Inuunngittut aka (nonhuman beings) is a Inuit word that I think really is what it is. I a using this word to describe all the other world beings that I've interacted with over the years. And the myth is that this Inuunngittut name was Qallupiluk and she steals children who venture to the ice up up north. Now I can understand why this story is told because it helps to keep the children inside and close to there parents. It's a myth right? Wrong.
I live by the ocean and one of the funest things I do during the summer is jump off the dock (keeping in mind I was 45 at the time) and it was a wonderful drop of 10ft or more on low tide. Loved doing jumping and swimming back to the door and climbing the ladder. This time I was with a friend and it was high tide. We both plunged off the dock with a 6ft drop with crazy wild abandonment! When I came up and my head broke the surface I realized I was being pulled out the sea. I'm a good swimmer so I just pulled harder with my arms to get back to the dock. Well it wasn't working at all, so then I kicked in with my legs, but I had to swim so hard to get back to safety a small distance away. And to my relief my friend was at the ladder too. "What was that he asked?" as we climbed up the ladder. "What the current/" I said. "Yeah I've never ever had that happen!" Now I knew something was not right but I stayed silent as not to influence him. " It was like someone or something was pulling us out to sea. " Now that confirmed it. Wow! We got our stuff and headed down the pier and as we where I saw it! I wasn't even sure what it was, she was a haggy looking women with black hair come outta this big shaky fishy thing. Black, Black, Black. Pulls the hair up my back just recalling it again. And then...she talked to me, "I need you help." She said in my head. "I don't think so." The creature was quiet for a moment and then said "WHY". "You just tried to kill us!" "oh, yes, well I didn't know who you were, did I" I was astonished, "What?" "You can help me, you can send me home, I'm trapped hear. " There was no way I was going to send this nasty creature anywhere let alone back to her home. I walked away without saying anything, however she didn't relent. "Give me some time I need to think about it. Now I not sure why this Qallupiluk creature is in the ocean near my house but she is. After some research this is the closest name for what I'd seen. Several days later I went to talk to her. "I will send you home, only under one condition." "Anything...Name it." she greedily answered. "Okay, you have to save as many children as you killed in your life time. AS soon as that is..." Interrupting she howler "Do you know how old I am Spirit Walker!!" I smiled.."Oh yes I do and AS soon as you have saved as many children as you've killed then you get to go home. Let me know when that happens...bye!" Qallupiluk still talks to me but not quite as nasty as she was.
They are not all nasty bits of business, and what I'm going to en devour to do is salt and pepper all of my sightings and interactions so it just isn't messed up Aliens or white fluffy angels, I'll give you both.
When I was 17 I saw an seraphim: ("an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.") She was all glowing white with extended wings and floated from the foot of my bed to the right side of the bed. Which is wild because my bed room was an old turn of the century walk in closet with a slanted roof, so it you'd have to be 3 feet to be able to do what she did and she was much taller than that. The really wild thing is she looked like my sister, I've never been able to figure that out. My sister is a good person but I'd never describe her as a Seraphim/Angel.The whole encounter left me feeling lifted but in the morning I realize there was going to be very few people I could tell. It took me a year to come to grips with the experience because it touched me so deeply and left me in awe. It rattled my life to the core, mostly in a positive way but the confusion was huge.
Around the same time (I was 17) I'd had a cloak being (cobalt robe with a hood) no face with two white dots for eyes. I had done some automatic writing and communicated with a being from a planet called Atroni III which is where he (Tamlet) was from, and apparently so was I. Before going to bed I wanted to communicate with this fellow/being. I laid down that night and started to journeying to my planet and went looking for Tamlet. My farther had given me a cross because he was very worried for me and said maybe it would protect me. This is very odd because neither my father or I were religious at all but I think it was a parents attempt to help in a situation where he had no idea on how to help. There I was dream journeying to find this being who said he knew me. At the time I only half believed that it was actually true. I had a more of a "Yah....righttttttt?" and secretly thought what I was being told was suspect. Lol well until something extraordinary happened! I was deep in the journey, in my walk in closet/bedroom when all of a sudden I open my eyes and saw this man (he had a male presences) with two white dots (stars in brilliance) for eyes, standing approx 6ft tall (which you cannot do where he was standing). He was head to toe in his Cobalt Cloak and he was just looking at me like he was confused how he got were he was. Then he reach out with his hand to my heart to examine the cross I had clutched there in my hands. I was totally pooing myself when this was occurring, speechless to say the least, in shock, he was as real as you or me, solid form from head to toe. Wow! When he reached out and place his palm over my chest to feel the cross? or my heart? Or both. His sleeve pulled up and I saw all this square color arm band that went from his wrist to elbow.(Not sure what they did but got a sense that all those colored squares had a purpose.) WTF!! At that moment I pulled outta the dream and it took me 6 months to cope with what I'd just seen. Whoa! It was an extraordinary meeting. I know now why the cape. He comes from the "Brotherhood of Light" or the "Warriors of Light". Which when talking to him is a place that en circles the world and they come down and help folks like you and me with there path. Advice, protection, healing, wisdom and company. Have you ever woken up with you heart beating uncontrollably at 2 or 3 in the morning. That was them. They show up in 3's, 6's mostly. All the way up to 101. (Which I've met but I'll tell that story later in this blog). And they don't all wear the same color of robe, each color relates to the magic discipline of there choosing. To date I've met them wearing, Brown, Cobalt, White with gold sashes tied around there waist , Black with a red lining, Green,and Purple.
