Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dream telepathy

Since I can remember I've had an awareness that I'd been communicating with other people in the dream, not a few but many many. 

I was out side a sky train station doing up my shoe and then I felt I was being watched, when I looked up this little black boy was smiling at me while holding his mother's hand. I gentle smiled back as he said, "I know you." It wasn't a question he was telling me. I was puzzled, "You do?" "Yes," he said "You are my friend," and then he walked away waving at me as he left.

This wasn't the first time this has happened to me. I was at a friend's wedding from Ontario, here in Vancouver and I was standing at the buffet table and a couple walks up to me and says: "We know you, you look so familiar, when did we meet." I was a professional actor once upon a time and started sleuthing all the possible places we could have met, but without any solid conclusions. The couple seemed very familiar to me without a feeling of a conclusive recognition. They were sure they'd meet me and still persisted so I rattled off more places that we could have met; "Did you ever live in Toronto?" They shook there heads no. "Maybe it was a TV commercial in Ontario I was in?" No they wouldn't have been born yet they were to young. And so it went and then finally I said, "I no where we've met?" "Were?" They where very excited. "In the dream." Both there mouths dropped open at the suggestion of the possibility and then they said, "Yes."

I was working for the school board as a special needs assistant and we where on an outing with the class, on the bus. We got on and we all walked to the back of the bus so we could sit together and as we were headed down the isle, this young girl stared right up at me. I mean I didn't even know her and didn't think anything of it. I ended up sitting alone, because everyone was paired up together, when the little girl sat down next to me. Her mother kept calling her back but the little girl of 6 was ignoring her mother completely and waving her off. She didn't say anything at first, she just sat beside me as we headed down the road to towards the mall. "I know you, you are my friend." she said without looking up. This has happened to me so often that I just say, "Yes, we are." Then she went silent again for a wee while as her mom tried to call her back to her seat, then suddenly blurted out, "I don't know what to say." I looked at her and smiled, "That's the great things about friends, you don't have to say anything." She seem to like that reply and sat for a wee bit longer, then finally went back to her mother. I'd never seen or met the young child before or ever.

I'd met an old friend I'd done theatre with when I was younger some 20 years prior. I went up to say hi and we talked. It was so good to see her, then I noticed her daughter, who was approximately 11 years old, was staring up at me from what she was doing. "I know you." She announced. "I'm sure you don't." She persisted, "NO, I know you." I was puzzled, thinking was it happening again? "I used to be an actor maybe you saw me in a commercial or something?" "Nope that's not it," she replied.
I just gave up at that point and try to access the Spirit Walker/Dream Walker part of me. I took a deep breath letting the story unfold, "You were sitting with a group of children, near a castle." "Yes!" she was very happy that I was remembering. "And I told you story's." "Yes!" intrigued  she stood up to listen better to what was being told and beginning to unfold. "I'd finished telling everyone story's and you pounced on me and tickled me" "Yes!" She was getting more enthralled. "Then I tickled you until you said Uncle." "Yes!" "In a dream!" "Oh, YES!"

A year or so later I was volunteering for an organization called Disabled Sailing in Jericho Beach in Vancouver and I was walking in and out of the Jericho Rescue building into our office. There was a huge open bay where boats could be taken in for repair went the winter cold weather hit. It was summer and I was strolling back and forth and I noticed this young teenager girl was watching me going back in forth. Then she said, "I know you." She pointed at me. I smiled back, laughing saying,"You don't. " I walked into the office for a moment and then came back out. "NO, I know I know you!" Then it dawned on me how she knew me. "I know were you know me from." "Were?" She asked. "In a dream." I realized it was my friends daughter from years past. "Oh, it's you!" She yelled, "The Dream Man!"

