To be super clear, I am Co-Pale-ish (I live on the Coast and
I’m Pale which basically means I’m Anglo) and I’m from the “Lost White Aboriginal
Tribe” (my people are so lost they don’t even know they’re ancestors were
aboriginal). Which in the world of PC shamanism (policed by everyone including Anglo’s)
I’m not supposed to have anything like a Medicine Bundle, Bag or any thing resembling
anything aboriginal because when it comes down to it, bottom line, I’m the
wrong color. In fact when the subject is bridged, I’m told to embrace my own
culture. I’m Canadian, so as far as I know its about being nice and saying
sorry (a lot) or celebrating commercialized Halloween, Thanks Giving, Christmas
and Valentines Day, oh and the Easter Bunny ( none of these events even make
sense to the place where you could say it’s culture, pop culture maybe, or maybe even USA
Cultural influence). I even went and did a DNA test to see where my people are
from. I’m part Irish, Welsh, Scottish, English, Scandinavian, (which explains
the bleach blonde hair as a child) Western Europe
and oh 1 % Iberian. That’s me, but if I went to any of these countries and try
to claim my cultural heritage they would most likely tell me to embrace my own
countries culture! Bwhahaha. So now what I'm back where I started.
In the beginning I admittedly wanted to be First Nations
however the longer I was with my elder friends the more and more I wanted to
know about my own ABORIGINAL heritage. So I began to hunt my Medicine line
before my people (Pagan’s and Witches) where genocide in the Spanish Inquisition.
You see my culture was wiped out (white man killed my ancestors toooo!) in 1487
to 1834 (No one is for sure how many were, burned, beheaded, or hung cause they
destroyed the bodies or put them in unmarked graves). Guess's upwards to 3 million or more. That's after the Roman killed off millions before them. They did such a great job at genocide, that my historical ancestors are wonderful Mythical Stories and witches are still feared across the globe.
I started to dig up the bodies, my history and went hunting
for my aboriginal heritage and found that I’m from “the Tuatha de Danann” in Ireland , “The Pics” of Scotland , “Laplander s” of Sweden and “Pagans and Witches” in England and the rest of Europe .
These peoples are my peoples and they too where ABORIGINALS. White Ones, heaven forbid it’s true.
I started out as most people do in Medicine Circles in North America wanting, and being called to create my own
Medicine Bundle and I did. Then I began to realize no matter how hard I tried
to follow my Medicine Calling Authentically I would never be recognized as a
Medicine Person (Shaman) because I was the wrong color. You Laugh? Oh yah I kid
you not. Can you say reverse prudence? Anyway I decided after careful
consideration I would let go of anything native and find a better way on my Medicine
Path. I gave away all my Medicine Bundle and swore an oath to only collect that
what was relevant to me. Boom! In a matter of weeks, I gave all my feathers and
bones and drums away.
Hey wait Duende, you said this was a blog about your
Medicine Bundle? Haha, it is! Because in less than a year it all came back,
twice if not three times as much, which was a huge surprise to me. I had a
Dutch friend say to me (just recently) that she was so fed up with all the Medicine politics that it
wasn’t worth the pain and anguish, she was going to burn it all! I laughed, “Good
luck with that! Let me know how it works out!” She was upset, “What do you mean;
you don’t think I’ll do it? I will do it!”
I smiled and said, “Of course I believe you but my friend, I’ve been in
the same place and it only came back 10 fold.”
I am going to share the most intimate part of me, I’m going
to share my “Co-Pale-ish Lost White Aboriginal Medicine Bundle” and all of its

1.) This is my Medicine Bag. I picked it up on "free cycle" (a sharing website) and got work done on it as it was falling apart. I got this because I'm like a Doctor On Call (that is my wacky sense of humor kicking in again) and it makes me smile every time I pick it up.
When you go to find your Medicine Bag it doesn't have to be like this. Its always good to make it your own (if you love it, it has more power/medicine). An old suit case with do, or you could make it out of deer leather (if you are an artsy/crafty type) or carry your stuff in a wicker basket. You could even get an old case and paint it if you wanted to.

