This is what I’ve experienced
When we are all born into this
world we all have the light in us, full, strong and brilliant! Now through
life’s struggle, abuse and violence it begins to leave them (not far) and moves
behind them because it’s been jarred out of they’re bodies. When they grow up
and mature they know something is missing but not sure what. Most don’t bother
looking for it because the Nero (Normal People) Typical say it doesn’t exist,
or religion, or science suggests its all out side of them and when they meet
you, or me they see a huge light radiating from us and immediately want our
light and here lies the problem.
Let me give you a for example:
When I was younger in my 30’s I was running
a lot and one day I was doing so
well I thought I’d run across the bridge and do the whole distance to my home, instead
of taking the sky train. I probably wouldn’t have done it if I had known what
was in store for me, waiting along the bridge.
I started onto the bridge and
there was a spirit looking at me with this demented look in her eyes with three
tentacles coming out of her solar plexus, towards me!
She was crying out, “The Light,
The Light, Give it to me, NOW!!!”
I was very calm when I replied,
“No, no, no….yours is behind you.” I sent her 3 out reached tentacles to the
left to grab what she lost. It was very quick.
All she said when her tentacles
attached to her light was, “Ho.” And then she was gone.
There were 70 people who left
that day off the bridge. People who took there own lives. Don’t make the
mistake and think its always those who have taken there own life are like this,
most of our world is suffering from being lost, disconnected and detached from
there own light. This is the same for the living, people that other people call
vampire sucks, but I don’t think they are vampires suckers. I think they are
people who are emotionally broken who need a bit of redirection and a wee
little nudge back to there own light, which sits behind them. Always behind
them in everyone I’ve ever helped. Its big and strong and bright sitting waiting
to be found but most all of these folks never ever look behind them. It sounds
crazy but in my experience your light doesn’t ever go away.
Here a few help full steps:
- Recognize that some one is, or is trying to suck the light/life out of you. I usually see 3 tentacles coming towards me when it happens and all I do is redirect the tentacles to there left side and plug them into there light, there lost and always waiting source.
- I go into my imagination and see myself taking the tentacles and plugging them into the light behind them (I take the tentacles around the left side).
- I leave them like this and it will all take care of it self over time.
- What do you do when the tentacles are already attached to you? Don’t Panic! And simply take the tentacles out of you and place them in the light behind the person, co worker, boss, coach, friend, partner or lover who’s doing it to you. Once you’ve done this place your hands over the holes left inside of you and heal your self. It’s an easy process. If you say “Heal.” The wounds will heal…they will.
- Try not to stereotype the person as a vampire, they are just in a process of healing and have had nasty violence done to them. Most of these peoples will never see a therapist to help them from there childhood trauma because of fear of dealing with there pain. If you are in a relationship with them they will project all of there on to you that way they never have to deal with what had happened to them. Projection for them is a beautiful thing! (lol if they make it about you, they don’t have to deal with themselves and they don’t have to do there own work. Pain = Fear = Shutting Down Self.) (c)
Please see Diagram below for

I know this is simplistic but it gets the point across.
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