Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Destroying Your Magic, Keeping You Normal

I was in a Health Food store getting herbals instead of Pharma, for my Health. I know, I know that's radical lol. When I was there the NaturalPathic young lady was having a very tough time. So, naturally I wanted to Assist Support Lift her up and then let her follow her own heart. While I was doing this she broke down in tears. "What's wrong?" I asked her, "Are you okay?" "I want to see more" she answered "YOu see from your heart, not your eyes." She looked at me confounded. "And how's that possible?" Blutering out, even more confused. "Your heart is the big Brain, and your eyes and mind are data collection." She just stood there with this "Deer in the headlights" look on her face. "You know when your in your house, late at night and your talking with your partner or watching TV and suddenly, for a split second you see a tall man standing in the corner, but when you look its just a tall free standing lamp? What was it?" "A lamp!" She replied confidently, like an excited student, first to put her hand up. "Really?" I asked her. "Well what do you think it is?" "I think it was a man posing as a lamp and a lamp posing as a man." "Isn't that just the imagination?" "I said, "Of course it is....where else would it come from." She stood there so puzzled. Like Duende how can you say that just your immagination, everyone knows that its not real. And here in lies the problem, the brain washing, the pop culture of NORMAL. Where did we learn what reality is and isn't? From the school system mostly. And if you find that hard to believe, go back to your year book and see all the student pics, everyone had there head the same straight forward direction with the same smile, in the same way, row after row, page after page. And this is just the tip of the ice berg! And what are we in and don't be different. We are also taught to COMPARE....Who's better looking, who's got the best grades, who's in the coolest group and has the coolest friends. Who straight, who's gay, who's smart, who's dumb. Comparing = Desparing. So most of us conform and very few of us even question why. I've been studying this phenomina for the past 30 years and its epidemic porotions. Question? Why is it that we all had a vivid imagination up from birth until the ages 2 (or probably before) to 10 and then loose our connection to the other worlds? If you where to ask anyone from the ages 2 to 10 who they are staring at?....they'd say "A tall man in the corner." And they'd point him out. So WTF happened? When and Why. This is what I'm going to help to explain in this post.
Duende Naddred 2021 (c) More to come.....

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


"THE JOY OF AWAKENING" * You will feel pain. * You will doubt yourself a thousand times. * They will tell you that you are going crazy. * You will lose friends. * Your family will sometimes not understand you. * People will hate you for no reason. You will develop strange habits. You will fight with your monsters (fear, ego and ignorance). * You will not care what they think of you. * You will feel like you don't fit in this world. "But it will all be worth it ... No one lights up fantasizing figures of light, but making aware of the darkness that surrounds us and the that dwells within us. " The true spiritual awakening is not a caress, but rather a bucket of cold water. What use would it be to you, to caress your ego, with whispers, fantasies or longings. When what you need is a strong shake, so that you really assimilate what life is. Shared by Alberto Marquez I found this and had to share This is so helpful for me and I hope so for you, my readers out there. Awakening is not a bliss out uforic 24/7 state. It is what has been said...Its a cold bucket of water. I know its not appealing thinking of it like that but it is closer to the truth. I liken wakening child birth, its amazing, incredible, extremely intense, glorious, tear filled, terrifying, life changing, brillant, painful, calming, awe inspiring, peaceful, and full of Joy. In a nut shell awakening is like Nature....its everything, its a journey with many ups and downs, hills and valley's and all wonderful and good in the end. LOl. Duende Nadderd 2021 (c)

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Rabbit Hole Ramblings: They Walk Amongst us

