body with clothes on.
6.) Move the candle,(keep it going and close though) take each others clothes off, slowly all the while continuing to look into each others eyes. If you are getting to into your heads then go back to the eyes while you are touching/mingling. This whole process will bring up fear (not to worry you've got your safety net so you'll be okay) fear is your friend and a wonderful indicator about what's going on, fear is the door way to freedom. You know you're doing it right if you a wee bit in your fear. You are stepping into the unknown.
7.) Be present. (Do not try this under the influence of alcohol or any Hallucinogens) Start taking each others clothes off, yes slowly, wait, wait, wait. Outter layer first then sit touching gently with all the magic still in your lips, still soft kisses, begin to cover each others body in kisses. Move to the feet and kiss the feet, kiss the hands, lick the fingers, kiss the eyes, lick the ears continue for as long as you can. Remember to enjoy the heck outta yourselves, it's wicked wonderful fun!
8.) Take off the final bits of clothing and let your imaginations fly on the rest of sexual intimacy. Remembering to always looking into to each others eyes. Imagine all your energy Mingling with your partner. Hold off on going sexually over the top for as long as you can and when you just have to because you can feel the need, the calling then and only then let go!! Have fun!! The Mingling will take it from there.
9.) At the point of Climax it will feel like jetting, (light speed) soaring up into the sky and both of you exploding like super nova's at the same time. You might not Climax and your bodies might shake and shake and shake. This is good! This is the Mingling. Repeat and practice as often as you'd like, its extremely healthy and fun!
10.) After the Mingling has ebbed then spoon, cuddle and coo with each other. Be one, in peace together. Falling asleep like this is extraordinary.
11.) After the Mingling. Blow out the candle. Have a shower together and pull your own familiars back into your selves. Touch hug caress each other while showering. Talk about what happened, share with each other. Not just the great, incredible emotions but the confused scary emotions too. Talk, and share.
12.) You can even do this when your partner is miles and miles away. Agree on a time and go visit one another and Mingle. Sending your familiars out to your partner, remembering that your imagination is the door way to the other worlds. This too is an incredible intimate encounter.
13.) Don't be fooled, Mingling will take you deep into who you are and emotional issues will float up into your psyche within hours, or days after Mingling. My experience is at least 3 days. Have a good counselor, therapist you can talk too, and if you can share with your partner that's good too. Communication with your partner is key to Mingling because it strengthens trust, helping you both to feel safer and SAFETY is the key to Mingling Deeply.
Practice, Practice and Practice Some More!
14.) Mingling while on Psychedelics aka LSD/Acid: Before you decide to have intimate intercourse (Sexual Mingling) with your partner, be in a good space, put aside at least a day because Acid will take you on a journey for 8 hrs. May partner and I decided to experiment with Acid and go on a sexual journey together, she being the one with all the experience, I was a novice. It takes about an hour for the Acid to begin to effect your body and we began by just talking, touching and kissing (without getting naked) the intention of bringing all our energy to the extremities of our bodies. This was on its own a mind blowing experience especially when the journey began to kick in, at which point I remember not worrying if we were naked yet and what was going to happen next. Every touch, every kiss, every stroke was mind blowing, we could feel it to our core, to the heart, wow, and we'd only just begun. Acid amplifies your focus and intensives the sensations, you just don't touch but rather you TOUCH deeply and deeper than you'd ever been touched before. The neat and extraordinary thing is the Psychedelic drops all filters and you're literally spiritually naked to be with your partner, and therefore if you are looking for a spiritual sexual journey, THIS IS IT! Wow! My partner and I almost climaxed kissing, and then we started taking each others clothes off, we could feel our familiars leave our bodies and intertwine, that thrive, undulating slowly together. Every cell is active in the process of sexual pleasure, licking, kissing, caressing is so sensual so beautifully extreme, it just rocketed us to another world. We lost time, or at least I did and when my partner asked if we wanted to Mingle all night, I was floored! All night really? Yes we thought, Yes, Yes, Yes. She'd/we been moaning for the past hour as I had licked and tongue flick her beautiful bronzed body from head to toe, but it'd been 2 hours that we'd been teasing and kissing reach other. In that time I cannot tell you how many times our bodies had body spasmed together without climaxing. When we finally made love the Mingling became sooooo wonderful intense and we exploded and climaxed together in a rolling, thriving, shudder all in one long screaming giggling moment, all at once, again and again and...AGAIN!! Our familiars or serpents, we were satiated, gorged, surfeited beyond our human comprehension, and the humming, vibrating and uncontrollable twitching of our own physical bodies seemed to gone on for hours afterwards. It was the pleasure of pleasures as we spooned and snuggled together, drifting off into a bliss filled sleep. Body Mind and Spirit, heart to heart as one.
We had giggling, smiley body orgasms for days afterwards.
I have never achieved that depth of sexual intimacy or intimacy ever in my life and I really look forward to doing it again.
Duende (c)
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