Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hidden Magic of Books

~Ancient Forgotten Medicine Knowledge runs through my body's veins. I came in with allot of it. And just not mine, I realize it runs through every body's in all cultures, in all worlds and worlds, in the dream, libraries of Ancient Knowings in the sky. Everyone has a piece, a bit. So if I was able to access it I could know more knowings. "How do I access this? When I can't talk to every body's. How? Even when somebody's don't even know, or believe that they are filled with Medicine Knowing?" Books, Books, Books!! Everybody pulls there thoughts and ideas from the imagination, from the dream. They'll dream up ideas and concepts from there heart/heads which is the door way to the dream. Its a pulled collective of Ancient Forgotten Medicine Knowledge a body of work that is given to everybody. Body's don't even know they're sharing Knowings, in littles. I do, I collect it, mine it from books, it pings when its right, my heart can hear's it, my body knows other body's knowings from the great all. Not just Magic Books, or serious Adult Books but children's books too.

~And of course no one will let you read outta these books...cause they might be evil!! Really, I am so suspect when some one (or church, or heads of State) won't let you read something. I guess it's for my own good....Really? History suggests strongly that they are not wanting me to know the truth. Oh yeah its the devils work? Hmmmmmmm....History suggests that too is a lie. Could they want Control and Power?...yes! So that's why I read lots and lots of books about everything, it's hiding in plain sight, if your body knows the knowings. I'm Just cracking the code. Making the seemingly difficult easy. All you ever want to know is out there for everyone, no matter who you are! Is that possible? Oh yes it certainly is.

~Weave all the found, discovered tiny bits of knowledge gems , putting them together and from there 1 get a whole lot of knowings. Medicine Knowings. Have I found a way  to access the Akashic Records? Could it be that easy? Hidden in plain sight?

Duende Naddred (c) 2019

Magic of Angels

~Jo Jo says whenever you see a dime appear randomly, just there outta no were, its an angel reminding you you're blessed. I must have found over a 100, at least. I have kept all of them, in my Feng Shui Money Corner, you know Double Doublely blessed, its a prosperity, abundance thingy. Hold on! Is that another dime that just came outta no where? It is!! WTF!! That's so random, it just rolled onto the counter, twirled, fell flat Blue Nose Schooner side up!  (Canadian Dime) Now, now its 101 dimes/Angels. Yay!! Its fun or good entertainment, if nothing else. It sure helps, life is tough.

~No male angels, I haven't met any I've liked yet and when I do I'll let you know.

~Wait a minute I've got huge white wings, huge white wings....hmmmmmm  I think I stepped away from my male counter parts cause they where to Alpha and lacked a sense of humor. That might be why I like to hang out with female Angels cause the males get heady and take themselves to seriously.

Duende Naddred (c) 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Ayahuasca Life - Magic

~I live an Ayahuasca Life.

*Ayahuasca or Ayaguasca and aioaca, from Quechua Ayawaska, or yage', is an entheogenic brew made out of Banisterisopsis caapi vine and other ingredients. When you take Ayahuasca you can experience symptions like vomiting, diarrhea, feelings of euphoria, strong visual and auditory hallucinations, mind-altering psychedelic effects.

Is that me? Yes.

I've never taken it....Yet.

I just see "SHIT" & hear things that aren't suppose to be heard, lots of it and I talk to the Dead more than the living. (Ah, Don't feel sorry for me, its more interesting taking to the Dead. The living only talk about the 12 things we are aloud to talk about but the Dead just cut to the chase.) Always since the beginning of time.

~ Novice: Are you a PIPE CARRIER?

Me; No, but I carry Pipes.

~My Native Friend calls me Johnny Joseph his 3rd Cousin & introduces me that way to his Family, families, everyone is family on the Rez. (I'm community is every man for yourself) I play along straight faced and be polite and say hi, well we both do, for a moment...then we break up laughing. He thinks its funny...So do I, so do they. But that shit ain't politically correct! Right? But there's good humor in it. Its an old medicine way...don't ask, it's hard to explain. When you come by to visit I'll get him to explain it.

~I discovered to my own amazement that I LOVE humanity (I just don't always LIKE them).

~Its funny sad we call Aliens, Aliens when they're just another culture of beings, from another place. Aliens being Alienated, can you see the historical pattern here? Mexicans are called Illegal Aliens...really? What are they then, Aliens?  Are they Star People then? And might we be Star People too?  Well from far away, off in the distance, we are, until you get up close or Land here.

~Angels, Demons, Fairies, Aliens and all the other wordly creatures and beings think humans are STUPID, when I talk to them....What do I say to that.....NO?