These Two Women are just examples (not the real deal) for the Stories below. 12 years ago, I was hanging out with a friend of mine for coffee, in downtown Vancouver. We were at our usual haunt which happened to be "Star Bucks" (Sadly) and this peticular coffee shop is situtation acroos from a Sky Train entrance. And Boys being Boys, or mostly Men being Men we were checking out all the beautiful people coming off the train and walking down the street. People watching on this corner was most exspetional, all the color of the rainbow, men and women rushing from work, back home and or, into restaruants. Yes we were checking out women mostly but love to watch all peoples. We were sipping our coffee and this couple comes out of the station. The gentlemen look dazed and confused, not really with it but looking and dressing like he really should be alert. He was not it was so odd. And his lady was a stunner, but with something different about her, some sort of? I was not sure at the time. There was something so right about her but not here, something odd that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Everytime I tired to go deeper on who, what and why it would slip outta my thoughts. I watched them both walk outta the station and hang a right just in front of us. I thought I'd been blessed. She was Sandy Blonde and TALL, unusually TALL and then she had heels on. Wow! He appeared not entirely there but she was so confident and self assured. Beauty but something deeper I couldn't put my finger on, something different. She was walking enjoying the world and I was enjoying her unabashed carefreeness and then she turned and winked at me! Wow! I'd thought I was watching subtely in my invisable commando mode. Mostly I'm subtle (well at least I think I am.) and had my cloaking device on and she turned and wink at me. Not in a you old prew way but in a more mechivous manner. Like "HAHA Gotcha". All of our interaction was quiet, and I don't even think my friend saw her. Who, what, where, why? No answers to these questions. Usually because of who I am I get readings on people. Unintrusives ones, ones that just tell me if they're happy or sad or In a good relationship or not. Knowings like that. We this Woman, I had absoutely no clue. I also knew I wouldn't be able to let go of her signature impression (we all have them, alive and dead) but with her I couldn't. There was no impressions at all. This for me was a first. With any human being I have incountered in the past. Even while retelling this story I loose all track of time and its hard to focus on which is not the case with me. Fast Forward to present day. I was in our local grocery store and I was shopping for dinner. It was approximately 430 in the afternoon. It was very busy that day (must have been Senoirs day lol I live in a retirement community and if theres a bargin the Seniors come out in droves. I walk into the store and a man past me oblivous to everything except the women he was with. That woman was a stunner! Usually Tall and she had heels on too. I kept an eye on the both of them as I shopped through the store. Neither of there energies where normal to a human signature, there was something very odd about these two. He was totally gobb smack over her and she was indefferent to him but enjoying him, sort of. Like you would a toy as a child with a room full of toys. You know, its your favorite Toy, for now. Again I couldn't figure her out, or him or the both of them, they seemed incongruent to there enviroment. No one else seem to notice them too, this made everything about them even more unreal or there but not? The other thing is that they had no awareness of other people, and it wasn't just like to people in love. No it wasn't that it was something again I couldn't quite put my finger on. It is also hard to focus on her. I think she had no idea I was studying her and her partner. There but not there. The second encounter happen 2 months ago. Finally I decided to go for a second opinion and rang up my friend who has some rocking clairvoyant skills. Here's the deal, if I can't SEE I'll contact this friend because she can see what I can't and visaversa. I described the two ladys that I encountered and everything about them and how similiar they seem but how old there signatur was, like they didn't really have any. It was then my friend said, "Oh they are FAE!" I was floored. Of course!! It made so much sense. "They were using Glamour." Wow! Really!? I thought. "And Glamour won't work on you, cause of who you are and your already exsisting with the Wee Folk. "But they were so TALL how's that work!? Aren't fairies WEE?" She laughed at me, and well so she should that was a not so smart reply. Okay it was a total of fail. "There are TALL FAE." OMG! I had the extreme pleasure in witnessing, not one but two of the Tuatha de Duana! Wow! I feel Blessed. Ive met the FAE before and interacted with them in the Dream World but never ever live and unfront in person. And Here on this physical plain. So cool. The next time: Was in a Mall taking a selfie and this tall striking black woman walks up with "Life" bursting through he eyes. Wow. We interacted a wee bit and I swear you could see her soul through her eyes and i thought: "Another Faye?" I swear she was. There is just something different about her and the same thing happened to me. My whole being was taken off balance. My clairvoyant sonare went crazy and spun me towards forgetting. Its hard to describe, I've met alot of women in my life, and pretty ones but what I always look for is the magic, the inspirational joy, the twinkle coming out of there eyes if not there whole being. And this incrediblely tall black woman had it all, it was breath taking and head spinning. However as I walked away I thought...."Is this Woman, who appears human, really faye?" and I would say yes. Again not alone and with a man who did not equal her level of extrordinary. I'm getting closer to asking/saying: "Your not from here are you." Well there you go. It an outlandish story. You can decide if its true or not, that matters little to me. I know what my experience was and I wanted to share. The impossible is most certainly POSSIBLE! Duende Nadderd 2021 (c)