I was sitting waiting for a the sea bus at approximately 8 pm in the evening on a week day evening, I tell you this because it is always slow with few people taking transit that time of night. I was standing waiting with a few people in the holding area when this young lady (approx 8 years old) and stared right up into my eyes for what seems like a long while, then just as quickly she stop and wandered away. I watched her wander around the holding area and then she walked up to her mother and started signing with her mom. After she was done I caught her mother's eye and in sign language if daughter was deaf. She signed back that she wasn't deaf but mute. I signed thank you. The  Sea Bus came in, the ramps came down, the doors opened up, and the little girl was the first up the ramp but then she stopped and turned to look at me, then looked down at her hand. She wanted me to hold her hand onto the boat. I was shocked, ran up taking her hand gently and guiding her onto the Sea Bus, well at least I thought I was guiding her but in retrospect I suspect she was more guiding me. I let go of her hand when we got on the boat and sat down as she sat with her mother and the rest of there friends. "Tell the mother, that her daughter is Psychic!" Boomed in my head. "What?" ""Tell the mother, that her daughter is Psychic!" "Yes, I heard you." "Tell the mother, that her daughter is Psychic!" "Yes I will but I'm not doing it now. I'll do it my way in my time, now leave me alone." I was so irritated, I hate when someone from the other side gets bossy. They don't live here, in this world, it's filled with so many weird conservative single minded, one world one life freaks, who are not open minded at all.

I waited for the Sea Bus to almost dock then I jumped up, walked over to the mother who was with her friend, taking a deep breath saying, "Excuse me miss but I just wanted to tell you that your daughter is very intuitive." She just looked at me speechless, "What?" I thought that would have worked, so I tried to get a little more specific, "I don't know if you are aware but your daughter is very clairvoyant." She looks at me stunned so I think fast, "Your , your your daughter is..?" Then suddenly her friend says, "You know, he's trying to tell you that your Alice is psychic." And I laughed inside, thinking I should have listen to wise old dead people, trusted them and said it, oh well is been said.

We all exit the Sea Bus and the 6 or us stop outside of the station, the kids are chatting and laughing as the adults ask me how I knew, I'm about to explain it when; the young Alice turns to me and says, "I know you, you're my friend." I just nod. "What is she talking about?" I don't answer because I am completely gob smacked knowing that Alice is from out of the dream, she is so familiar and my friend. "I know you, you are my friend." She signs friend to help her with the sounds of the words that are coming out of her in monotone. I nod again, as I'm close to tears. Then she says, "These are my friends, I'm your friend, you my friend." I nod again. Her mother looks at me had says, "What have you done?" I look at her, "Its not me its your daughter." "You've done more in 20 min to help my daughter in the last 20 min than anyone has been able to do with her in 6 months of school. How did you do that. I smiled, "I have done nothing, its your daughter and she is my friend. " I thank everyone and go. Alice waves goodbye.

Dream Telepathy is a powerful ability to have because you can influence people in a good way, help populations to evolve by there own free will, help them to see the unseen and to give them hope. The biggest conspiracy that I've discovered is that the powers of control, corrupt religions, governments and corporations want to control the masses and to take there hope. As soon as you take someones hope they will literally do nothing in the face of tyranny, they will become complacent and allow anything that power wants to achieve. The corruption of power feeds the news and media with half truths, it's not entirely false, so it will confuse people to what is really the truth, leaving them confused and do it enough and they will give up.

What if you could share knowledge of through Dream Telepathy what would happen then? And if you could and I"m sure you can how many people can you effect a night, 1000? 10,000? 100,000? I suspect if you're strong enough you can effect a million a night, but don't take my word for it, try it your own selves. Knowledge is power, power in numbers all moving together evolving at once is change.

I gave you these examples so you may know that the mystery of dream telepathy does and is happening even now as I write these words.

Daniel Quinn wrote a book called the "Story of B" and in it he suggested that information is power and sharing it with everyone, with no hoops, or tests, giving it to all peoples from all walks of life is the only way to have a revolution and revolution never works of course until you drop the "R" and allow evolution to occur.

Duende (c)

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Medicine Throwing/Voodoo

Medicine Throwing

Radical Healing and Medicine Throwing are very close in there execution in the process of empowering someone towards getting emotionally healthier.

