Thursday, January 31, 2019

Is There Aliens Among Us?

Some one once asked me, "Do you think there are Aliens among us? "

Of course I do!! Look at the state of the world! I mean look at Trump...OMG he's totally an Alien, well and Trudeau and any other leader of the world. What a sorry said state of affairs. And what about corporations that will poison to save there bottom line. Profit, Profit and more Profit at the expense of its peoples. Crazy? FCK Yah! What sort of Alien thinking is that!?

Think of the universe as a big ocean and every planet an island, now think back through history about colonialism. Now how is a ship in the 1800's arriving and abducting people and how an Alien ship in 21st century arrives and abducts people, any different? And do you know that 1 million children go missing a year and know one knows where?  When the first ship arrived on the coast of South America nobody could see them because there minds couldn't cope with the new concept of a tall ship, It took a shaman to tell everyone because it was so Alien to them. Sounds like then is now. Doesn't it?

Seriously! I've been doing allot of thinking about my theory that Aliens live among us. I mean really 93% of our society is...from another planet! Really. But I digress (and having some good fun) I do not think that our home earth is what most New Agers call "the lowest vibration". I think that there is so many beings Humans, Aliens, Faries, Gods yep still here, and other world creatures, that this place is a resort planet. Thery're  so many different life forms on so many levels and dimensions that earth is not a lower vibration place, I'm thinking its the total opposite. I'm thinking way to many beings are visiting that its ridiculous. In fact I also suspect that Earth is indeed the center of the universe. Maybe even the heart and soul. Not because I'm some stupid egocentric human being who's toxic and wickedly self absorbed. No through my experiences there is far to much other world phenomena and beings to even think other wise. There is Aliens Among Us. We are a Popular Tropical Vacation Spot of the universe!

Bwhahaha!!! No I'm Serious! (c)

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