I was born into a English family in Toronto, Ontario Canada. My farther was a UFO researcher in a time when it was not an accepted area to research. Way way back in 1960. He went from that "Wacko" crazy person to a sought out Leading North American Abductee Researcher well before he died at the age of 75. My Mother is a brilliant story teller (in fact they both were), a incredible listener and my rock/foundation. She would talk about being Queen Morvani of the Bellamina in Ireland. She talks about her dreams openly and tells story's about Elves, Spirits & and alternate realities. An reader with such a thirst and curiosity of massive proportions, she lead me to Carlos Castaneda (books I highly recommend). They both played a huge role in my exploration in critical thinking, helping me with my journey to discover who I am and what was going on inside of, and around me. The conversations around the dinner table were extraordinary and the people that came to visit our house was unbelievable . And both of my parents would listen (mostly my Mom until I turned 30 and then my Dad got on board.
All of family, my parents, three other siblings and cousins all have the gift in varying degrees, I seem to be the one who have it in a huge way.
When I was a child my hearing (I suspect because of getting vaccinations) started to become less and less until I was pretty well Deaf. The build of ear wax in my ears was pushing my ear drums together, if my mother waited one more week I would have been completely deaf forever. I was 5 years old when she discovered that I could barely hear. She says that my Aunt (who lived behind us in Pickering Ontario) yell that she had chocolate cake for anyone who wants some. All my siblings heard her yelling from the back door of her house but I didn't I just stood there smiling, confused up at my Mom. This was her clue. I love chocolate so much she knew I wouldn't miss it for the world. This little thing saved my hearing. It had been 5 years of a extremely silent life. I remember standing listening to flowers talk.
I believe its the challenges that create growth in this grand adventure. Challenges create adversity which gives us all greater gifts, tweeks us and gives us tools, if we can take the challenge and grow from it. Further farther better if, if we are willing to find the hidden gifts that each adversity gives us.
The next challenge I was not diagnosed with Extreme Learning Disabilities while going through the Canadian Educational System. And no one caught this until I was in The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I was cold reading a script in my scene study class and doing so poorly you'd think I was just beginning to learn how to read. It was terrible, I was 21. She recommended I see a Physiologist who was working out of a college in Pasadena, California. I went to see her and after she'd finished her testing she'd asked me what grade I got to. I told her I graduated from high school and to this she told me that I shouldn't have gotten past grade 9. Even today writing this blog I still struggle, gut that day, that day I was set free and suddenly a new world opened up to me. The challenge was to learn to adapt in an environment (Reading, writing and Arithmetic, the school system) and succeed. I am audibly impaired, to the point where I'll even do lip read to figure out what some one is saying. Not only do letters and numbers float around on a page but my mind does not always translate information to my hands when writing, which means that I will drop letters from words, or whole words out of the text when writing documents, like this blog. School was a nightmare for me, it didn't matter how hard I studied I would always get 49% or 55%. Even though I was verbally way ahead of everyone else. I walked out of that office that day full of tears for the years of pain and happy beyond belief. I still suffer from being Extremely Dyslexic but no matter how frustrated I get (And I do quite often, I've finished a book 20 years ago that no one still has been able to edit) I still feel blessed because of it and because of it I have this incredible ability to be able to read peoples idiosyncrasy which later in life gave me the gift of being able to help people with autism. There are so many other talents I've gotten from being Extremely Dyslexic, I had to believe so fiercely in my self that I stay in my heart all the way through school. I couldn't be brain washed because anyone who was right brained. I couldn't make out anything they said. Again, it left me alone with my self listening and escaping into my imagination. This would prove to be very beneficial for breaking the "Code" and to begin my journey into shamanism.
I went up a mountain (at the age of 30) in the Tanalus Range to a lake called Lake Lovely Water. |When I went on my first vision quest some life changing spiritual things I experienced was amazing! One of the secrets that came out was my child hood trauma that |I didn't realize had happened to me. I came home after my vision quest still processing the whole experience when my mother up to me and showed me a picture an artist drew of me as a child. The twisted part of this drawing is that he drew his hand in touching my face. Oh boy the did all the pain come rushing in. I thought I'd never get through it. This Challenge was too huge, to much to over come I thought it would be impossible to over come. I did step deeper into my self and got some good help (therapist, counselor) and started to get through it. I made the impossible - possible.
What do I get from all these intense traumatic experiences.....it's dark but this is what I've come up with "It take a lot of shit to make a great garden! And I have a huge Garden" (c)
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