Medicine Throwing is a First Nation’s/Aboriginal term for someone who is throwing bad medicine at you, negative medicine to control and manipulate or even medicine to kill. They are like a Spiritual Assassin just like a hit man. This has been going for generations upon generations from one family and one nation the next.

The art to affecting someone who is in the process of throwing medicine is to make sure that you do not compound the problem by throwing back at them. An eye for an eye does not work, it just makes things worse. I have thought about this for along time and it is important to me to empower those who are throwing nasty bits of business at me or anyone else. What I do is to disable the Medicine Throwers ability to throw nasty medicine ever again and leave them with the medicine to heal them and empower people instead. In other words I transmute the negative energy in such a way that I leave them healthier for the encounter with me.

Black Voodoo is the same as the above. Hired spiritual gun to hurt people even kill  them no matter were they are in the world.

Here are some stories that relate to what I am talking about and the depth and the levels to which it can occur.

I was talking on the phone with David who was a First Nations friend out of the Capilano Reserve here in North Vancouver. He was telling me about his sister who had been having trouble with this native guy from the states who wanted her to marry him and she didn’t want too. David had suggested that his sister and he had thought that this guy had paid a medicine man to pull her down to him.

So there I am talking on the phone with David and the next thing I know I’m some where down in North Dakota watching this Medicine Man with a coyote pelt over his head and a couple of rattles, chanting and dancing in a circle.

I’m still chatting with David while down in North Dakota when I see these three Black Adder snakes from each of my legs leave my body and slither over to the Medicine Man and grab onto him. The Medicine Man suddenly stops what he is doing and falls to the ground limp.

I think to myself, “Oh no, what have I done to this man?”
So I ask my wise old dead friends, “Hey, hello is this man dead? Have I just killed this him?” I can hear repressed laughter and then, “Oh good heavens no, just stay with him for the next three days and watch him closely.”

So I tell David and to tell his sister that I think everything will work out and I hang up. And then I watch the Medicine Man from North Dakota for three days. On the third day the snakes pull off of him and crawl away and then he wakes up.

He looks up at me and points an accusing finger towards me shouting, “You took my medicine!” 

I look at him and smile, “What do I want with your Medicine? No, no, I didn’t take your Medicine but I’ll tell you what every time you try to manipulate or harm people it won’t work but if you want to help them you’ll have no problems. See ya.” And then I was gone.

I checked in again with David and the native guy from the states had stop bothering his sister.

I had a sleeping dream about Kusens son Nat who was dancing in the Long House which is what the Co-salish folks do spiritually up here in British Columbia and this is how it went.

I was walking through some long grass when I looked up and saw four native people beating up on Nat. He was lying down with his hands over his head trying to protect himself as these for guys where putting the boots to him. I yelled to get there attention and ran down to assist Nat, they stop putting the boots to Nat and jump me full on. Nat ran up the road scared as I took the next beating and then I lay silent. I was in my body and out of my body watching the whole event. They walked away very pleased that they had hurt me so badly thinking I wouldn’t get up for a long time.

Just as soon as they where a little ways a way I stood straight up, bouncing to my toes and I whistle at them, “Hey,” I said “Aren’t you forgetting something.”

They turn startled without saying a word and then rushed me again doing the same thing they did before with the same result. This time they put a few more boots into me to make sure I’d never get up again.

Then they turn smugly on there heals and headed away and just as they were a little ways away I popped up again whistle for there attention, “Hey,” I said “Now come on you’ll have to do better than that.”

They look at each other jumped me again this time with more force and more brutality but as soon as they walked away I would pop up as if nothing had happened. This frightened or confused them and they ran through some tall grass towards the west and int0 a large thicket of trees. The sleeping dream ended there at that point and it was here that I picked up the dream awake and began to “Walk between Worlds” but with another friend who was Clairvoyant.

I find with two people you can do and see things that sometime can get a little tricky when working by yourself. I have several friends that I do this with and it helps me immensely because these situations are like trying to figure out bizarre mind boggling puzzles, they’re emotional labyrinths filled with bobby traps.

