Friday, November 22, 2019

Magic of Water - Being Water

In a vision, on Lake Lovely Water, in the sky, above the clouds, a place of the sacred, oh yes its real, its real, a vision, here not there, there not here, real in a dream. In a boat with my friend, in spirit, here not there, there not here. Him standing with his Hat, robes, sandals, and a long pole, with a silly wise grin, a friend, spirit, ancient, knowing, smiling, always smiling, at all, and nothing at all, but deep, very deep. I’m rowing, thinking, figuring, in my head, wondering about the metaphor, the boat, me him, us, no wind, wondering? I create a sail, I can, it’s the dream, no wind, confused, I stand and roll the keel, to catch the air, in the dream? The vision, the sight, the gift, the question, to the wise old dead guy in my boat? I turn and ask….”Mau Ching,” He nods, “What should I do when there is no wind?” He looks lifting his very wise staff into the air, and smashes it on my small vessel and it disintegrates, into tiny pieces. “Splash!” I’m in the water, wet, shocked, surprised, he’s yelling ( yes wise old dead people Yell) “You no Boat, You  Water, YOU…WATER!” He stands on the surface of Lake Lovely Water, he on it, me in it. Bwhahahahaha!

I no Boat, I Water. WTF.

So I am water

~When anxiety is high this is my meditation, my peaceful way to gentle salvation: I close my eyes and imagine I'm sinking under the surface of mayhem, under the currents of catastrophe to the bottom, to peace, to calm, to tranquility, to my bliss. Its to still, no white noise, no human voices, no visceral over load as I drift into the abyss of love, back into the womb again, to lay on the bottom, breathing water in the spirit world, becoming calm, freeing my soul...until once again I decide to surface and face the world.

~I was called Dolphin, in an outdoor school, it was my Island name as a teacher guide. (Nothing happens that is an accident is there. lol)

~Water me, flowing down, down the mountain, river, waterfall, waterfalls more like water-falling from the top of the mountain to the Sqaumish River below, and from there, water me flowing into the Salish Sea. To evaporate into the heavens, cumulus to cumulonimbus clouds, breaking and spilling over the coastal mountains, into the earth, rain drop by rain drops, thousands of water me, falling from the sky. Splashing the trees, 6 days of straight rain, little tsunami's from high,  flowing down, down to the trees into the earth, the goddess, me water. No obstacles when I let go, just water me, gliding flowing going where spontaneity, the natural pulse takes me. 

Duende Naddred (c) 2019

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