~I live an Ayahuasca Life.
*Ayahuasca or Ayaguasca and aioaca, from Quechua Ayawaska, or yage', is an entheogenic brew made out of Banisterisopsis caapi vine and other ingredients. When you take Ayahuasca you can experience symptions like vomiting, diarrhea, feelings of euphoria, strong visual and auditory hallucinations, mind-altering psychedelic effects.
Is that me? Yes.
I've never taken it....Yet.
I just see "SHIT" & hear things that aren't suppose to be heard, lots of it and I talk to the Dead more than the living. (Ah, Don't feel sorry for me, its more interesting taking to the Dead. The living only talk about the 12 things we are aloud to talk about but the Dead just cut to the chase.) Always since the beginning of time.

~ Novice: Are you a PIPE CARRIER?
Me; No, but I carry Pipes.

~My Native Friend calls me Johnny Joseph his 3rd Cousin & introduces me that way to his Family, families, everyone is family on the Rez. (I'm jealous...my community is every man for yourself) I play along straight faced and be polite and say hi, well we both do, for a moment...then we break up laughing. He thinks its funny...So do I, so do they. But that shit ain't politically correct! Right? But there's good humor in it. Its an old medicine way...don't ask, it's hard to explain. When you come by to visit I'll get him to explain it.

~I discovered to my own amazement that I LOVE humanity (I just don't always LIKE them).

~Its funny sad we call Aliens, Aliens when they're just another culture of beings, from another place. Aliens being Alienated, can you see the historical pattern here? Mexicans are called Illegal Aliens...really? What are they then, Aliens? Are they Star People then? And might we be Star People too? Well from far away, off in the distance, we are, until you get up close or Land here.

~Angels, Demons, Fairies, Aliens and all the other wordly creatures and beings think humans are STUPID, when I talk to them....What do I say to that.....NO?
Duende Naddred (c) 2019
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