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

"Unseen Magic" The Book

The Book: "Unseen Magic" "The Life Story of a Shaman" Email me: Duende Naddred (c)2021

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Rabbit Hole Ramblings - 1% The Corrupt Elite

The Elite, the ultra ultra Rich (beyound our imaginations) make up all the rules (which I believe in) and then don't follow and totally disregrad the laws that we all agreed open. The Elite, raise Medical, Gas, Oil, Electrical, Water prices knowing it'll push us into poverty without a concern or care for our welfare. None of which matters to The Elite because none of this effects them directly. I mean my god now they're trying to inhabit Mars. Same same routine since the begin of time, explore and then exploit whatever resources they can find in the new found land. Sound familar? The Elite ravage/exploit the earth, with oil, minerals, people (7 countries in the world have slavery) and have little or no regard for conservation controls to help the enviroment or its creatures, land and sea or air. Posioning the earth, water, air and food, every element vital to our existance. The Elite abduct 8.5 million childern under the age of 10 around the world to use for there sex trade. For sex yes and I've heard they drink there blood...really, I find that hard to believe however I keep hearing it. There's an anti aging componant in childrens blood and we know that the Elite are fixated with this. Oh and gold aka "More Money", "More Power." The Elite, have power and want more and more power, so they have wars which is all about $$$$$$$$$, resources, and culling the GQ public. They create the Wars and the poor fight the wars and they stay home in the secure nice beds creating more war. WTF! The Elite, don't take sides in world conficts they just sell weapons and resources to the highest bidder. The Elite have not been doing this for the past 100 or 200 years, this has been going on for 4000 years, since the time of Babylon. Really. Were at that time the "Star Nations" had a civil war and we lost, however we vowed to return and save the children. We are Back. Who is are we? We are the "Children of the Sun." The Elite do all these dispicable things and humanity lets it go unchecked. There is so much we could be doing but most humans don't even believe its going on and it is. Really. Horid unspeakable things. I mean look at it folks how many of us are slave work force? WE think we are doing well but we are not and it gets harder and harder. And the GQ Public allows it! Really they do. The Elite convinces us, that trying to effect the world will do no good and its impossible, because we can't help everyone. It would be too overwhelming and we would fail. We ought to just leave it to the "Pyschopaths" (The Elite, and they are) to make sure everyone is taken care of? With them really? We want to leave the welfare of the next generation in the hands of...."The Elite Pyschopaths"? AAAaaahhh no! I don't. But humans do? How could they, the end result is awful. Besides its only a half truth. We can't help everyone in the world all at once but we can help our family, friends, neighbours, and community by practicing random acts of kindness. If everyone in the world did this we will have saved the world. I help and help and help some more, always, in every breath, in every moment... Hence the Blog. In the dream, waking and sleeping. "If not you then who? If not now then when?" Duende Naddred (c)2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Rabbit Hole Ramblings - Demons/Shadow Sides


Supernatural Being
A demon is a supernatural being, typically associated with evil, prevalent historically in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology, and folklore; as well as in media such as comics, video games, movies, anime, and television series

to be continued....

