I remember when I first met Uncle Jimmy Jimmy, I was 14. I was 14miles up the Squamish River Valley, in a small canvas tent. My Dad was asleep (I could hear him snoring) and I looked up through the tent, up through a big blue steel empty drum, filled with fire and there where 4 heads looking down at me. One of them was Uncle Jimmy Jimmy, and he may have started "Dream Sharing" then, quite possibly, I mean that would make sense but I can't prove it. Well not until some 20years later when I had been come down a mountain and realized Uncle Jimmy Jimmy had saved my life without leaving his home. He did it in the dream.
His daughter would phone me up and say "Dad wants to see you." So I'd be excited to go visit with him, a native Elder, with me, wow! When I got there we would sit quietly watching a John Wayne army movie for an hour, and then I would think, "Is this it. I travel all this way and he says Nothing!" and before I would leave he say one thing to me. I remember this one time, we watched John Wayne and then I turn to go and before I'd gone through his door, Uncle Jimmy Jimmy would turn from off the couch and walk up to me and tap me on my third eye and say, "Don't lose your head." and then he would laugh.
The number of things that Native Elders have said to me has got to be 10 things, that's all.
Now when I got home mysterious things started to excel orate in dreams and life. It took me a long time to figure out what was going on. I had a connect so strong with Uncle Jimmy Jimmy that we would meet in the dream and he would share his wisdom and knowledge, but nothing of any kind was ever admitted or shared face to face verbally, it would just happen. So much information was shared its hard for me to tell were it began and were it ends, if in fact it ever will. It took me some many years to figure out what was happening and I'm not sure how I figured it out, but I did.
Aunty Dora (Uncle Jimmy Jimmy's Sister) would say things to me, "How do you feel about the bush (forest) ? And I'd say, "Oh Lions, and Tigers and Bears OH MY!" She'd laugh and tell me, "You don't be afraid, the animals they know you." Before I knew I had two of them teaching me in the dream. I can't even tell you how it happens, I know its not hard, and its not impossible. Maybe if I had to tell you something about how Dream Transference works, is that all you have to do is think of them and so it begins, MORE or less.
This combined with my insatiable curiosity I think the knowledge sharing happened rapidly and sometimes (or more often then I know) years and years later after there deaths, it's still happening.
Before Aunty Dora's death I went to visit her a week before her passing. She asked me were I parked which I thought was a very odd question. I looked out of the window and pointed to my car that was sitting right in front of the Hospital. She just smiled and nodded saying, "Of course YOU did." I didn't quite understand the meaning and if it was a compliment.
Aunty wanted me to sit down in front of her and then I put my hands under her hands to pass my medicine over to her so she may heal from her illness but she wouldn't have a part of this and then moved her hands under mine. At that point I had know idea what she was up too, although I suspected something different was going happening. I knew it was a energy transference hers to mine but the absolute ramifications of this wouldn't be clear until after her dying, a week later.
A huge "Sliver Back Grizzle" appear in my periphery. This was Aunty Dora's Medicine and she'd given it to me. I at this point did what any freaked out person awed by sheer immensity of Medicine power would do, I tried to give it back! It boomer rang back to me in 6 months.
I remember Aunty Dora said to me at one point, "When you see a bear, bang two rocks together and it'll scare it away."
I'd laughed and asked, " Have you ever tried it?"
She looked at me and answered, "No."
Then I laughed again saying, "Nice thing to tell a white guy."
She smiled, nodded then laugh with me, with her knowing laugh. I of course had know idea that the medicine transfer, information had begun.
Uncle Jimmy Jimmy's Daughter phoned me up to say that her Dad wanted to go. I thought how odd, why me? But he had plans, always with the secret plans Jimmy Jimmy. I took off like a bird and landed in front of the hospital, then strolled in through the door and into his room.
"Hey Jimmy Jimmy,I've come to take you, like in the old way, the way you want to go."
He smile and turned outta bed to put his leg on. I yell and laugh all at the same time, "Jimmy Jimmy, Uncle, its the Dream you don't need your leg."
He ignores me and says, "I like my leg."
Then we proceed to walk out of the building and I'm confused because we don't have to fly, after all its the Dream you can just appear at your next destination.
I said, "Why are we walking?|"
"I like walking." he smiled.
We walked passed the security guard at the front desk, through the automatic doors that opened in real time as we passed through them. The Security Guard dropped his shit and was absolutely freaked out. Uncle Jimmy Jimmy, smile and then laughed. "That'll teach him." he thought to me without speaking a word.
We went to a scared falls, which I always thought was just a place tourist would go and no one else. Standing there with Uncle, I looked down at myself in the dream/vision and saw that I was in traditional cedar clothing from head to toe. I picked Uncle up and walked into the pool of water at the bottom of the falls. When we were both in the water and Uncle was submerged he exploded then a star going Nova and shot up like a rocket up the falls, I fell unconscious in the dream (not sure how that happens in a vision dream but it does) in the water and began to float down river. I was in serious trouble and wasn't to sure what to do. That is when Uncle's son came into the water and pulled me out and carried me down to a waiting traditional elder canoe. It was all black with red native symbols on the side. We were escorted by two other canoes and every once in a while someone from the other canoes would swim over to us (Uncles son and I were the only people in the canoe) and drop salmon into the boat. I was conscious yet not able to move but able to see. I was below and above all at the same time. Uncle's son (who I'd known for 30 years, a friend) paddle the canoe and said nothing. He was taking me home to the Islets in front of Roberts Creek. Uncle Jimmy Jimmy died three days later.
I remember Uncle Jimmy Jimmy said to me at one point, "When you see a bear, bang two rocks together and it'll scare it away."
I'd laughed and asked, " Have you ever tried it?"
He looked at me and answered, "No."
Then I laughed again saying, "Nice thing to tell a white guy."
He smiled, nodded then laugh with me, with his knowing laugh. I of course had know idea that the medicine transfer, information had begun...again.
Later I began to see a huge Eagle in my periphery in the dream. It was Uncle Jimmy Jimmy he'd transferred his medicine.
I suspect this was the plan from the time Uncle Jimmy Jimmy had seen me when I was fourteen years old camping with my father on the side of the Squamish River that night. Interesting enough my Dad and I in March, (snow was still on the ground and in Canada its still cold) found 200 Sasquatch foot prints on the river bed some 10 miles from where we camping. I mention this because it may have something to do with what has happened to me from that point on but upon reflection the happening probably added to, or enhanced everything that was going on.
The Sliver Back Grizzle did come back to me and when it did I quickly bang the rocks together (don't do this without support ever, it could kill you, and you may never return) my spirit split, one part hear on this plain and the other part of me went on a "Walk About". My spirit did not fused back together for another 5 years. When I check with another Elder friend of mine, he had said no one bangs the rock together, and he only knew of one other Cree Woman who'd done it and she didn't make it.
Duende (c)
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