These are my Medicine Drums that I have for my personnel use, healing circles, ceremonies and workshops that I'll run.

This my GrandMother Nora Drum. She is 26in across, which is an very big drum with huge sound. I made her with a carpenter friend who builds wooden kayaks professionally. In order to make sure she doesn't bow like a penny we had to make the whoop with the wood going in opposite directions. The Celtic Ancient Irish symbol on the front is a called a "Triskele" and drums this size traditionally through all cultures where usually given to storytellers (which I am). I didn't just decide to get a super huge drum that I could wow people in healing circles, no she came to me in a dream.
The Drum Sleeping Dream: I went into a bungalow house and as soon as I walked through the door I could hear drumming coming from the back of the house. When I got to the back door I opened it and stepped through into a huge tent. There were two Native American Elders standing on the other side looking at my smaller drum I once had. They look up at me without surprise, picking up my drum one of them said, "Is this your drum?" I answered quickly even though I was confused on how they got it, "Yes." The Elder held it up and then said to me, "No, this your drum!" He took his very large hands and place them on either end of the drum and pulled it apart to make my once 13inch drum into the 26inch drum you now see before you. I put the Celtic symbol to because I was looking for a way to let people know where I was from, and I wasn't a native "Wannabe". I was getting a lot of flack for having her, the symbol shuts people up, and its pretty cool looking.

This is a Kwakiut Art/Symbol of a thunder bird created and painted by a brilliant friend of mine from England. She knew I resonated strongly with the Thunder Bird and how it shown up in my dreams, and real life on the land at an old youth hostel called, "Fiddle Head Farm." I was walking out of the cook house were I was working as a line cook and headed to visit my friends at the bunk house. It was dusk and as I step off the porch I looked ahead to see this Thunder Bird (real time, no drugs) standing beside the bunk house. She towered over it, and must have been at least 20 feet tall and 6 feet in diameter. She was huge, and beautiful, wow and her energy was so wonderfully intense, she was just brilliant. I'd wondered if I was seeing things and just as I thought that thought she moved her head up and down, so I couldn't disregard her as an imagining, or a trick of light. She was extraordinary and looked exactly like the painting on my drum. I told this story to my friend so and she made me this drum. Wow!!

Medicine Drums are awesome at healing the body, mind and soul. You play them for approximately 20min minimum and when you stop the vibrating of you being is incredible. I find that drumming and singing really opens up everything block in your body and helps it to let go. Good luck trying to hold on to all those past hurts, the rhythms and vibrations just move everything out of you. Highly recommend you get a drum. Wow!
Duende (c)
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