When I was 14 my farther and I went up into the Squamish river valley camping and my farther being my farther had a hidden agenda. Sure we went camping that weekend but we checked every river sand bar right up to the 38 mile marker, finding 200 foot prints. He even had the were with all to make a plaster cast of the print, which I still have, no really I do. I'll take a picture and put add it to this post.
The even more interesting discovery is that there was not just one size print, not just one Sasquatch but two, one adult and one infant, with the identical same stride. Bare foot prints in the middle of March with snow on the outer edges of the river. I've lived in this area most of my life and I wouldn't take my shoes off in this environment, its too cold.
Now what I started to realize and it took 40 years, is that infant has been watching out for me every time I went into the back country and I still get a sense of her when I enter the bush to this day.
We have also spoken to each other telepathically; Approximately 10 years ago I had taken people on a vision quest up Lake Lovely Water. I'd contacted my friends who live and the area he was kind enough to connect us with a buddy who ferried us up the river to start our terkk on the path that went straight up the mountain to Lake Lovely Water at an elevation of 1600 ft (its an intense hike/climb straight up).
We got to the fishing shack and my friends brother got out of his car to introduce us to more of his Native buddy's. One of them, she was a Captain in the Canadian Armed Forces (a computer analyst) and even had heard of my father (he was a UFO researcher well know in North America). Without any prompting she'd told an account of a Saquatch they heard screaming at the 3 of them for 1 hour the night before.
I wondered if she told us this to try and scare us, but hell, it didn't scare me and then in that moment I had this feeling that I was being watched. The whole 6 hour climb to the top were the lake was I couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was following us, and this wasn't the first time I had this goose bugs on my arm feeling. Every time I got in the bush in this area, I would get this other worldly, unnerving, feeling and I'd have goose bumps on my arms. My spidey senses would tweek over the charts and my early warning radar would go crazy, and my senses where saying, "Be aware this is not here, it is here and there, you're in magic." So I would kept a look out for the bizarre and unusual but did not spy anything out of the ordinary. I was with two other friends that I was assisting, neither expressed concern.
We'd been up at Lake Lovely Water for 2 days without incident and my friends vision quest was going well, I was very pleased. The only thing out of the ordinary is that I start to get sick (what I suspected later was beaver fever) and couldn't keep any food down. As soon as I ate I'd have to run to the bathroom and poop through "the eye of a needle", I was having a wicked case of diarrhea.
I'd run to the out house beside the trekkers shack, and I'd have to leave the door open because the smell was so bad.
"You Sick," said a voice that was other wordly
"Really," I said sarcastically "What was your first clue?"
"You smell." the voice answer telepathically from within my head.
"You do too," I answered, "Oh and you're hurt."
"What?" the voice could not hide it's surprise.
"You've got a cut on your foot." I could smell it psychically (when you get really deep into shamanism all your senses tweek up to the point you can smell the unseen, I call this affectionately clairnoseyant)
"Oh ye pretty smart." Came the answer.
'I am," I smiled to myself enjoying the interaction. "Have you been watching me, it's you I sense isn't it."
"Since I was on the river bed with my Dad, when I was Fourteen and found your foot prints, the smaller ones?" And as I spoke I got the sense that the Sasquatch, she was an adult female. I could even see her now in my minds eye, in a vision.
"Yes," She answered.
"How wonderful to finally meet you," I smiled again
"You different Human," she puzzled
"Yes I am," I paused to explain the obvious, "Very different."
"Good to meet you, Little One." she sighed happily, "I knew it was you when I saw you, first time. "
"Glad you're watching, thankyou."
"Don't drink the water at still part, go to fast water, it better."
"I will," And I did and I got better.
Since that encounter I've talked to my friend every time I'm higher up in the bush from where I live. (Its only 30miles trekk from Lake Lovely Water, west over the mountains. Close, very close for a Sasquatch.
Just a note: I can speak with other world being, like my friend because I have this translator in my head. I suspect I relate to any animal, person, creature, alien in there language but this is not the first time I've communicated with other world beings.
I read this women's story below and had to share. I also have a friend who was up in Pemberton way camping and two Squatches sat 100 hundred yards away observing her for hours.
We got to the fishing shack and my friends brother got out of his car to introduce us to more of his Native buddy's. One of them, she was a Captain in the Canadian Armed Forces (a computer analyst) and even had heard of my father (he was a UFO researcher well know in North America). Without any prompting she'd told an account of a Saquatch they heard screaming at the 3 of them for 1 hour the night before.
I wondered if she told us this to try and scare us, but hell, it didn't scare me and then in that moment I had this feeling that I was being watched. The whole 6 hour climb to the top were the lake was I couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was following us, and this wasn't the first time I had this goose bugs on my arm feeling. Every time I got in the bush in this area, I would get this other worldly, unnerving, feeling and I'd have goose bumps on my arms. My spidey senses would tweek over the charts and my early warning radar would go crazy, and my senses where saying, "Be aware this is not here, it is here and there, you're in magic." So I would kept a look out for the bizarre and unusual but did not spy anything out of the ordinary. I was with two other friends that I was assisting, neither expressed concern.
We'd been up at Lake Lovely Water for 2 days without incident and my friends vision quest was going well, I was very pleased. The only thing out of the ordinary is that I start to get sick (what I suspected later was beaver fever) and couldn't keep any food down. As soon as I ate I'd have to run to the bathroom and poop through "the eye of a needle", I was having a wicked case of diarrhea.
I'd run to the out house beside the trekkers shack, and I'd have to leave the door open because the smell was so bad.
"You Sick," said a voice that was other wordly
"Really," I said sarcastically "What was your first clue?"
"You smell." the voice answer telepathically from within my head.
"You do too," I answered, "Oh and you're hurt."
"What?" the voice could not hide it's surprise.
"You've got a cut on your foot." I could smell it psychically (when you get really deep into shamanism all your senses tweek up to the point you can smell the unseen, I call this affectionately clairnoseyant)
"Oh ye pretty smart." Came the answer.
'I am," I smiled to myself enjoying the interaction. "Have you been watching me, it's you I sense isn't it."
"Since I was on the river bed with my Dad, when I was Fourteen and found your foot prints, the smaller ones?" And as I spoke I got the sense that the Sasquatch, she was an adult female. I could even see her now in my minds eye, in a vision.
"Yes," She answered.
"How wonderful to finally meet you," I smiled again
"You different Human," she puzzled
"Yes I am," I paused to explain the obvious, "Very different."
"Good to meet you, Little One." she sighed happily, "I knew it was you when I saw you, first time. "
"Glad you're watching, thankyou."
"Don't drink the water at still part, go to fast water, it better."
"I will," And I did and I got better.
Since that encounter I've talked to my friend every time I'm higher up in the bush from where I live. (Its only 30miles trekk from Lake Lovely Water, west over the mountains. Close, very close for a Sasquatch.
Just a note: I can speak with other world being, like my friend because I have this translator in my head. I suspect I relate to any animal, person, creature, alien in there language but this is not the first time I've communicated with other world beings.
I read this women's story below and had to share. I also have a friend who was up in Pemberton way camping and two Squatches sat 100 hundred yards away observing her for hours.
A Michigan Woman Claims Her Family Lived In Harmony With A Clan Of Bigfoots