Duende Naddred (c) 2019

Magic of Standing Your Ground

I had this conversation at a Principals Tea Party at my daughters Elementary school....Someone in the group mention that we should have a Anti Bullying Program in the school and I said " Yeah that would be great, lets start with the Teachers and Parents first." They all look at me dumb struck. "Oh," .I said "Youall think the kids pick Bullying up from Media? Cause if you are sadly all trickles down. The kids Bully cause they see the Adults doing it first and so on and so on, cause the Adults learnt if from there parents...and so it goes. It doesn't fall out of then air! Media is a small part of a bigger problem." And then "Bwam!" Deer in the head lights...from 9 out of 10 Adults in the room. Bwhahahaha... I was never invited back. Lol

Duende Naddred (c) 2019

Magic of Water - Being Water

In a vision, on Lake Lovely Water, in the sky, above the clouds, a place of the sacred, oh yes its real, its real, a vision, here not there, there not here, real in a dream. In a boat with my friend, in spirit, here not there, there not here. Him standing with his Hat, robes, sandals, and a long pole, with a silly wise grin, a friend, spirit, ancient, knowing, smiling, always smiling, at all, and nothing at all, but deep, very deep. I’m rowing, thinking, figuring, in my head, wondering about the metaphor, the boat, me him, us, no wind, wondering? I create a sail, I can, it’s the dream, no wind, confused, I stand and roll the keel, to catch the air, in the dream? The vision, the sight, the gift, the question, to the wise old dead guy in my boat? I turn and ask….”Mau Ching,” He nods, “What should I do when there is no wind?” He looks lifting his very wise staff into the air, and smashes it on my small vessel and it disintegrates, into tiny pieces. “Splash!” I’m in the water, wet, shocked, surprised, he’s yelling ( yes wise old dead people Yell) “You no Boat, You  Water, YOU…WATER!” He stands on the surface of Lake Lovely Water, he on it, me in it. Bwhahahahaha!

I no Boat, I Water. WTF.

So I am water

~When anxiety is high this is my meditation, my peaceful way to gentle salvation: I close my eyes and imagine I'm sinking under the surface of mayhem, under the currents of catastrophe to the bottom, to peace, to calm, to tranquility, to my bliss. Its to still, no white noise, no human voices, no visceral over load as I drift into the abyss of love, back into the womb again, to lay on the bottom, breathing water in the spirit world, becoming calm, freeing my soul...until once again I decide to surface and face the world.

~I was called Dolphin, in an outdoor school, it was my Island name as a teacher guide. (Nothing happens that is an accident is there. lol)

~Water me, flowing down, down the mountain, river, waterfall, waterfalls more like water-falling from the top of the mountain to the Sqaumish River below, and from there, water me flowing into the Salish Sea. To evaporate into the heavens, cumulus to cumulonimbus clouds, breaking and spilling over the coastal mountains, into the earth, rain drop by rain drops, thousands of water me, falling from the sky. Splashing the trees, 6 days of straight rain, little tsunami's from high,  flowing down, down to the trees into the earth, the goddess, me water. No obstacles when I let go, just water me, gliding flowing going where spontaneity, the natural pulse takes me. 

Duende Naddred (c) 2019

Magic in Finding Your Roots - Ancestors?

I'm hunting my Elders, but they're gone, gone, gone....
My culture was wiped out in 64 AD.(Genocide by the Romans, then the Witch Hunts)...I'm digging my Elders up. Thank God I was blessed with amazing parents and embraced by some awesome Squamish Elders for the past 30 years. Phew. Mentors, Elders, They didn't say more than 10 things...cause that's the way of there people...but in all that silence, they taught me so so many things. They embraced me, all of me. FIRST time I could be accepted for all that I am....Dreamer, Spirit Walker, Seer, Dancer, Green Man, Serpent, Artist...all of it...all of my full on Medicine. They just smiled there big loving smiles and I felt like I was finally home and then then they pointed me back to my own Medicine...back to the fairy people of Ireland, the Pics/Celts of Scotland, the Laplanders of Sweden and the Wicca/Pagans of England. I'm home now with my ancestors living life large because of them. I have been truly blessed..and they saw me coming, and waited since I was wee...and then again at 14 when I was camping with my Dad up at 13 mile up the Squamish River Valley and then I met them at 30. What an incredible journey...and now because of them...they are so close to my heart...I'm living breathing creating being the way...everyday, the kindest, big hearted way, fully lit up.. in plain sight.