I was 30 at the time and I was hanging out up in Whistler British Columbia and because of my Farther who was a leading Abuductee UFO Researcher, I knew that the number of Alien phenomena in this area was mind blowing. I had been staying at the Youth Hostel at the time and on my last night before going to sleep I said, "hahaha its the third day and you didn't get me." Then I started to meditate and go to my scared place but I didn't end up there I ended up 6 translucent (you could see through them, or into them) colorful Aliens (Star People) with wings. I call these beings Butterfly People, its a poor description but its the best I can do. They where solid but not solid. I've never seen anything like it then or now. We talked for a while and I had them laughing, they where brilliant souls, wow!, just amazing to be with them.
I'd returned home and I was sleeping when in the dream I saw a Grey Alien at the foot of my bed with its arm out and one of its 3 fingers pointing at me, lying in bed, when the covers moved down to my feet and then I levitated out of the bed. I was having an outta body experience, there floating up in a standing position over my bed and me watching in the room like a spectator, all the way up to when my body slammed against the wall with my arms out stretched. Boom! I was back in my body. I don't think the Grey Alien even knew I was watching or there but in that moment when I slammed against my head board wall! I was paralyzed! Arrrgh I knew what would happen next, I'd heard the stories of probes and tubes and fuccccck that was not going to happen to me. Inside my head I said, "This is not happening to me!" and then out loud I looked directly at the Grey Alien and shouted "This..Is..Not...Happening...To...ME!!" And in that moment I step down to the bed. Suddenly I noticed these little ugly looking green dudes in light brown capes with hoods. Three on each side of the bed. They all looked at the Grey Alien in charge and said to him, "This is not suppose to be happening!" The Grey Alien instantly disappeared. I don't remember much after that but I got the sense that I chased the Little Green Dudes around the houses, catching them and then throwing them up the portal that they all came from, in the center of my room at the foot of my bed.
I was running, waiting, fighting then running again. In the waking dream I was being hunting by Hounds (The nearest I've gotten to figuring this out is some literature I found in England and the Hounds are called "The Hounds of Baskerville") hundreds of them hunting me. Moving fast I had evaded them for a while. Black Hounds with Red eyes, they look more like a wolf but with deep black with spikes coming out of there backs. Go move fast stop fight. I didn't know how long I could keep it up. I phoned a friend Saux' wood. "Aunty I'm afriad." I said. "How many?"
I was shocked she knew. "Many, lots, hundreds."
"We are you running too?"
"To the Valley, the Valley of the Bears!" I knew I was headed to a valley but not until she asked did I realize this. "But don't know how long I can keep this up."
"Are you in the Valley?" She was very calm.
"Soon, almost there but oh no!!" A huge hound jumped outta no where and before I know it a Huge grizzly bear comes outta no were and takes the hound out. And then I saw all of them, so my hounds moving very fast. Coming to kill me. "I'm done, I'm done its to late!"
"Are you alone?" She asked calmly.
'Yes!" I was freaking out, seconds and I will be gone.
"Are you alone?" She repeated precisely.
"Yes!!!!...." And then in that moment I realized I had wonderful family, good friends and then I said..."No, no I'm not alone."
And in that very moment Grizzly Bears appeared outta no where, hundreds and hundreds of them. Aunties Clan was the Grizzly Bear. I made it into the valley safe and sound. No "Red Eyed Hounds of Baskerville follow me then, or ever again.