So I begin the dream again from where it finished. We both go in and turn looking towards the huge thicket of trees deciding that if I was to go there it would be a trap. Suddenly all these big snakes of makes different types and sizes pour out from my body and into the long grass. My friend and I stand confused by what had just happened and it takes us several minutes to figure out why the snakes didn’t go to the trees.

My friend and I decide that she will go to make sure that Nat is okay and when she does she finds Uncle Jimmy Jimmy watching us (a shaman I’ve spoken of before who was a very good friend) but that’s all he was doing was watching not helping. I think he was checking are medicine.

In the huge thicket of trees in which we sense/see there is at least a hundred people hiding and waiting to jump on me as soon as hunt the four native fellows. We turn and see a small creek running past a corn field through the thicket of trees and beyond. Behind the trees there was a small lake and lakes are filled with water and water is reality based representation of spirit so therefore it is a natural portal.

It then dawns on me what the snakes are up too. I come out of the small lake behind the trees as a Griffin and blow fire into the trees, which of course sets the trees on fire and then one hundred people jump from the trees and run into the grass and get bit by the snakes (who attach themselves to them) and they go to sleep for three days.

When they wake up there ability to medicine throw is gone.

I checked with my friend Kusens and Nat was having a terrible time because she felt that people where medicine throwing in the Long House. I told her the story and told her that I thought the problem would resolve itself but asked her if she heard of anyone from the Long House of complaining of being attacked by snakes to tell me.

Several weeks later Kusens phoned me up to tell me that several people had talked to her about snake stories who where in with Nat at the Long House at the time.

These are only two ways helping folks through emotional pain who are medicine throwing can work. They’re many more ways of doing it and it is usually dependent on each situation because they are all as different as each individual you may be helping to stop there cycle of emotional pain. Always keep in mind to not go out looking for it, wait it will come to you and when it does then deal with it. If you go looking for it then you may fall into downing things that are ego motivated which can be the results from your emotional pain.

If you need assistants please contact me. I won’t do it for you but I will teach you how to do it yourself.  


Black Voodoo

I was working in a group home and one of the lady's I was working with was from Fiji. I was talking to her and realized that her baby was a miscarriage because she been kicked in the stomach by her partner. 

My co worker then asked me the strangest question, "Am I cursed?"

Suddenly I was standing in Fiji, I a hut house over looking a women who I knew was a Voodoo lady, the one who put a curse on my co worker.

"Yes," I said. "You are and I can see who it is."

"Do you know why she's cursing me?" 

"I'll ask her," I started asking the Voodoo Lady why she'd put a curse on my co worker and she showed me that her feud was with the whole family, it had be going on for generations. 

Suddenly 5 black adder snakes came from each of my legs and started to crawl to the sleeping Voodoo Lady. I was there and in the group home with my co worker, in two worlds at the same time. The snakes bit into and grabbed hold of each ankle, as she thrived in bed but she did not wake up. The snake were doing there job, and taking the hate that had poisoned  the Voodoo Lady, and she was on her way to healing. I suspect she deserved more but that is not up to me, I just heal the medicine thrower and prevent anyone else from getting hurt. 

It was several months before I met my co worker again and she was doing better, despite her losing her unborn baby months before. 

She'd asked me of the Voodoo Lady, if I could give her details on what she looked like. I did and she recognized her as some one she knew from her parents village were she grew up when she was little. 

I went back in that moment to Fiji to visit the Voodoo Lady, while I was standing in the kitchen of the group home we were. When I arrived in Fiji the lady was dancing in front of me while holding a chicken in her right hand saying, "Get away evil one, be gone, I command you, to leave!" 

"Oh that isn't going to work with me," I laughed. 

She got more incensed, and her dancing and chanting became more erratic, "Be gone, be gone to where you came." 

I laughed again. "It won't work, I'm not evil, or nasty, or would hurt you for any reason." Then I got very serious, "But you my dear, I did not take your medicine nor do I want it. I healed you, I took the poison out of you so you won't be able to hurt anyone again. If you want to use your power to help then it'll work but harming, hurting, cursing, ahhhhhh no, it won't work. Bye!" And I left.

