Wednesday, October 13, 2021


"THE JOY OF AWAKENING" * You will feel pain. * You will doubt yourself a thousand times. * They will tell you that you are going crazy. * You will lose friends. * Your family will sometimes not understand you. * People will hate you for no reason. You will develop strange habits. You will fight with your monsters (fear, ego and ignorance). * You will not care what they think of you. * You will feel like you don't fit in this world. "But it will all be worth it ... No one lights up fantasizing figures of light, but making aware of the darkness that surrounds us and the that dwells within us. " The true spiritual awakening is not a caress, but rather a bucket of cold water. What use would it be to you, to caress your ego, with whispers, fantasies or longings. When what you need is a strong shake, so that you really assimilate what life is. Shared by Alberto Marquez I found this and had to share This is so helpful for me and I hope so for you, my readers out there. Awakening is not a bliss out uforic 24/7 state. It is what has been said...Its a cold bucket of water. I know its not appealing thinking of it like that but it is closer to the truth. I liken wakening child birth, its amazing, incredible, extremely intense, glorious, tear filled, terrifying, life changing, brillant, painful, calming, awe inspiring, peaceful, and full of Joy. In a nut shell awakening is like Nature....its everything, its a journey with many ups and downs, hills and valley's and all wonderful and good in the end. LOl. Duende Nadderd 2021 (c)

1 comment:

  1. It may be a bucket of cold water at first, like waking up, yet it's better than walking around unconscious, and it turns out to be such a vastly better way to be and to live than with your eyes closed.nnj