I've been hunted by all sorts of creatures and aliens but the scariest of them all has to be Hooded Assassins! They float a foot off the ground and wear a black cape with a hood, and are about 7 to 8 feet in height, with red eyes and literally no face. If you were to draw back the cape you'd find a bronze metal breast plate from the neck to there hips, oh and they carry a cross bow. I remember the first time I saw one I was petrified but now not so much, it's mostly the other way around. Haha. I suspect that these creatures are liken to Templar Nights/Priest Religious Zealots who have taken an oath to serve and protect the church. I was in teaching a seminar in Shamanism at an Aboriginal Healing Conference and I was telling a story of what these creatures are. We had 40 people in our workshop and there where 250 in the conference most folks happened to be Native Aboriginals. I told them this story, I'd been hunted by the Hood Assassins my life and found out trying to fight them was a ridiculous waste of time. At this point in my journey I take a two handed Claymore ( A Scottish sword) from the back of my spine (everyone has one) and draw a circle around myself. Then I point a finger at the Hooded Assassin and say, "Cross my boundaries and I will HEAL you." and if they do (They rarely even try anymore) 10 snakes come from my legs and grab onto them, they then fall down and 9 days later there ability to hurt anyone has gone, leaving them with only the power to help humans. This of course scares them to the core. If you could see the looks on there faces after I've said this it would make you laugh. I say next, "You are free to go," but before they have taken a few steps I lift them in the air (easily between my fingers) and say, "Oh and if I see you within my field of vision, I will heal you without hesitation." They turn to go and I stop them again and whisper in their ears, "Tell your friends, I know you talk." That freaks them out cause they'd like Humans to think that they are omniscient. Which they are not. Every creature, being, Alien, nasty bit of business all have community of some sort, well mostly.
I looked up to a room of gaping mouths and BIG wide as saucer eyes. I thought, "Why did I just tell these newbies this story, I must be crazy." The next thing that happened was extraordinary, a Micmac Native Lady from the east coast raise her hand.
"These creatures do they come in three's"
"Yes" I said, "They can."
"What are they after?"
I don't really like to tell people cause it scares them, "They come for people and they will commit suicide. The Black Red Eyed Hounds isolate them and then the Hooded Assassins come and finish the job. Why?"
"I saw 3 of them show up on the Reserve and then we lost six youth to suicide."
"Oh, that sounds right, I'm sorry for your loss." Now everyone in the room who thought I was crazy was looking at her and me in awe.
"What would you do if you saw them?" She asked.
"Well I'd Howl for the Wolves, they've been fighting this fight from the beginning of time.The Wolves know what to do and the Hooded Assassins fear them."
"Oh she said, "I wondered why when I saw them, I step out of my house and HOWLED! Thank you."
It was 730 in the morning and I was driving to work. Heading
from West Vancouver into East
Vancouver to my job and I decided to travel via Kingsway that runs
right up the center of the city. I wasn’t focusing on much and mostly I was a
little wee bit zoney just trying wake up
when I came to a red traffic light, were Clark and Kingsway intersect. Then I
turned and looked around the intersection and glance left and then right, it
was then I saw this person/thing. I was so shocked I turned away really fast
and thought wow! WTF was that? I turned back to make sure I saw what I thought
I saw. Yep, I was looking at a human and with a Demon head, or just a Demon. It
was broad day light, first thing in the morning and there he was! I watched him
and it appeared he had no idea I could see what or who he was. He had a
contorted face, with a pushed up nose and a huge mouth with what appear sticks
coming out of it. I watched him for minutes (you are lucky to see other world
creatures for a couple of seconds but for 1 to 2 minutes, wow that’s unheard of)
waiting for that light to change until he turned back into a human, it was outrageous
I was shocked and I’ve seen a lot of wild things in my life. He turned back
into a humanoid and the light went from Red to Green, I headed to work. This
never happens but it did. Mostly you see these creatures and most all other
world beings in the shadow but out in the open, in broad day light no way. I
see these sightings and mostly I can make sense of them however sometimes that
can be difficult to fathom, to make sense of. Hey I guess that’s why it’s
called the Great Mystery. (c)
Sumerian/Egyptian Alien (nasty bits of business) Sky Gods
I was
watching a film called the “Fourth Kind”, OMG was it wickedly intense. It is
about alien abduction and is suppose to be a Docudrama* but not a Documentary.
*Docudrama. A docudrama (or documentarydrama) is a
genre of radio and television programming, feature film,
and staged theatre, which features dramatized re-enactments of actual
a movie
or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report.