My co worker smiled knowing the curse on her and her family had been lifted. 

I will not and do not fight, or throw medicine to hurt, harm, curse or kill anyone, because it's the same dysfunctional dance that's been playing out since the beginning of time. I refuse to do that any more, now, now when I encounter the Medicine Thrower or Voodoo Person, I just simply heal them. It is a better way.

Dwende Copyright 2003
Used with permission from author
All rights reserved

How to Shape Shift/Blending

Shape Shifting/Blending

Shape Shifting is when you move into another being and blend into there form in the ordinary and non-ordinary reality/dream time. When I say a being I am referring to the animal kingdom and the insect world. The key to doing this is the imagination. It is the doorway to the non-ordinary reality/dream time world. When people say that it’s all in your head they’re absolutely right…it is. This is not a negative thing however it is a positive process.

Now you may think to yourself, “Well if I’m imagining it then it isn’t real.” Wrong it is real but how can you verify the process. 9 times out of ten you can’t but that doesn’t mean that the process of Shape Shifting isn’t happening.

I once had a native friend Aunty Rhonda who was very ill in the hospital. I couldn’t physically go visit her in the hospital until the next day and I knew she needed my support so I flew in to her room as an Eagle. Normally I would go as a smaller bird because sometimes it can really freak people out when you make such a grand entrance but not with my friend Aunty Rhonda we’ve known each other for a long time.

The next day I show up at Aunty Rhonda’s room and all her family is around smiling at me.  “You came by to check on me last night didn’t you?” She said. “Did I?” I said. Her niece piped in excitedly “Of course you did we saw your eagle fly in through the wall just behind Aunties head.” I smiled. “What time did this happen?” “You know at 8 o’clock.” Aunty Rhonda said smiling. And sure enough I had visited at 8 in my imagination the non-ordinary reality/dreamtime.

1)      Find a place to sit or lie down. Turn off all the lights. (If you are frightened burn a single candle) Take 3 slow deep breaths. And then step into your imagination/the non-ordinary reality/dream time.
2)     Imagination the being that you would like to blend with. It can be any animal in the world or insect. Think reach to them. This is like a calling. They know you’re coming more than you know you are going. *For further info refer to “The Wolf.”
3)     Start slow. Practice, practice, practice and pay attention to all the details. The more you can create a clear image of what you are seeing the stronger the non-ordinary reality/dreamtime becomes.
4)     See the forest, tundra, or environment the being is in. In detail. See the being and walk genteelly up to the being and ask if you may blend with the being. After they answer yes then imagine yourself blend with the being, be it animal or insect.
5)     Travel in there environment for the first little while so that you can get used to how the whole thing works before visiting anyone you know.
6)     When and if you decide to go do what I do I recommend strongly that you go as a smaller animal. Bigger power animals attract attention and mostly can frightened people badly, even if they tell you they won’t. Always be gentle, be cautious and be considerate.
7)     If you do effect some ones life dramatically by appearing in front of them as a huge power animal and you change there reality forever it will become your responsibility to care take that person until they are able to cope. Be responsible. This isn’t my rule this is the way of the gift.

The Staff and the Orb - The passing of Power

The Staff and the Orb   

When an ancient one (male or female) approaches you in the dream (the non-ordinary reality) and offers you a Staff and the Orb or a long stick and the round stone (essentially it is the same thing) its quite the honor but wait before accepting, understand these few things:       

a)      Your life will drastically change so if you’re in a relationship that doesn’t support a spirit filled life style then it will dissipate in front of your very nose…very quickly.

b)      Your life will cease to be your own. I know this sounds very romantic to be on the path of spirit but know that this means that some times you’ll not feel comfortable about being out there about being a seer.

c)      It is not an easier path and it will keep you in your truth so be very clear what you seek.

d)      Look at the ancient one who is giving you the gift more times than not they are very sad. It’s a great burden and not to be taken lightly. They are sad because fewer and fewer people will take the gift. That’s why they’ve come to you.