I was doing a sweat and we'd come out for the 3rd round and I wasn't paying attention to much. I was beautifully blissed out, riding a wave of enlightment (truly that's how it feels) and was zoney when I looked up into the eyes of this native woman and saw her Shadow Side. Thick White Haired fell across her face in straight lines, just showing enough of her eyes. The eye brows went two lines off the faces, scarey pretty. I not even able to say she was evil, I don't think so and besides nothing is mostly never (always one contradiction in life) that black and white. The vision lasted for tops 3 seconds. Which as far as visions go, seemed like a life time. The only reference I have to this being a demon is the chinese movies. She looked like one of them. Not hard for this to happen, just requires childhood trauma to have it exsist inside of someone, however not something I usually SEE typically in and during a sweat (or even on the street but I might feel it and know but not know. I'll look more carefully at someone who makes my back shake, like someone walking over my grave chill.) I say I don't usually SEE (in the past 60 years) Shadow Deomondy Sides of people but the next day I went by to talk to someone I know, who's does Ayahuasca Cermonies down south. He was just so excited about the experience and as he was promoting the Cermony, I could SEE his Shadow Side (but not him but him) walk up to me while he was talking. Wow! As I try to understand what I SAW, it appears that it was a Piggy Back Demon who stay in the Shadow until this moment? Hard to tell. The more I SEE in the community, I'll post it here. I very interesed who has what. More to come. Duende Naddred (c) 2021 I'm

Rabbit Hole Ramblings - Invisible Man

I believe in "Dream Walking" which means I am in the "Dreamtime" 24/7, all the time. I walk when I sleep and I dream when I walk in the waking world. Its all a dream, and I believe that magic can happen in that state. So I'm constantly zoning out (zoning in is more like it)  in my spiritual practice. I'd wondered if "Vanishing" is a possibility while "Dream Walking. I always wait for at least 3 examples of any one phenomena before I say anything to anyone of this: My new vanishing hypothesis. 

The incidences I'm recounting are over a period of 19 years.

Below are examples of highly possible times when this exact vanishing happening has occurred:

1)  I went to the Video store (lol years and years ago) with my 5 year old daughter. I was very tired and my daughter has always been very super sensitive. I'd left her to pick out a video but it always took her alot of time to pick one out. So I left her on the floor checking out her options and moved 10 ft over to her left but in plain sight. I know her Anxiety  is really high, so I'm always careful not to freak her out. I was in easy sight for the both of us.

It was then I look up at the preview of videos TV that they had on. That's when I zoned and in the exact moment not seconds after I zoned my daughter cried out. 

"Dad? Dad. daddy!! Where'd you go? DAD!!!!"

I said, "What, sweety I'm right here. Are you okay?"

I didn't get mad, (I know she's a sensitive miss) and soothed her as much as we I could. We rented her video and we left. 

On the car ride home, my daughter was in the back seat and I said to her, "Sweety?"

"Yeah Daddy?" 

"Did Daddy go away when he was beside you?"

"No Dad."

Okay I knew something had happened but I didn't want to put words in her mouth. "Sweety, did Daddy disappear?" 

"Disappear Daddy, what?

I realized she probably didn't know what "disappear" meant. "You know sweety, one minute Dads there and then he's gone? Is that what might have happened?"

"Yes Dad you did that." My 4 year old answered less confused and more self-assured than I might have liked in that moment. I really was hoping I hadn't vanished. I always concerned of messing with her wee brain.  

2) This was not the first time I thought I might have vanished from this world but I like to make sure. I've startled people when riding my bike (mountain bikes are not quiet, especially mine  lol)  and wondered, "Aren't they paying attention?" And we all know the answer to that, if they are a human being the chances of anyone of them paying attention is.....almost zero. So I didn't count any of those examples of me in stealth zoney vanished mode, Until: 

I rounded a corner, coming outta the bush (aka forest) and rounded up onto the power lines and no sooner had I done this then, BWAM!! I surprise 3 coyotes. I rode right up to them and they had no idea that I was there until I was on them, 3 of them. WTF! 

Its an easy thing to ride and surprise human beings at anytime (we as a race are not the sharpest knives in the drawer) but How do you do that to coyotes, who are the most cunning of hunters. How then can you sneak up on them? So now after vanishing with my daughter I suspected every time I zoned I'd vanish from this world, here in are reality and go I'm not sure were, but not certainly not here.