It was
an intense film that I found brutal to watch but I think it was because my
father had recommended it that I decided to keep watching it. Basically it’s
about a therapist that is trying in the beginning to help people with insomnia
and the fear of going to sleep for fear something terrible would happen to them
when they were sleeping. The deeper you get into the film the more and more you
realise that all the people that are having the same encounter. They’re having
Alien visitations of the worse kind. They wake up in closets scare (terrified)
to death with ragging pain from there scalps (we later find out) being dragged by
there hair across a carpet, by these Aliens. At the same time children started
disappearing and FBI agents started to investigate Knome Alaska (44 recorded visits) to the area but
they found nothing or never did anything about what was going on. This to me
from my experience appears to be government cover up but why? It’s just all to
weird and then when I was watching the film: One of the victims was in a
regression and under hypnosis re experience her experience while she was
sleeping the night before. When she was full on into the abduction experience she
was talking from her perspective as well as doing the voice of her abductor,
except she was not trying to recreate the voice ( which was terrifying to
listen to and wickedly authentic and not in English it was later discovered it
was an ancient language. The Aliens were speaking Sumerian). She was screaming
“OH GOD, oh god oh god, Please save me!” And the Alien Abductor said something
right back to her and when he did it translated instantly in my head and I
heard “I am your God!!” I waited for the experts to translate what the Alien
Abductor had said and they came no where close to what I heard. WTF! I could be
off a little but not by that much. It was then I recognised the Race of Aliens
from Samaria (well not from there but where their in that time and Egypt later
in history and here now) who were the nastiest of the nasty’s of Alien with
little or no regard for Humanity (so other world beings think, human’s are
completely stupid) and were apart of creation of the Homosapien millions of years before. When the Alien Abductor said “I am your God”, it woken something deep
inside me and I recognized there race, I knew them and they were and still are
a brutal narcissistic psychopathic race. It was this and that the children were
disappearing in numbers, plus the FBI investigation without support. So I
thought I ought to pay the Alien Abductors a visit.
I went
on a dream journey to Knome Alaska
to the “Samarian Under Ground Colony”. I arrived in the heart of the community
and was met by one of the Guardians.
are you doing hear Spirit Walker?” he said in his most low, gravely, terrifying
voice. (They’re so dramatic)
“I’ve come
to tell you and your kind to stop terrorizing and abducting the humans of
Knome.” I was calm and determined.
you have no power hear with us! You can not come and dictate to us what we can
and can’t do!!” He was trying harder and harder to unnerve me but I’ve known
these being’s for along time and have more distain for there kind than respect.
not dictating to you, I’m asking nicely.” I smiled at him which proved to make
him even more agitated which was good to see. He was becoming unnerved.
and your kind have no power here and we do what we want, we are gods!!” His
animal face contorted while he spoke.
shrugged, “So you say.” I inhaled and then said, “I will warn you this once,
leave Humans alone or there will be consequences.”
looked at me in his 8ft towering, muscular human form, with animal head of an
alligator snapping into the air. He was something to behold but I was little
advance towards me as quick as lighting, with the intent to destroy me and in
that moment I knelt down, raised my fist in the air and slammed it into the
ground. A energy shock wave and threw him to the ground and resounded threw the whole
underground colony.
He rose
as a total human, smaller and with a human head.
He looked
at me and roared!! “What have you done?!”
I stared
at him, eyes of a hawk, piercing and pointed into his all of his kinds souls, “Listen
to me, you and your kind, all of you. I have turned you into the very thing you
despise and you will change back as soon as you’ve helped as many human’s that
you’ve hurt here and through time. It is my will and so it will be.”
“We are
the abomination! You can’t do this!!!”
late,” I giggled, “Look around my friend, I already have.”
started to walk away as I could here screams of anguish coming
from the
rest of the colony, I turned and look back at the now sobbing
once nasty Godly Abductor, “Oh, and I want the children returned
or I
will return and the next time you see me I won’t be as kind.”
If you’re
thinking is this a story or is it real? You choose. It’s little concern
to me,
If it’s easier to think of as a good story then that’s good with me.
I thought this was an outrageous dream journey for me until a 6 months later this happened:
I was working in the employment services and teaching workshops in being employment
ready and I typically get 7 people (from welfare) per workshop. This workshop there was two and then the next day (the workshops where 5 days long) one.
Just a gentlemen who looked very stressed but I didn't think to much of that because most of my clients had been out of work for a while, and they were all stressed (hard not to be when you are trying to live off of 600$ a month), I usually start off my workshop with the usual stuff like: No cell phones, 3 breaks a day ...etc. and end with "If you want to talk about the conspiracy theory I'm more than welcome to do that outside of class (alot of the participants were very fixated on the government because they spent so much time with them in this social assistance program). I also shared that I'd been aware of the conspiracy theory since 1976 because my Dad was a UFO researcher (a strange thing to say? You might be saying to yourself, haha, not in a room filled with conspiracy theorists).
