Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Moccasin Telegraph aka: Psychic Grid or Web

The Moccasin Telegraph to me is probably something most folks now as the grid or the web which seems to be a phrase coin from the more hipper younger indigo children to describe the same thing. I think what they are calling it is a better metaphor on describing what it is than mine however no matter what you call it, it is the same thing. I personally have called it the "Moccasin Telegraph" for so long that I think I will keep calling it that.....I like the name but my term might infer that only aboriginal native people can do this....that of course is not true.

I think the number of people who can access the psychic grid/the web/the moccasin telegraph is limited to oh approx 1 to 2% of the population (and that might be a little high).

What is the Moccasin Telegraph? It a way to communicate with people all around the world clairvoyant, in your head without even knowing them before hand. But why limit to the world, it goes beyond that, I've had conversations with people's throughout the universe (in my head and while dream walking or walking between worlds) fairies, elves, spirits, hooded druids for the "White Brother Hood", the white shawl-ed  women and the list goes on.

It goes further still (if what I just told you wasn't wild enough) I actually interact with these people and they shown up in my living room to talk to me.  There was an old aboriginal fellow who came by to have a look at me right after I help a girl from Australia to get back home. And then there is a native man from Peru who lives on the Amazon River with his people that I have visited and he visits me quite often. Wilder yet I think he shows up as a black panther when he comes to visit. That black  panther has be spotted in this visual realm/the ordinary reality twice, once by me and once by my roommate at two in the afternoon (a beautiful sunny day) in our yard 10 ft from the porch for a period of 3 mins.

I also go to and visit chat with a old fellow from the Hopi  Reservation near Winslow Arizona (who has sees me there when I show up to talk with all works both ways) and I am back to talking with 14 Native Medicine  People who live somewhere near the Southern Part of the Mississippi. And the list goes on.

The possibilities of what can go on is only limited by your imagination but let me tell you that what I'm discussing is absolutely real, and is happening all the time.

I have an uncanny ability to phone someone out of the blue and when they answer they'll inevitable say to me...."You won't believe this but I was just thinking about you." I smile on the other end of the phone and say, "No way really.....funny that."

So how can you access the "Moccasin Telegraph" consider that the possibility exists and when you get some come into your head (that you know) out of the blue (I always wait until it happens three times) pick up the phone and call them. If you keep doing this it starts to hone that skill of listening to the unsaid.

The other thing that seems to happen with me is that I can hear it when people talk about me (positive and negative) and that too will prompt me to phone, or check in on someone.

Please this is a skill that like everything else needs to be practiced it's rare that anyone can just do this from the moment the hear about the concept (although it does occur) and like everything else in life the more you practice the better you get.

I don't caution you however that once you start this process it can be a little over whelming at times and it can get a little off the wall. Make sure you are absolutely clear on who you are as a person before attempting this because it can create a busy head and you can experience some pretty out there conversation with folks that you have never met.

What sort of out there conversations you may ask? Well they will provide you with information and concepts and knowings that can rattle your brain for days if not months even years.

If you are going to do this suggest to the spirits that a little at a time would be easier for you and not so fast. Don't think that they well know this just because they're spirits, sometimes they forget what it's like to be living the human experience.

How wacky can it get?.....Well I once had a hour long debate with "Cat Stevens" while cutting my grass. I kid you not.  And he was judging me for using a lawn more and being an enlightened person. Hahahahhaha!  Now that's odd don't you think? I sure do....but none the less it still happened.  So all the information that may come in may not be divine or neat or special, it 's important to know that just like every other aspect of conversation in life you have to filter them. You yes you have to do it cause know one else is going to create the boundary for you....that's your job.

It can also be the most incredible experience in the world and beyond. I have some pretty special friendships with people I've never met face to face or even talk to them on the telephone.

Oh you can also take your self off line and just experience silence, quiet your head and then be with yourself. You can just say to everyone...."Hey I'm going for a time....I'll be back in a couple of days." They'll respect that. But you got to say it, it's up to you to create your boundaries in this can they know unless you tell them. All the same rules apply as they do on the web, or a telephone and in life but you have to exercise those concepts for your self before other folks will listen. Ordinary Reality and Non ordinary reality/the spirit world/dream walking/walking between worlds are pretty similar as far as setting up personal boundaries and in fact if you where to ask me if they're were any constants in the spirit world?  There are....."Creating Strong Personal Boundaries" in all worlds, realms, dimensions is the constant.

 The Moccasin Telegraph is worth hooking up too and surfing on towards big exploration. No matter what you call it, the grid, the web, it's out there and it is really happening. I experience it every day if not two to three times a day....sometimes even more and of course some times there are days when I get no calls at all which is very wonderful too.

 Duende (c)

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