Duende Naddred (c) 2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Magic in the Words

Hands, fingers, pens, pencils, paper, creating words, images, visions turning into magic, from the dream to the page, to the reader, readers, everyone, no one, creating the sublime. Gifting the dream to unsuspecting as the words twirl around there heads, something is happening, from the unknown to the knowing, to the written word, dancing, sparking the hunters imagination into endless possibilities. Smiling I write more for myself, automatic soul to pen, to keys, playing my dancing fingers as if it was a grand piano * "An accomplished pianist is one who brings the audience, to experience something that is out of the boundaries of time, which shackles us in our everyday existence. It is one who is at one with the instrument." My gift, pulls the dream, allowing it to create sparks threw out my fingers, sharing with those who are in soul, out of soul, that have something to say, giving voice to the unspoken, to the forgotten dead, from the ancestors reaching across through time, through the veil to step into this place, reality takes the words to be given openly without judgement, mine but not mine, there's but not there's, shared knowledge, in the dream to the dreamers who want to believe in more, in the moments of "AH HA!" Enlightenment? maybe. Joy? most likely. Miracles? Yes, and more to the readers life offering new possibilities, firing up their world turning it upside down, tossing preconceived paradigms on there axis.  I write to pull the dream from the universe to the page, the everything from everywhere to hear, to you. The gift brings me joy, its magic every time I write. I love it. Without you there is no me, or is there? I smile, breathe, create, and find the way, my way, in lone one ness for the hunters who are being hunted, offering a path to find the way, there way, we in unison creating a future of hope.

Duende Naddred (c) 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Magic of Raven

In silence by my own self, I pack up the bird, she's heavy, into my old F150 pickup and head 7km, up the mountain, up to the big sky, to the 70km view. Alone 4xs a year I reconnect with my creator, with my people, in silence by my own self. In Reverence, I adorn the bird, the serpent, the White Raven, the Phoenix, she is me, I am her. we begin to merge. Am I afraid? Yes and no, I know not what is about to happen for I am already gone, to the process of being sacred, lost in its power, its in me and out of me, its everywhere. I close eyes and see with my heart, I let the realm of possibilities seep in, I let go becoming fluid, open to the ancestors. I begin to sing, then dance, spiraling, up and down, the song, louder and louder, higher and higher. The sacred fills my whole body, the air around me, the mountain top, everywhere and everything is charged with the knowing of the unknown, the other worlds collide, my spirit has merged and I lift into the air...I'm going homing! I can feel them, I soar up through the stratosphere,  higher and higher, then...woosh into the dream, beyond the dream (is that possible? oh yes.) I am here and there. Home and home, below as above, I am magic and flying, serpent, White Raven, the Serpent and me. Light speed, lighting speed, intense spirituality, filling my heart with a complete sense of belonging, to my core. A calm so profound, full filled completely to the very depths of my soul, my being on fire. This is me, all of me in silence.

Mom: Dance and they will come

Me:    Mom, this is not the Field of Dreams.

Maybe it is. No ones showed up yet, but I can feel them, oh yes, yes I can. I can feel you, oh yes, yes I can.

~Spirit Salish Elder: Are YOU the White Raven?

Me: Yes.

Spirit Salish Elder: But ye the wrong color.

Me: I didn't know we had to be color coded. Hahaha

Spirit Salish Elder: You sarcastic, but funny.

I can hear Wise Old Dead Salish People Laughing.

~I walk quietly in the clear cut, nothing scared here, dead trees, cut to the bare bones. I walk quietly with Bella the Black Lab, she's happy, and me? Sad happy, to be walking this morning, to be alive, to breath, without the living forest, ahhhhhh sad me and then? I hear the woosh, woosh, woosh, WOOSH, WOOSH, as a giant Black Raven fly's over my head and into the distances, WOOSH WOOsh, woosh, woosh woosh  away from sight. I walk quietly in the clear cut, now everything is scared, dancing heart, beautiful magic. I call out to him/her, kaw kaw, KAW! Call, response, KAW is my answer, I'm busy says the Raven, I'll see you in your silence, in the dreams, in the visions, in your quiet sad  walk, I'll fly over head, now as before, with magic on my wings.

~"Kaw, Kaw" ...."Kaw, Kaw!" I like to believe that the Ravens know me. That they are my spirit friends. An Elder once told me "The animals they know you." And so I "Kaw, Kaw...Kaw!" out to my Feathered friends, wooshing by in the silence of a forest and better seen in a clear cut. When I talk to Raven It raises my whole being, and makes my heart and soul dance again, as it always has through out my life, lives. The connection is so wonderfully intense, I history with my brothers and sister of the sky, they are my family. So the other day I'm in play "Kaw, Kaw!" Wait for it, wait for it then...its a game we play, call and response and it comes back "KawKaw, doke doke doke" My turn Kawkawkaw....and then moments later KawKawkaw!" Its so beautiful, it lifts me into the air, my spirit fly's with them through the trees. Oh my imagination is an amazing thing. Don't get me wrong I totally think I'm silly but "Fuck it," I do it anyways and then....I'm walking down the deserted loging road with my clients black lab (Bella), we turn the side is lush moss rain forest, the other clear cut and in the lush trees, are 4 huge Black Ravens with four hoping down the road...Huge, as big as Eagles (Eagles are pretty big). Big Smiles from me, Bella races after them, I call her back, they don't care, they just hop into the air, landing 3 meters further ahead of Bella. They are laughing, I'm laughing, Bella is content, I'm with my Family. Why is it I seldom feel this free with humans?