3.) This is my first Pipe. I made it out of "Mountain Ash" for the stem which was growing right out side of my parents house at the time. I cut the stem of the pipe into 2 and put each piece in a vice and drilled a hole down the center. I used "Elk Antler" for the pipe bowl which was given to me by a friend of mine. I used a dremel (a small powerful hand held woodworking tool) to crave out the bowl itself. Then I place cork at the end of the stem to snug it tightly into the bowl. The leather wrapping are to cover the cut and the other leather straps create a artsy unified look. I put mixed feathers (its the way of my people to twined medicine powers together) and I put a piece of Jewelry on it: A gold bear on abalone (custom jewelry but I think it tweeks the whole pipe). The red are rune signs which cover the pipe, plus I twined several rune signs on the bottom of the bowl. I did this because I wanted to make it more for me and my culture. I've had this pipe for the past 25 years. The steal gold feather I won on a raffle.

4.) This is a Red Stone Medicine Pipe. Given to me by my sister who husband had been given it by two young native lads (who made the Pipe)in thanks and gratitude for his generosity. He'd worked in a 711 store as a Manager and instead of throwing out the sandwich's out at the end of the day he saved them and gave them to the two young lads who where living on the street at the time. He's since passed over my brother in law and my sister wanted me to have it. I put three different types of feathers on it (the way of my people) and I made the bag.

7.) What you see here are 3 different types of Medicines. All very traditional West Coast Natives, except for the Little piece of "Sandal Wood" that was a gift from a friend from South America and it's traditionally use for smudging. The other herbs are: Sage which is the wee pile of flakes off to the left in the bottom of the bowl and 2 cedar smudging sticks.

I just received this fan from a friend as a gift, the other night (feb 20/2019). The fan can be used for smudging and also for cleaning people off of unwanted negative energy. It's Hawk feathers accompanied by a small Turkey feather and the bone, I'm thinking is Elk.

a.) A Medicine Rattle. Given to me by a student in one of my Spirit Workshops I talk in the Netherlands. Its made out of Goat Hide with hard dried beans in it to make a sound. The "Owl Feathers" you see I put on and then wrapped a piece of "Deer Hide" to hide the ends and make the whole thing easier and softer on the eyes. The stick is a stick.I'm not sure what type of wood. I use the Rattle when I really have to wake someone back into there body, or if there are crying because they are letting go of some huge emotional trauma. Most times its better to Rattle than talk. Make a sound for people and they can follow it back home.
b.) Medicine Bag. Crafted by my sister that I put my small rattle in.
c.) Stone Medicine Man Rattle. Crafted by a student of mine. She'd been told to make it for me from a spirit guide. Interesting enough it was one of the little faces I'd seen craved into the stone steps that I saw in the dream when I was vision questing 2 years before meeting her. I use this when I take people on dream journey's and I see that they are struggling, so I'll walk over and rattle over there heart.
d.) White Raven Knife. Given to me by an artist (Native) who'd seen me in a performance when I was dancing the, "White Raven" (The White Bird I made). He was deeply moved and gifted it to me. It's good to have something sharp like this in your Medicine Bundle because it represents cutting through the crap to get to the center of all things, to the heart of all things and it's also handing for cutting herbs and branches of cedar (for ceremony)when out in the forest.
e.) Red Dragon. I saw this in a new age book store and had to by it! It's rare that I'll buy anything bran new (not that its forbidden to do this but I rarely have the money to buy these things, hey I'm a single parent) but this dragon also shouted my name out loud. So I loved it and she reminds me of my dragon within. I also use her as an assisted for protection, when I pull her out she is there in her full glory.

These are all the Medicines that have come back to me, that kept calling me and are more relevant to me and my work. I am sharing them with you now because I'm a big believer in sharing as much information as I possibly can, I think it is very important at this time in evolution to share so that we may all be more empowered.
Thank you for Witnessing the Sharing of My Medicine it's the "Way of My People" since beginning of the beginnings. (c)
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