3) I started playing my digeridoo because I find out it can help cure sleep apnea (google it, its true) and play for approx. 30min to 1 hour a day. 

About once a week I take my "Digeridoo" down to the beach and play, have fun and make music but most of all I love to let go and move into the "Zone," from the world, the pandemic and all the worlds anxiety, and mine. 

I'd been playing for 35min when a women and her boy came along the beach from the big rocks and the Mom, yelled out when she got up to me. 

"Whaaaaaaa!!!" She exclaimed!

"Are you alright!?" I asked. More worry about her and what was going on. 

"I didn't see you," She was trying to calm down. 

I really really startled her. "I'm out in the open, playing, its not like I'm hidden."

"Yes," she said " I know, I can see, but I didn't see you at all, I could here the music but I didn't see you until I was almost tripping over you!?" 

I calmed her down and they went on there way.

I believe now that I go into the "Zone" and I dissappear from this world. Where do I go? I have no idea... yet but one day I will and when I do I'll write about it.

Duende Naddred 2021 (c)




Thursday, February 18, 2021

What is a Psychopomp?


  1. (in Greek mythology) a guide of souls to the place of the dead.
    • the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.

    What is a Psychopomp?

    A psychopomp is a guide, whose primary function is to escort souls to the afterlife, but they can also serve as guides through the various transitions of life. The term originates from the Greek words pompos (conductor or guide) and psyche (breath, life, soul, or mind). Stories of psychopomps are widespread throughout the mythological tales, religious texts, sacred narratives, and real-life stories of people around the world.

    Some of the most well-known psychopomps include the Greek god Hermes, the Egyptian jackal-headed god Anubis, the Archangel Michael, and the female Valkyries of Teutonic legend. A wide variety of angels, animals, birds, and other helpful beings have also been known to act as guides to the afterlife. And it is not uncommon to hear of former ancestors and friends who come to greet the deceased at the time of death. Such guidance generally guarantees a successful transition for the soul, but there are other times when additional aid is needed. This has long been a role of the shaman and others with the ability to travel to the spirit realms and offer help to those in need.

    Throughout much of human history, such archetypal escorts have been of great comfort to the dying. They confirm that there is some form of existence after the death of the body, and that a compassionate being will be waiting to offer their assistance through the transition. Unfortunately, many of the myths and rituals that once contained images of psychopomps and helped prepare people for this final rite of passage seem to be largely lost or forgotten in the Western world—a world that is also plagued with fears of dying.

    It is important to know that every single human being, from the moment of birth until the moment when we make the transition and end this physical existence, is in the presence of guides or guardian angels who will wait for us and help us in the transition from life to life after death.

    - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

    At present, there is a resurgence of interest in psychopomps. This is due to a number of factors, including the reemergence of this archetype in the field of psychology, the spread of eastern religious teachings over the past century, the reports of guides from people who have had an NDE or other death-like experience, the modern ability to hypnotically regress a person to a time between lifetimes, and the renewed interest in shamanism around the world. To add to this, we have the global pandemic crisis , which has create a situation where many are concerned for those who are dying alone, and realize psychopomps have a unique skill set, which can help those in need.

    There is also a growing number of people who are once again learning how to fulfill the sacred role of the psychopomp. Some choose to offer their assistance in conjunction with their function as a hospice worker, or as a midwife to the dying. Others prefer to focus more on helping those who may be trapped in the spirit realms, and go by such titles as soul rescuer, deathwalker, spiritual guide, or shaman. There are also individuals who quietly offer aid to those in transition as they go about their routine jobs in hospitals, nursing homes, and other such locations. And many of us are currently discovering how we can apply such skills to help both people and the planet as we go through the various earth changes that are now occurring.

    We know from many of the myths and stories that psychopomps come in a wide variety of forms, and often present themselves in a manner that is compatible with the beliefs of the person in need. They do frequently share some common characteristics.