There he was looking anguished as we started reviewing the horribly patronizing dry antiquated employment material set out by the some really bored paper pushing government employee.
Then the gentlemen blurted out, "Your Dad was a UFO researcher?!"
"Yep," I replied without looking up from the work sheets I was about to teach.
"Listen, I have been having these really bad nightmares where these huge nasty Aliens drag me across the rug by my hair, I think its just a dream but I wake up in the morning with rug burns and my scalp hurts something awful."
My jaw dropped in shock.
"You don't believe me!?"
"Oh no I believe you, I've just finished watching this movie which nasty aliens had been terrifying people the same way. Listen what did these aliens look like?"
"Oh, aprox 7 to 8 feet tall?"
"What did there heads look like?" I inquired as casually as I could.
"Like it was weird they have animal and bird heads."
"Wow, I've seen them too."
And while I was teaching him the workshop I gave him tools to help himself get free of his tormentors.
I took another visit up to the area where this gentlemen lived (not far from the center of town) and found a smaller colony of identical nasty aliens (liken to the ones in Knome Alaska) which ended in the same results.
I was working in the employment services and teaching workshops in being employment
ready and I typically get 7 people (from welfare) per workshop. This workshop there was two and then the next day (the workshops where 5 days long) one.
Just a gentlemen who looked very stressed but I didn't think to much of that because most of my clients had been out of work for a while, and they were all stressed (hard not to be when you are trying to live off of 600$ a month), I usually start off my workshop with the usual stuff like: No cell phones, 3 breaks a day ...etc. and end with "If you want to talk about the conspiracy theory I'm more than welcome to do that outside of class (alot of the participants were very fixated on the government because they spent so much time with them in this social assistance program). I also shared that I'd been aware of the conspiracy theory since 1976 because my Dad was a UFO researcher (a strange thing to say? You might be saying to yourself, haha, not in a room filled with conspiracy theorists).
There he was looking anguished as we started reviewing the horribly patronizing dry antiquated employment material set out by the some really bored paper pushing government employee.
Then the gentlemen blurted out, "Your Dad was a UFO researcher?!"
"Yep," I replied without looking up from the work sheets I was about to teach.
"Listen, I have been having these really bad nightmares where these huge nasty Aliens drag me across the rug by my hair, I think its just a dream but I wake up in the morning with rug burns and my scalp hurts something awful."
My jaw dropped in shock.
"You don't believe me!?"
"Oh no I believe you, I've just finished watching this movie which nasty aliens had been terrifying people the same way. Listen what did these aliens look like?"
"Oh, aprox 7 to 8 feet tall?"
"What did there heads look like?" I inquired as casually as I could.
"Like it was weird they have animal and bird heads."
"Wow, I've seen them too."
And while I was teaching him the workshop I gave him tools to help himself get free of his tormentors.
I took another visit up to the area where this gentlemen lived (not far from the center of town) and found a smaller colony of identical nasty aliens (liken to the ones in Knome Alaska) which ended in the same results.
1990: My friend in Hunnington Beach California invited me to come and stay with him and search for work. So, I decided that was a good option. I’d lived and studied down in Pasadena for four years when I was in my 20’s. Now 7 years later, I was excited to go back to California . It was great to hang out with my friend again and while I was down there a number of extraordinary things happened to me. This, was another experience that I think relates to the same story but at the time I wouldn’t have known that.
It was late (approx 3 in the morning) and I got woken up from the dream. However when I woke up I wasn’t dreaming but I wasn’t in real time, in this dimension, on this plane. I could feel something coming towards me from inside my closet in the room I was in. I got outta bed and sat down curled up with my back to the wall. I was scared to death. Frightened to my core and out from the close came this huge white bird. I knew right away that the Big White Bird was female. She came out of the closet (floating a little above the floor) and went right towards me. I was shaking I was so scared and so how I knew I needed to make contact. I lifted my right extending my index finger, up towards her. Her energy was overwhelming, it was all I could do to not poop myself. She lifted her wing and I touched her right wing tip. I looked up simultaneously and could not make out her face cause it was blurred out, which only added to my confusion, fear and made me spin out of control emotionally. She then turn and went to the mirror attached to the Chester drawers. It took all my effort to stand up and move to her. I had too. I’m not sure why but I knew at the time, it was something I needed to do. I walked up behind her and saw her looking at me but still I was unable to see her face. I grab her by the shoulders and shook her, yelling, “Who are you!!”|
Duende ©
More to come....not necessarily nice but still interesting.
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