This is my Case I use to carry all my delicate feathers in. I found it in the thrift store for 2$ and its really a clothes folding kit with a hard piece of plastic which works great to keep everything tight and undamaged. Side Note: I also occasionally put a cloth in it with Peppermint Essential Oil, it keeps the Moth and other feather eaters away.

These are Raven Feathers (died of natural causes) which a Metis friend gave to me. I didn't want to carry big Eagle Wings because then are more Native American Medicine again I'm from the "Lost White Aboriginal Tribe" and I'm "Co-Palish" (I live on the coast and I'm Pale: every race has a PC name except whitey. I think its high time we gave us one. Don't you? think reverse prejudice is super uncool) so I wanted a Feather Medicine that related more to me and the Raven, the trickster does that.
Mischievous and curious, the Raven is the cultural focus of the Native Northwest Coast People. He symbolizes creation, knowledge, prestige as well as the complexity of nature and the subtlety of truth. He also symbolizes the unknown and is there to show that every person sees the world in a different way as another. The Raven was often called upon to clarify truths in visions, as the wise elders knew that what the eye sees is not always the truth. Many of the original peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast refer to him as a god, and it is believed by some that messages from the creator of the cosmos are buried in the wings of the Raven only to be released to the families most deserving of his knowledge. The Raven is a long distance healer and is known as the “keeper of secrets,” he helps us in our lives by exposing the truth of keeping secrets that could potentially harm us, in doing so he helps us back to good health. The Raven was only ever feared if misused. info@spiritsofthewestcoast.com
I mostly use the tail feathers for fanning when I am working when smudging people. The Wings I use as fans when people are struggling, crying (big time) and want help letting go of their pain. I'll brush them off with both in each hands, sometimes I will sing too if the person or persons are having a hard time. Also blessing water and having a bowl on hand (close by) I will dip the wings into the water and splash them on people to bring them back, (if they are having difficulties) from a very deep Dream Journey Meditation.

a.) Sweet Grass I keep in my Feather Medicine Bundle to keep the first sweet with good clean energy.
b.) Is a White Eagle Tail Feather which I found on sidewalk beside a condo near the ocean where I live. (If they fall from the sky then I pick them up and thank creator for the gift.) I use this feather for talking circles and who ever holds it talks, everyone else listens.
c.) Another Eagle Feather (from the wing) Again I found this feather on the road, in a small stream of water. It looked like a stick until I picked it up. I use it very much in the same way as I do the white one expect I'll also use it for cutting (spirit attachments who are hanging on in a negative way, or other attachments to a clients ethereal body).
d.) A Hawk Feather, which I found on the side of the road(she had been hit by a car unfortunately) and I gathered as many good feathers as I possibly could. I rarely us this one but I have it just in case. Hawk are mostly about messages from Creator so I might use this one to help someone with a problem they're having about themselves or another.

Owl Medicine Meaning.
In ancient Egyptian, Celtic n Hindu cultures the symbolic meaning of #owl revolved around guardianship of the underworlds, a protector of the dead, ruler of the night, seer of souls, and keeper of spirits who had passed from one plane to another. The owl accompanied a spirit to the underworld, freeing the soul from the physical world into the realm of spirit. This could also be applied to a death of oneself spiritual, of ones self as self knows self in the moment of illumination of truth of self! http://www.earthandskyconnection.com/owl-medicine/
I 've used the Owl Wings when i suspect someone is in there head and I'll brush them off with these beautiful healing elements. Again I put one in the left hand and one in the right. I also may chant and sing depending on how deep the healing calls me.
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