    Psychopomps are generally:

    • adept at guiding others through such transformative experiences as death
    • compassionate, nonjudgmental, and friendly
    • experienced border crossers and walkers between the worlds
    • tricksters who will do whatever is required to achieve their goals
    • shapeshifters who can change their appearance to match the setting and the times
    • arbiters of change for individuals and the culture
    • magical beings who can facilitate healing in unexpected ways.
    To explore some of the various characters from myth, folklore, and different spiritual traditions that act as guides for the soul, visit the Guide to Psychopomps.
    If you are in need of a psychopomp to assist with the passage of a loved one, there is now a directory to help you Find a Psychopomp - all of whom work remotely.
    If you would like more in-depth information about the archetypal aspects psychopomps, see my PhD Dissertation - Psychopomp Stories: Contemplating Death in a Spiritually Diverse Society.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

I'm so frightened of being Crazy! Or worse Psychic!

 Help! I’m scared of my psychic abilities! How can I stop being afraid? *aw, sad emoji*

I get this question a lot – and I love answering it and then seeing a smile spread over people’s face. :)

Let’s start by getting back to basics for a second.

We chat a lot of about developing psychic ability, but there’s a critical step you need to take before whipping out your Zener cards…  getting rid of that nasty fear!

No matter how jazzed you are about opening your third eye and finally getting in touch with your Higher Self (whoo-hoo!), it’s natural to have some fear around the subject.

With love, I repeat: It’s natural… yep, totally normal to say I’m scared of my psychic abilities!

Different people may experience different levels of fear, but you may ultimately wonder:

  • What will people think of me?
  • Will my friends think I’ve gone crazy?
  • Do I actually have psychic abilities?
  • Maybe it’s all fake…
  • What if a bad spirit attaches itself to me or my family?

If these concerns sound like you, don’t worry! I was in the same boat when I first started (yes, really), so I know a thing or 100 about being afraid of your psychic gifts.

Let’s talk now about how to stop Googling I’m scared of my psychic abilities and start embracing and actually enjoying *gasp!* your psychic awakening

4 Steps for Overcoming Being Scared of Your Psychic Abilities

1. Recognize that the fear is human – NOT of Spirit

Before you conquer this pesky fear, you have to realize where it’s coming from

Did you know that we ALL have a spiritual team? These guys and gals are like our spiritual family. They include our Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, teachers (like Buddha, Jesus, or the other “biggies”), angels, and loved ones in heaven.

Soooo… what I need you to remember is:

Your spiritual team is completely ALL loving and they want nothing but the tippy-top best for you.

When you’re ready, your spirit team (seriously, they are like your spiritual cheerleaders), are ready and able to help you develop your psychic gifts. Doing so will bring you closer to them and your Higher Self (also known as your soul)…

PLUS, it will help you become more intuitive which makes life much more awesome!

What I’m saying is that this fear is actually a human fear. It’s fear of the unknown!

Think first day of a new job jitters… You’re excited to dive in, but what if they drop a project on your desk that you can’t handle? Or what if no one sits with you at lunch? What if you just can’t figure out how to work the coffee machine?

All those worries slowly ease as you realize you’re prepared for those projects, meet your new work BFF, and notice it’s the same Keurig machine that your last office had.

Understanding where your fear is coming from will give you the confidence to move forward and not take it as a sign from above to stop.

When I first started down this path, I couldn’t help but feel anxious. After all, this was not the life I envisioned for myself or my family! I craved stability, and this was far from it.

But with some help from my mentors, I realized that the fear was coming from my ego (my human side and not my spiritual side where our psychic gifts reside), and I was able to overcome it. Trust me, you can, too!

2. Decide who you’re really afraid of (and why)

Do you remember the first time you did something waaaay outside of your comfort zone?

Maybe your best high school bud convinced you that purple highlights were all the rage, or you applied a whole bottle of Sun-In to your ponytail. Second to “OMG I look like Avril Lavigne!” you probably thought, “What is my mom going to say?!”

