As a "Medium, Clairvoyant, Empath," I always get asked, "Can you see my Farther, or mother or a family loved one? Are they okay being Dead, are they Lost?"
This made me think about Lost Spirits on the other side and Heaven and |Hell and Limbo and Death.
Through my experience I find only 10% of spirits are lost, and most most of them are doing exactly what they are suppose to be doing which is supporting there family because they have become ancestors and that is our commitment to our children. (who wants to leave our kids on this planet to fend for themselves?)
The Lost spirits are the living here on earth, upwards to 90% of the Beings here on earth are lost, I suspect the percentage is even higher but I'm wanting to be optimistic.
Then all these questions got me thinking about Heaven and Hell and Limbo and what pop culture suggests where we go when we die and western culture suggests there is Heaven which is up and |Hell which in down and Limbo well Limbo is in-between?
Now I've died and gone to the other side and thats not what I saw when I went to the other side. I'm thinking that the christian creation myth is not exactly correct (surprize surprise) in fact when you they this plain there is no up and no down and if an all encompassing compassion god would be mad at his children just speaks to me of shame and guilt and....a man made construct.
So where is Heaven or Hell, is it up or down, or is it side ways, maybe Heaven right and Hell left? Nope I haven't seen that either.
When I was on the other side, It was all pretty amazing after you got past dieing it was pretty cool. There was a place where the not so aware people went but they were all just sleeping there was no punishment.
I have found that if anything I've experienced, we live on earth in a space time construct that keeps us here in a past, present and future continuum and all other beings are moving in and out of our construct with ease. You name it, spirits, mystical beings and Aliens etc. If anything I would say that, are you ready for this: We live in Limbo which could be both Heaven and Hell, depending on how you shoose to create it.
its the living that sometime more them often look like they're living in Hell, but if you are really paying attention the magic in this realm called reality is astounding, Heaven the way I imagine it, and yes sometimes Hell but it always all depends what you focuss on.
We live in a reality that provides 80 to 100 years of life and in the scope of creation that is a blip in the grand universe time line (if there is a time line). If you imagine that we are souls that continually moving changing and reliving, experiencing everything from every spectrum of the universe we have probably been existing for 20 billion years and in all this we live for 80 to 100 years, this has got to be a waiting place in comparison.
I talk to Uncle Jimmy Jimmy and (he died some 15 years ago) he is now a 15 boy in Germany and he is Uncle Jimmy Jimmy my spirit/firend/guide/helper too.
Its all so much more detailed than what the Christian Creation Myth describes, LOL I wonder why that is. Can you say control, and power with the priest.
Just some insights and thoughts rocketing threw my popcorn brain, for you to think about or not, agree or disagree, its a perspective that I wanted to share from my encounters with the dead and dying, Limo, Heaven and Hell .
I just saying this is just my opinion with eyes on the other side. "I could be wrong but...I doubt it)
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