Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Rabbit Hole Ramblings - Demons/Shadow Sides


Supernatural Being
A demon is a supernatural being, typically associated with evil, prevalent historically in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology, and folklore; as well as in media such as comics, video games, movies, anime, and television series

to be continued....

I was doing a sweat and we'd come out for the 3rd round and I wasn't paying attention to much. I was beautifully blissed out, riding a wave of enlightment (truly that's how it feels) and was zoney when I looked up into the eyes of this native woman and saw her Shadow Side. Thick White Haired fell across her face in straight lines, just showing enough of her eyes. The eye brows went two lines off the faces, scarey pretty. I not even able to say she was evil, I don't think so and besides nothing is mostly never (always one contradiction in life) that black and white. The vision lasted for tops 3 seconds. Which as far as visions go, seemed like a life time. The only reference I have to this being a demon is the chinese movies. She looked like one of them. Not hard for this to happen, just requires childhood trauma to have it exsist inside of someone, however not something I usually SEE typically in and during a sweat (or even on the street but I might feel it and know but not know. I'll look more carefully at someone who makes my back shake, like someone walking over my grave chill.) I say I don't usually SEE (in the past 60 years) Shadow Deomondy Sides of people but the next day I went by to talk to someone I know, who's does Ayahuasca Cermonies down south. He was just so excited about the experience and as he was promoting the Cermony, I could SEE his Shadow Side (but not him but him) walk up to me while he was talking. Wow! As I try to understand what I SAW, it appears that it was a Piggy Back Demon who stay in the Shadow until this moment? Hard to tell. The more I SEE in the community, I'll post it here. I very interesed who has what. More to come. Duende Naddred (c) 2021 I'm

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