The truth is, once the newness and excitement of developing psychic ability wears off, you might find yourself in the same spot… Wondering what your family will say.

But before you close this page and only chat about the weather at your next family reunion, consider why you’re really afraid of your loved one’s judgement. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Who is going to be upset or angry if they find out I’m working on psychic development?
  • What might a conversation with that person look like?
  • Why do I fear that person?

Write out all of these questions and answers out in your journal. If you’ve never journaled before, here is a post to teach you how to get started. Don’t worry, it’s easy.

When it comes down to it, our family and friends usually just want what’s best for us. Understanding that tapping into your psychic ability brings you closer to your Higher Self (AKA the part of you that knows exactly why you’re here) may help ease their mind.

Plus, don’t forget, you don’t have to broadcast the news that you’re developing your psychic ability right now. Start working on your abilities now, and approach the subject when you’re a little more confident.


One of my mentors used to say this about business, but it applies here too: “Do it scared!”

When you were laying in bed the night before elementary school started, did your parents tell you that you could stay home if you were too nervous? Did they let you hang out in bed until you were comfortable going? No way!

Everyone gets a little jittery when they start something new. If we waited until those nerves passed, we would never do ANYTHING!

Once you address where the fear is coming from, and think about the loved ones in your life finding out, picture how much better once your life will be once your psychic abilities are developed.

Imagine how your life would benefit from you taking the leap and developing your intuitive gifts.

By pushing through your fear, you will likely find that the benefits FAR outweigh your fears or reservations about awakening your psychic abilities. If it helps, make a list of all the positive ways your life will change once you finally embrace your gifts!

Once you have those concrete benefits, your nerves should ease up a little bit — but don’t rush them to go away fully!

Accepting that you may have to make a move a little bit scared allows you to accept and honor where you are right now.

Acknowledge the fear, honor the journey, focus on your heart, and take a baby step. Perhaps trying just ONE of these psychic development ideas (whichever one feels good to you), or meditating.

4. Let’s talk about “bad” spirits and energy, shall we?

Alright friend, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I KNOW (because I read the emails that come in) that a lot of people have a fear of bad spirits or bad energy – or bringing something negative into their home.

I’m here to tell you that there is no reason to fear anything negative.

Honestly, if you’re Googling, “I’m scared of my psychic abilities” because you just watched The Sixth Sense, let it go because…

In real life, mediumship and psychic ability is NOTHING like what you’ve seen in movies. A spirit won’t follow you around with an IV pole asking you to get a message to her Aunt Martha… I promise!

And you cannot bring any negative vibes into your life just because you’re psychic, gave an intuitive or mediumship reading, opened your chakras, or chatted with your Spirit Guides.

Remember, universal energy applies… like attracts like. If your freaked out by this fear, don’t just take my word for it…

Spending some time absorbing all of the goodness that psychic ability has to offer will give you a fresh and uplifting perspective!

That’s about all I have for you, friend. Now you can say, used to be scared of my psychic abilities, but now I think they’re awesome. Boom! :)

Saturday, January 2, 2021

A Dream? - Nuna, 1,590 Million Years Into My Past

I was in a deep sleeping dreaming; I was in my old house in Davis Bay, and it was a beautiful summer afternoon. When, what looked like an ultra modern, boxy, beautiful robin egg blue, huge, shinny  Suburban drove up my driveway and someone who I recognized as my farther (not from this world) stepped outta the vehicle and said "Jump in." I was shocked. I was cognitive of waiting for my daughter from this world. 

"Where we going?" I ask, a little confused.

"We are going, back home." My farther reply. 

I realized that my Mom (I recognized her as one of my peripheral friends in my community today) and my other 5 siblings (not from this world) were in the Suburban. So naturally I jumped in. 

We travel for a while but not for very long. It was the dream after all and distances are liken to tesseract, a folding of time. And then we where home. 

