have been in the news internationally since 1947. At that time Kenneth Arnold
was a pilot searching for a downed aircraft in the Mount Rainier range of Washington State ,
when he spotted nine highly unusual “aircraft” traveling at a speed in excess
of the capabilities of any U.S.
military aircraft. When he described the sighting to reporters sometime later
he described their flight pattern as being similar to saucers skipping over
now know that although this was the first publicly recorded event there had
been many reports at earlier times when despite the spectacular nature and
numerous witnesses they had only been noted “locally” and then lost in the
pages of history. One good example of this are the numerous accounts made by
pilots during the Second World War. During this time, British, American and
German bomber and fighter pilots saw unusual aero forms that appeared to
display close attention to their war fare activities. Although frequently fired
upon they displayed little attention to this type of aggression. Both sides
thought they were the designed and produced by the opponent. Later on careful
and methodical research has uncovered detailed historical accounts from many
countries that go back (in the case of India ) for thousands of years.
UFO’s have been seen from the ground, in the air and viewed on radar all at the
same time. They seem to defy the known laws of physics with an ability to “stop
on a dime” regardless of any high speed they may be exhibiting. It’s frequently
reported they making 90 degree turns at high speed also seems to be the norm.
Acceleration from zero to several thousand miles an hour is another frequently
displayed capability. Many sightings describe these craft emerging from and
entering lakes, dams, rivers, and ocean areas too.
thousand of reports exist that describe landings where crew members are seen in
close proximity to the vehicle, often seemingly making minor repairs. Trace
evidence is frequently found of burnt vegetation and radiation readings and in
some instances ensuing sickness for witnesses who were too close. Various
governments through out the world have conducted lengthily, secret
investigations. Popular consensus states that anti gravity control is their
propulsion method.
If you
have witnessed a sighting or
like further information
contact us @
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