Nero Different (Psychics, Clairvoyants, Empaths) Nero Typical (Normal People)
Group Normal Think from the Nero Typical. This group isn't Right they just think that they are Right and unfortunately the TV (Mass Media) supports this way of thinking and any thinking that speaks in opposition to there way of thinking, the Nero Typical People will ostracizes you from the Group Normal Think who live in fear of Everything including there own shadows.
These are some of them (You've probably already heard most of them)
1). Everyone is Clairvoyant. (Psychic, Empath) Insane answers to insane Group Normal thinking.
Yes everyone is clairvoyant but if you follow this logic it totally homogenizes you and will nicely fit you into mediocre. This is my come back to this statement: Everyone can boil water but how many of them become Chef's. Or Everyone can Run but how many of those people go to the Olympics. The percentage of people who truly are Gifted with being Clairvoyant, Psychic, or Empathic (its all the same) is approx 3% of the population of any Western Culture including Native American. The Extreme Psychic is .005%. So no, not everyone is.
2). It's all in your Head.
Well of course it is! If you follow that we are all in a collective dream, and we are creating this reality together and if you can go beyond this 3rd dimension, you'll find that yes indeed it is all in our Heads. or ....
3). It's just your Imagination!
Well Duh, of course it is! Were else would it come from?! Think about it, really, the imagination is the door way to the other worlds.
4). Your eyes are Playing Tricks on you.
Do eyes really play tricks on us, to the point that we can't trust what we SEE? Really?
5). Its not scientific and it can't be proven.
Science has just begun to prove through Quantum Physics that Shaman and Wise People have Know since the beginning of time.
Oh and if you really really study science it's still is flawed, its not an exact science but Normal Think holds on to that argument so tightly out of fear.
6). The Bible Says. That's the Devil's Work. The Work of...Satan!
Well my advice to that statement is False. The Bible is a creation story among 100's of creation stories around the world. Its the only one of the few to be written down. When I have some one saying this to me I just say nothing, smile politely and walk away.
7). Witches, you have got to be careful of Witches.
Im more worried about Priests! Who by the way get a lot more negative press(for buggery and everything else) than witches do. Answer me this...when is the last time you ever saw anything in the media about Witches doing anything at all. Famous Actors, Producers, Presidents, Aldermen, Coaches, Priests but I have not ever heard or seen anything about Witches being evil.
8). Vampires are pure Evil.
I know someone who put, No Vampire Welcome on her front door. How much bad press have you ever seen about Vampires, oh except for the movies and in them the Priests are righteous and good.This must be Propaganda because we all know that Priests cant be trusted as a whole. So if they are depicted as righteous and good and they ARE NOT then the Vampires who are portrayed as EVIL must be the opposite OF THE LIE and maybe they are GOOD. Just saying, its worth thinking about the obvious DOUBLE SPEAK. Personally Id like to meet them myself cause Im sick of corrupted Clergy.
9). Youve got to be protected.
Unless you are going as deep as me down the rabbit hole, into the other worlds you dont need protection. Do not worry about it. You are probably mostly on the surface and not effecting to many things that would draw negative things from the dream. Just be a good person, do the best you can.
10). Everybody Knows That's Not True.
I was talking to this lady who was a friend of my wife. She was very open to other world phenomenon and we were making progress until the very quiet boyfriend suddenly jumped into our conversation saying, "Everybody Know that's Not True." He threw the comment out smugly and a wee bit cocky and way to over confident. I suspect he has done this before when his girlfriend would get excited about limitless realms and possibilities, other worlds, ghosts.
I didn't skip a beat and I turned to me and asked, "Everybody? You know Everybody in Canada?"
"No, of course not." He look at me a little confused and his smug smile began to droop downwards.
"But you said Everybody...so you must know a lot of people who believe this with you....so you know Everybody in Vancouver?"
"No, I, I didn't mean that."
"But you said Everybody Knows?" I looked at him with feigned expression of confusion.
He started to panic.(Probably because no one had ever confronted him logically) "No, no what I meant is the T.V tells us that what your talking about is Fiction."
"Ohhhhh I said the Box Tells the Truth. We should believe everything that comes outta that Box!?"
"No, no no....of course the T.V. lies."
"But you said EveryBody?"
"Yeah, cause me and my friends Know its not real."
"You talk your friends about this?"
"No, no of course not! I only talk to a couple friends about this weird shit!
I looked and said, Are you aware that you and two friends and a Box that Lies is not everybody. Infact Dude I have 40 people I know that agree with me. You are the minority.
My point to this story(that really happened) is no one is confronting board sweeping statements that are completely empty but totally accepted by Pop Culture aka Group Normal Thinking aka Nero Typical Society.
Fear is the main tool in controlling a population. The Nero Typical are a huge group of folks around the world who believe you live for 70 to 100 years old and then you die, never to live again. No wonder they are frightened, but this propaganda was started 2000 years ago to control people and its doing a really good job. It was done so people would not empower them selves but look to Religion to get into Heaven. The Priest from any religion has the power and always will. Its a crazy way to live because you could easily fall out of good graces at any moment and not go to heaven.
Be Strong. You are in the Nero Different category. You have depth, you think independently and dont need anyone to give you permission on how you should live. BE YOU. You are amazing human being who has some incredible gifts that can help people. Thrive! And stop trying to get the Nero Typical people to accept you! Leave there club, walk away they are truly the crazy ones. Be Proud of who you are and create your own tribe of folks that support your perspectives. This goes for even your families, let them go (I know its tough) but they can be the most damaging to you self esteem. Seek out wonderful, balanced, accepting people with big caring hearts who are Nero Different. (c)
Nero Different:

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