My farther and mother jump out of the Suburban and we all followed. In front of us was a community in a semi arid area, and before me was this encampment. It was a community made like a wheel, with a huge dome building in the center. Around it were roof huts all connect but with walls of fabric. I could feel the noon sun warming my skin.  

Excited, we all ran to into the community all the while my farther yelling at us, "Go and find your place, you all have a place here!" My siblings all ran ahead of me (I was the smallest) and couldn't keep up to them. In this sleeping dream I was 10, white, with blonde hair. My siblings had more brown hair and were much taller than I . 

I walked around the encampment, being amazed by everyone and everything. The people in the community were all dressed in light brown leather pants (dear hide?) and same for tops or shirts with bandanas of colored silk around there head. No one appeared to be wearing shoes. I felt this community was old, but the kitchen and bathroom were new, like our kitchen and bathroom today, but no sign of where the electrical was coming from. There was a huge dome wooden structure in the center of this everything. 

As I walk around, what appeared to be a big paved circle, and as I walk I realized, that I couldn't find a place for me. I check all the nooks and crannies but nothing looked like it there was no place for me. And the people looked like they'd drum and sing a lot which was not going to fit with my being, my life style. These people also looked a lot like they'd be trancing all the time. Like retro-hippies, phew it was too much for me. I could not find a place for me even in this progressive, communal community. No one even recognized me, even looked up to acknowledge me. I was alone...again. 

I realized I couldn't leave Davis Bay (Here Now) because I had a responsibility I had to be here for, my daughter. I had to go back to my Daughter. I could not leave her at this point in time. She needed me for support in her life.  

I woke out of the sleeping dream crying, with tears pouring down my face. I was so very sad that I didn't belong again. 

I lay in bed for a while taking every thing I had experienced. It was so overwhelming. I wasn't to sure what to do. I kept getting an overwhelming feeling, a spidey sense that the dream was not over I still had more to do. 

Laying back down, with the lights still off, I slipped back into the dream awake this time. Walking between worlds I went back to talk with and confront my farther. 

When I went back by slipping through the doorway called "The Imagination" into the other worlds, my farther was waiting for me. I was still crying when I said, "You said we all had a place here, but Dad I see no place built for me, why?" I was hurt, sad and mad. My Dad looked down at me with my Mother and siblings gathered around, the community coming up from behind until I was encircled. 

"Oh Little One," my farther said with great pride. "That's because, you would not thrive here with us. You'll need peace and quiet." 

"So I don't belong." I nodded, crying and accepting my fate. 

"Oh know Little One, you are very much a part of our community." Everyone nodded. "We built you a very special place for you." 

"Where is it, I've looked and looked but I don't see it?" 

"Little One," my farther said, "That's because it's not here." 

"Where is it then, if not here?"

He then turn and pointed off into the distance, to the mountains, to the rainforest with ancients, tree's so very very big and tall. Like I would imagine the first trees in the Amazon rainforest, or Africa, and at the top of the highest tree was a tree house with a roof and wall for me. 

"You will be there, to sleep and reflect in solitude and watch over us, visiting anytime you want." Everyone in the community/tribe/clan, young and old nodded with enthusiasm.

"How do I get way up there?" My Clan looked confused as did the rest of my family. 

"With your wings of course." And then my wings unfurled to a length 20feet. Wow, could it be, wow! I was amazed! The whole Clan cheered. I was home. These were my people. 

My Mother knelt down and said, "We did not forget you Little One, you're wayseer, our protector, our blessed one. You are the Children of the Sun, The Blue Faced Prophet  and you're loved by all of us. You have always belonged to us, with us and you always will. 

I flew to my tree house and I could see all this land. I could see it all and I smiled, my heart was so full.

And as I was drifting back into the sleeping dream from the waking one, my mother said "Nuna." 

I woke up from the sleeping dream, from the other world, into this one, the waking dream of the here now and to my surprise found my place of origin "Nuna". A land mass 1,590 million years ago before all the tectonic plates shifted into the world we know as Earth today. 

Duende Naddred 2021(c)