Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Hearing Voices in your Head “Are you thinking you’re crazy?” Its Called Channeling

Hearing Voices in your Head
“Are you thinking you’re crazy?”

First off, do any of the voices want to do you or anyone around you bodily harm? If you have voices that do want have you commit violence, then I suggest seeking help from a mental health agency near you immediately!

What to do if you hear voices in your head?

If you have voices that give you information that you couldn’t possibly know about, then there is something you can do to focus this gift. These qualities have been around for centuries and are incredible Psychic/Clairvoyant/Empathic gifts of a trance channel, shamans, and seers.

If you do have this going on, then you have strong medicine but it’s not an easy thing to live with. Our society has long forgotten what it knows around medicine as powerful as this, two hundred years ago, on this continent your aboriginal community in North America would be treating you with great respect and reverence. In Europe, it would have been well over 9 hundred years ago.

Here is what to do:

To help yourself to be able to live with your feet in both worlds, help other people and utilize the power of those Spirit Beings/Spirit Guide or as I call them Wise Old Dead Elders/Spirit Guides, who are trying to talk to you:

Know that being a little crazy is a good thing. Let me explain this: A person I recently met said “Being called crazy is the greatest compliment you could possibly receive because it means that people have run out of a context or a category to slot you into that’s with their spectrum of understanding.” Please keep in mind that they say this to all innovators i.e.: Henry Ford was called crazy when he told people he was going to build a machine that ran on fuel that you could ride in, instead of the horse. Imagine what people thought of Edison, or Einstein who had his own method of math, and what about Edgar Cayce the famous medical intuitive and the list goes on and on.

Don’t be telling anyone you can’t trust because they will probably try to get you institutionalized to feel better about themselves.

Find a group of people you can trust and share your experiences with. It helps to empower you with positive reframe of your gift. Instead of thinking you’re mentally sick you’ll begin to feel you’re gifted and special.

Check out your diet. If you have a blood sugar problem and its low this can make you a bit crazy. A good diet of proteins and greens will help you to balance your body and your mental health. Don’t kid yourself that the two are not so closely related, they are!

Stay away from white sugar, caffeine, and hallucinogens and become clear. Look at your emotional pain and seek help to deal with it.  The more you know yourself the more you know what’s going on inside of you and who’s who, how to tell the difference between them and you and how they can help you in helping others.

If you’ve done all that then hear is the next step but it requires using your imagination to be able to “Walk between Worlds” to enter the Non-Ordinary
Reality/the Dreamtime.

Take 4 deep breaths. Slow inhale for 4 seconds, holds for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds.

I want you to find a clearing in the center of a forest of a grove of trees. This clearing should be at least 40 yards in diameter. In the center of this clearing you will find 13 big boulders (big enough to sit on) and in the center of that, you will find a fire ready to be lit.

Go to this place, go to the circle, go to the fire and lit the fire. Walk to the North and stand in front of the stone, facing the fire. Ask for 12 people from all the worlds from all realms to come and support you in your spirit journey. Look around and see if they are Wise Old Dead Elders/Spirit Guides standing in front of the stones facing the fire Already.

Sit down and then ask everyone do the same. If there are any of the twelve that remain standing, then ask these folks to leave the circle and if they make a great fuss then again ask them to sit. If they do not but try to insist they ought to be a part of the circle, then tell them that the only way you let them stay is under your conditions and that one condition is to sit down as the rest are doing. None of the others sitting will say anything they’ll just witness and stay silent although they want to see this occur, it is up to you to create the boundaries.”

The ones standing may even jump up and down and do silly things, if they do this then you know 100% that their intentions in your circle would be self-serving for them. Stand your ground and patiently ask them to leave, if they don’t then Wolf howl into the air three times (inside you head). This will call your pack of wolves that you run with, and they will come. You will find that they will leave before the wolves show up.

When they have left, and disappear back into the forest, call out to the forest for someone to replace the Spirit Guides or beings that have left. You will find some more Spirit Guides will come out of the forest and walk towards you. Not to worry the wolves will not frighten these beings, in fact, they may even pet them in a greeting as they go by. You will find that everyone now will sit down without a problem.

At this point it would be good to tell everyone in your circle that you have asked everyone here to help you in your walk in the Ordinary Reality and the Non-Ordinary Reality/the Dreamtime and then thank and bless them for being a part of their choice to support you.

Say, “I need a doorkeeper to sit on my right and someone to be on my left who will support me and help me to be strong and find clarity of mind to do the work of bringing through in channeling.”

You have now established good healthy boundaries that everyone in your circle will respect. The next thing to do is to tell them, “Please be gentle with me, I’m new at this, sometimes you scare me without knowing it and I need to go slowly. I will listen but please talk to me one at a time, slowly with informational sound bites that I can cope with.”

Also, “If you can also share with me through other forms of communication such as; billboards, logos, television programs, movies, and interactions with other people that too would be very helpful and sometimes an easier way for me to take in the information.”

I would work to allow them to share with you in a good way so that you can share with others.