So now you have considered these few things I would say go ahead and accept the gift.  As soon as accepted the gift notice the ancient one because he or she will instantly appear lighter. At this point make sure you ask for there help, this is really important. Just because they gave you doesn’t always mean they’ll stick around to help you. They assume you will know what to do with it so they’ll smile and leave. Just because there dead and old doesn’t always mean they know.

So now you have it you’re now off on the path of shamanism have a great time. Be clear about who you are, listen to your heart, and always try to support, assist and lift people up.  

The Black Panther - Shape-shifting

                                      The Black Panther       

Nothing is buried, nothing is gone it sits hidden or just under the surface. It’s all a matter on where to and how to look for something. The Bigger Cats such as the black panthers, and leopards and cheetahs etc. are the seekers of “Lost Secrets.” Nothing is hidden to these feline creates as they can step into the underworld without ever being detected.

I had been in a deep sleep when I woke up startled with the terrified feeling as I open my eyes in the non-ordinary reality/dream time,  I was a Black Panther in a dark tunnel spiraling downwards. Just before I freaked and was about to cry out a voice spoke to me…”Do not say a word.” The Panther spoke to me inside of my head. “If you speak or cry out we will both be dead.” There was a deadly seriousness the tone of her voice that chilled me to the bone. “Where are we?” I thought. “Under with bad things that hurt you if they find you.” I panicked again. “Then why the hell am I hear?”  “Secrets” said the big cat in an unnerving calm way sending chills down my spine. “We go find Lost Secrets.” The Black Panther started to move again. “Sleep now little one and we shall hunt the secrets together.

And so when you Shape Shift/Blend with the Big Cats there is no secret that can’t be yours. *For further information refer to “Shape Shifting.” Keep in mind that with great information comes great responsibility, you don’t get one without the other. Be really sure that finding the hidden arts and utilizing them is what you want. Be clear on your intention and stand in your integrity.  These creates are the invisible animals of hidden knowledge and lost secrets treat them with the utmost respect and they will help you to learn things that have been presumed gone for millennium.

Also when you get the information it won’t always come directly to your head right away. Trust that your heart/spirit knows and wait, it will come. Sometimes it takes a while to integrate from heart/spirit to mind. Be patient and allow. If you need help to access the information then sit with a friend in a dark room, with only a candle burning, the window opened just enough for a slight breeze and ask your friend to ask you question of the Big Cat. Try not to filter the information from head to mouth just allow whatever is said to come out unedited. Be true to your heart/spirit and stand in your integrity always asking for help from the creator (or another deity that you’re happy with).  The other thing that may happen is, when you are trying to help someone who is ill, or in trouble you suddenly do something that you never thought you could do or you do something  or say something you have no idea you knew before that moment. *For further information refer to “Knowing.”

Saturday, April 20, 2019

I've Been Watched by a Sasquatch since I was 14 years old

When I was 14 my farther and I went up into the Squamish river valley camping and my farther being my farther had a hidden agenda. Sure we went camping that weekend but we checked every river sand bar right up to the 38 mile marker, finding 200 foot prints. He even had the were with all to make a plaster cast of the print, which I still have, no really I do. I'll take a picture and put add it to this post. 

The even more interesting discovery is that there was not just one size print, not just one Sasquatch but two, one adult and one infant, with the identical same stride. Bare foot prints in the middle of March with snow on the outer edges of the river. I've lived in this area most of my life and I wouldn't take my shoes off in this environment, its too cold.

Now what I started to realize and it took 40 years, is that infant has been watching out for me every time I went into the back country and I still get a sense of her when I enter the bush to this day. 

We have  also spoken to each other telepathically;  Approximately 10 years ago I had taken people on a vision quest up Lake Lovely Water.  I'd contacted my friends who live and the area he was kind enough to connect us with a buddy who ferried us up the river to start our terkk on the path that went straight up the mountain to Lake Lovely Water at an elevation of 1600 ft (its an intense hike/climb straight up). 

