This is my 2nd Medicine Bag (I use old doctors bag because it appeals to my sense of humor, I call myself a "Doctor on Call", well to myself, not out loud Lol). I found him in a thrift store near where I live. I think I paid 5$ for it. He's perfect and carries the rest of my Medicine stuff. I love finding and re-purposing bags and objects, to have them live again and the more I love them the more love there is in them. Remember LOVE = Powerfilled Medicine.

These are all the objects that I will use in my workshops or circles that I will run from time to time.
a.) A candle is always great to have when running an event. It brings light to the process and also helps to clear the room of negative energy. Found the candle in the thrift store for 1$. It sits on rabbit fur. Lovely soft and rabbits are playfull and its important to me to remind people (if not directly but also subliminally how important that is to have when doing the work)
b.) Kaleidoscope. Bought at my local toy store (brand new 10$ aargh but still worth it). As a rule I don't like to buy brand new however I had to find something that would describe multipule dimensions, I give this to the group and instantly people begin to realize how the universe works.
c.) Golden Dragon. Given to me by someone wonderful in a circle I went too. It is a Chinese New Year dragon (plastic) from Canadian Airlines I imagine but this dragon is a strong symbol for me and so I keep her in a box. Dragon's are great tools for Mystic's, helping to navigate the other worlds, and also huge protectors when traveling way way out into the dream.
d.) These are Moxibustion Sticks, used in Chinese Medicine. Got them from a local Chinese Herb/Corner Store hear on the coast(forgotten how much they cost). "Moxa promotes circulation of the Qi & Blood. Moxa is warming and moving. It helps to promote movement of blood and Qi so it is particularly good for pain (emotional and physical). It is not uncommon for people receiving moxibusiton to report a sudden flooding of warmth that quickly radiates radiates up the path way that signals the flow of Qi has been freed." (this is not my field of expertise so I looked up this definition). Please read up on this before using it.
e.)Quartz Crystals giving to me by friends over the years. "Quartz is a universal stone, a pure and powerful energy stone. It stimulates brain function, making you feel more aware, active and alert in all levels of consciousness. A classic crystal for transmitting storing and amplifying positive energy"
(this is not my field of expertise so I looked up this definition).
f.) Conch Shell. I found this in Hawaii and bought him for 20$. He is a great element to have when working. One end is sawed off so you can put it to your lips and make incredibly loud sounds. Its perfect for when you're out in the forest or if you want to signal an end to ceremony. I used to play horned instruments (Mellophone and Tuba). it's Hard, you have to practice before it makes a sound.
I google this to offer clarity: "The conch shell's spiral form and relation to water cause it to represent the beginning of existence. It creates the primordial sound of "Om". It was this sound that was chanted by Creator before Manifesting the cosmos. It represents creation and the truth behind it."
g.) Jade Bear. (A gift) Bear Medicine is huge with me so I always like to bring her along to hold space and protect and nourish the neophytes that I'm working with.
h.) Bear and The Universe. Made and given to me by my 7 year old daughter at the time. Power, strength in the unknown.
i.)Bird Bones. Lite as a feather. To offer lightness and help to keep it from getting to heavy when running a healing circle, ceremony, or workshop.
j.) Loon Whistle. I specifically bought this for my work. She is great to blow when people at the end of a "Dream Journey" and need a gentle prod to bring them back into this world. Works great and every one comes back with smiles on there faces.
k.) Geode or Thunder Stone. I bring her along to remind me of my "Thunder Bird Medicine". "A powerful healing stone, which absorbs and disperses negativity from the aura and never has to be cleared. Works quickly and raises the citrine's properties of clearing away blockages and healing." (Not my field of expertise so I wanted to give you a clearing more precise definition)
l.) A Green Orb. A Gift. For me it reminds me of the Mother Earth/Gaia and keeps her close, and everyone, including me, grounded. I do a character called the Green Man, it also keeps that element close and in my thoughts
m.) Deer Hoof. I found in a thrift store for 2$. Deer's are the most gentle and gentleness is probably for me, one of the strongest Medicine Powers to have. A Story: My nephew was 3 at the time and I said to him, "Mathew?" He smiled up at me, "Yes Uncle Gong(that was he called me)." I laughed out loud, "Do you want to be the strongest man in the whole wide world?" Mathew looked at me very surprised, and preparing to listen with all his worth and delight, "Yes, Uncle Gong, Yes!" I smile gently at him and answered, "Be Gentle Mathew, Be Gentle." (c)
"When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are highly sensitive and have a strong intuition. By affinity with this animal, you have the power to deal with challenges with grace. You master the art of being both determined and gentle in your approach. The deer totem wisdom imparts those with a special connection with this animal with the ability to be vigilant, move quickly, and trust their instincts to get out the trickiest situations." http://www.spiritanimal.info/deer-spirit-animal/
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