I have been living with voices inside of my head since I was 10. They have not ever been disrespectful or harmful and mostly I find that my Wise Old Dead Elders just want to help.

I started bringing people through to talk at the age of 17 and then was taught to be a Trance Medium/ a Channel, at the age of thirty. I was taught an old English Spiritualist way which means that I sat in a circle with six other people for a year before, doing my own circles.

I have intergraded the whole process fully into my life and live with it in a Soul Mately healthy balanced way. I am of course crazy in a really good way and when people ask me if I think that I have multiple personalities I ask them first if they are worried about it in themselves (usually, it's about them not about you). And then I say: “No,” I say “but really it doesn’t matter what it is, it helps me and then I help people with information that I can’t possibly know.”

Please also remember to be kind to yourself. We live in a society that is absolute 98% in emotional pain and they are incredibly neurotic about being different from everyone else. Mostly our modern society doesn’t want to rock the boat and they just want to be mediocre aka Normal. So, if you find anyone name calling at you, smile the big smile and move quietly away and find people who support your reality, it’s a far better place than being like the rest of society that shutting its self-down.

A few stories of hearing voices in my head. This is my first encounter with Mau Ching,

The Boat

I was thirty when I had my first interaction with Mau Ching in the Dreamtime.

I was in this workshop and we were told to go to a sacred place in our imagination, in a meditation. I had seen this picture of Lake Lovely Water (an incredible beautiful Medicine lake up here on the West Coast) so I went there. And when we got there, we were told someone would be waiting for us by a boat on shore.

I did this and when I walk down the hill to the lake this little Korean fellow was waiting for me in a small modern row boat. This wizen old Asian guy carried a long pole and a bamboo hat that nearly hid most of his smiley face. He steps into the bow of the boat and instructs me to paddle out to the center of the lake. This fellow who was not so very big of stature was Mau Ching.

When we got to the center of the lake we were to ask whoever was with us, to ask them an important question.

“What about my Acting Career?” Was my question.

Then Mau Ching’s staff turned into a fishing pole and he stood there fishing. He smiled at me in anticipation as I looked on in confounded awe and confusion. Then he ran to the stern of the boat and fished from there. Then he fished while standing on one leg, then he fished facing, north, then the boat rotated to the south, then he was fishing with his feet dangling in the water and then he is fishing while standing on his head.

“Hey” I yell “What are you doing, that’s not how you fish!”

Mau Ching stops smiles at from underneath his hat bows and says:
“Ah, many ways to fish, smarty pantsa?”

And that was my answer to my question. Which meant nothing at the time but now I absolutely understand what he was talking about years later. I gave up my career in acting and as soon as I did that I became a storyteller, clown, and children’s entertainer. 

Spirit Climbing

The next time I met with Mau Ching in the middle of the Lake Lovely Water I had wonder if I could do what was expected of me. I mean the sheer magnitude of responsibility of the task that I was beginning to grasp, seem daunting and insurmountable.

I was in the middle of the lake and Mau Ching was rowing the boat, and I thought to myself, “Oh no, something is up.” He says nothing until we stop at the edge of a huge cliff that reaches high up to the peak of one of the mountains around Lake Lovely Water.

Climb Mountain, smarty pantsa.”

“But, but you haven’t even heard my question yet.”

”Climb mountain!”

So, I don’t argue or say anything I just climb the mountain and when I about to reach the top, I hear my mother's voice that says, “Careful you might fall.” And in the moment, I lose my footing, I begin to fall but in the last crucial moment I save myself, pulling myself up onto the peak and who should be up there waiting for me? Mau Ching.
Oh, you climb pretty good.”

“Why thanks.”

“But what if you fall smarty pantsa?”

“I won’t because I can do it.”

”But what if you did fall!”

”I’d just get up again and do it again, and again until I reached the top because that’s who I am.”

”Right smarty pantsa.

Then Mau Ching points to a mountain not so far off in the distance that is higher.

“Can you climb that mountain smarty pants.”


“Why smarty pantsa?”

“Because once you’ve climbed one mountain you can climb the rest by applying the same principles. It doesn’t matter how high a mountain is nothing is insurmountable.”

“Right smarty pantsa?”

Then he points again towards the horizon and says, “What do you see beyond that mountain?”

“Another mountain?”

“Right, bigger or smaller?”


“Can you climb that mountain smarty pants?”

“Of course.”

“Right smarty pantsa. And what do you see past that mountain?”

“Another mountain?”



“No, nothing left but small mountains! You climb too many high mountains; you get rest from climbing big mountains.” And then as always, he laughed uncontrollably and I just shook my head and smiled at him.

Mau Ching has taught me a lot of things: the ancient art of Chi Wa and how to be a medical intuitive. Chi Wa is an ancient Korean Mystic Healing Modality that uses pressure points in people hands to activate meridians in their bodies creating a powerful release to lift them into a state of accelerated knowing, a lifting and a letting go that can only be equated to flying.

The one special thing that I’ve learned from my Wise Old Dead friend who, (was on the earth approximately 600 years ago,) is a sense of humor and not to take myself so seriously.

Duende (c)

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