~Elder Jake: Do you want to find your Totem Animal?

Me: Yes!

Elder Jake: Put food out and wait and what ever comes and eats it, is your Totem.

I  am vacationing on Gabriola Island, an extraordinary place with alot of old wealthy hippies, gorgeous, lush, super green rain forest, surrounded by the Salish Sea. I'd camped at the provincial site and almost froze my ass off  the night before, in Late August for god sake, today however the sun was out and  I was warming up. Eating my lunch burrito I decided to see who was my spirit animal, so I place half of my Lunch near the edge of the sea. Just to give an opportunity for the sea life to come and get it. In my imagination I picture an Eagle swooping down from the sky, or a Orca throwing itself onto the shore and eating my burrito...Lol...oh sometimes I get so carried away. Or a coyote, or a bear, or a mountain lion appearing out of no where. BUT a Raven dropped outta of the Sky and gobbled it up. Damit!! A Raven. OkAY I thought, I'll take it, but I'm not happy. Was I ever sadly mistaken.

~The chatter of the Raven's create a CACOPHONY drowning out the chirping of Eagles....It's Raven Country after all, Mother Fuckers!!

~Me: I'm the White Raven...Do you think they Know?

Lakota Spirit Elder: Who?

Me: The Ravens.

Lakota Spirit Elder: Why else do they talk to you?

Me: Of course!! Bwhahahhaha.

Lakota Spirit Elder: Why are you laughing?

Me: That's so obvious now that I think about it.

Duende Naddred (c) 2019

Magic Inside of Me - How to Create Magic

~The magic has always been inside of me, since birth and as I heard less and less of this world,            I  heard more and more of the other worlds, and the magic grew like Ivy, vines crawling                      up a tree towards the sky.  With little hearing, almost none at all, I was given gifts as a child, I could hear flowers talk. Playing alone, left with introspection, the magic flourished, not everyday mind, yet still with uncanny frequencies. Now, now I hear without  hearing, see without seeing, pulling magic to me, to me, to me in every breath, in every step.

And magic hears me and comes to visit, in phenomena so extraordinary that it takes my breath away. Elves in broad daylight, a blue fairy at 3 in the morning, in my tent in my front yard, dolphins talking to me then popping up in the surf minutes later, a huge thunder bird at dusk and more and more. Magic is in the air and I breath it, I realize it, mostly its small and I really have to watch that I've seen it, for it wants to be seen. Its not exclusive, its there for everyone, always and forever. It was there when I was little and it's there now but I nurture magic, play with magic, tempt magic, create magic, and so now I believe I am magic. Its been my walk in life, my path, my legacy. I practice and practice and practice....its like every thing in takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. I've still got a ways to go but I am close.

The More I Create Magic For Others,  The More Magic Shows Up to Greet Me

~I nurture magic, I stop at all the Lemon Aid stands on the side of the road, having one drink, leaving a kings ransom in a child's mind, just 5 dollars leaving miracles and endless possibilities into the hearts of innocents, blazing bright into there future.

~Blue Red Beach glass so rare, so desired when found, on a summers breeze, on a beautiful day. Dogs barking, children screeching with happiness, exploring rocky shores. I hunt thrift stores for treasures, colored glass all. Sneaking down to the sea at low low low tide, in early morn, so not to be seen, by myself, singularly, quietly, stealthy, knowing the sea will be my conspirator of this random act of magic. I smash the whole treasure trove of cheap glass, smashing them into shards, fragments, splinters of tiny glass, sneaking them under unmovable boulders. Next winter storms will come to help with the mystery and with them the waves, the swells that will toss and tumble those sharp shards, to smooth pieces of treasures, to the shore, to lay there silently for the summer children, Blue Red beach glass, so rare, what dreams are made of.  And so I leave magic I create and live magic.

~Quietly I drop 25 cents here and there, a phone slot, a vending slot, this machine and that small fingers searching for there lucky day! I smile at the thought of them finding it, child, adult, male, female, I care not who...I'm nurturing the peoples of the worlds Midas Touch. This, this makes me laugh out LOUD with joy.

Duende Naddred (c) 2019