Bigfoot has always been seen as a scary, yet shy creature that scavengers around in the woods and is rarely seen by anyone. The legend of the Bigfoot can be dated right back to pre-Columbian times when Native American tribes told each other stories of the wild men who inhabited the forests of North America. Back then, the creature had a number of different names, including Sesquac in British Columbia which would later become the modern word Sasquatch that is still in use across the world today.

Reports of strange, mysterious hominids can be found all over the world, not just North America, and not just Bigfoot. There are a number of mysteries such as the Yeti or Abominable Snowman that supposedly lives in the Himalayas or the Almas that allegedly stalk the peaks of Central Asia. It wasn't until the late 1950s, around 1958, that North America really cemented the legend of Bigfoot into its history books and into the public consciousness.
Robin Lynn Pfeifer from Newaygo County, Michigan, is stocking up on blueberry bagels from the local store, not to eat though. These sweet treats aren’t intended for her own family of five. Instead, she plans on handing them out to the mysterious, hairy creatures that allegedly live in the woods surrounding her rural home. Apparently, Pfeifer shares the land and lives in harmony with a family of Bigfoot and they’re not as scary as many people believe them to be.

Gentle enough to become habituated to humans, according to Pfeifer her and her family have lived together with the family of Bigfoot for years, regularly offering sweet treats and relaxing. The woods surrounding her house are the home to the wild family and is where they meet often. It is unclear whether or not the Bigfoot approach her house but what is clear is that they could be construed as being friends. This is the first instance where the sighting hasn't been a shaky photograph on a low-resolution camera. Could this be the proof everyone has been looking for? Could this be the legend of Bigfoot?