We got to the fishing shack and my friends brother got out of his car to introduce us to more of his Native buddy's. One of them, she was a Captain in the Canadian Armed Forces (a computer analyst) and even had heard of my father (he was a UFO researcher well know in North America). Without any prompting she'd told an account of a Saquatch they heard screaming at the 3 of them for 1 hour the night before. 

I wondered if she told us this to try and scare us, but hell, it didn't scare me and then in that moment I had this feeling that I was being watched. The whole 6 hour climb to the top were the lake was  I couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was following us, and this wasn't the first time I had this goose bugs on my arm feeling. Every time I got in the bush in this area, I would get this other worldly, unnerving, feeling and I'd have goose bumps on my arms. My spidey senses would tweek over the charts and my early warning radar would go crazy, and my senses where saying, "Be aware this is not here, it is here and there, you're in magic." So I would kept a look out for the bizarre and unusual but did not spy anything out of the ordinary. I was with two other friends that I was assisting, neither expressed concern.

We'd been up at Lake Lovely Water for 2 days without incident and my friends vision quest was going well, I was very pleased. The only thing out of the ordinary is that I start to get sick (what I suspected later was beaver fever) and couldn't keep any food down. As soon as I ate I'd have to run to the bathroom and poop through "the eye of a needle", I was having a wicked case of diarrhea. 

I'd run to the out house beside the trekkers shack, and I'd have to leave the door open because the smell was so bad.

"You Sick," said a voice that was other wordly

"Really,"  I said sarcastically "What was your first clue?" 

"You smell." the voice answer telepathically from within my head. 

"You do too," I answered, "Oh and you're hurt." 

"What?" the voice could not hide it's surprise. 

"You've got a cut on your foot." I could smell it psychically (when you get really deep into shamanism all your senses tweek up to the point you can smell the unseen, I call this affectionately clairnoseyant)

"Oh ye pretty smart." Came the answer. 

'I am," I smiled to myself enjoying the interaction. "Have you been watching me, it's you I sense isn't it."


"Since I was on the river bed with my Dad, when I was Fourteen and found your foot prints, the smaller ones?" And as I spoke I got the sense that the Sasquatch, she was an adult female. I could even see her now in my minds eye, in a vision. 

"Yes," She answered. 

"How wonderful to finally meet you," I smiled again

"You different Human," she puzzled

"Yes I am," I paused to explain the obvious, "Very different."

"Good to meet you, Little One." she sighed happily, "I knew it was you when I saw you, first time. "

"Glad you're watching, thankyou." 

"Don't drink the water at still part, go to fast water, it better."

"I will," And I did and I got better. 

Since that encounter I've talked to my friend every time I'm higher up in the bush from where I live. (Its only 30miles trekk from Lake Lovely Water, west over the mountains. Close, very close for a Sasquatch.

Just a note: I can speak with other world being, like my friend because I have this translator  in my head. I suspect I relate to any animal, person, creature, alien in there language but this is not the first time I've communicated with other world beings. 

I read this women's story below and had to share. I also have a friend who was up in Pemberton way camping and two Squatches sat 100 hundred yards away observing her for hours.

A Michigan Woman Claims Her Family Lived In Harmony With A Clan Of Bigfoots

A Michigan Woman Claims Her Family Lived In Harmony With A Clan Of Bigfoots

Bigfoot has always been seen as a scary, yet shy creature that scavengers around in the woods and is rarely seen by anyone. The legend of the Bigfoot can be dated right back to pre-Columbian times when Native American tribes told each other stories of the wild men who inhabited the forests of North America. Back then, the creature had a number of different names, including Sesquac in British Columbia which would later become the modern word Sasquatch that is still in use across the world today.
Bigfoot Pikes Peak Highway
Reports of strange, mysterious hominids can be found all over the world, not just North America, and not just Bigfoot. There are a number of mysteries such as the Yeti or Abominable Snowman that supposedly lives in the Himalayas or the Almas that allegedly stalk the peaks of Central Asia. It wasn't until the late 1950s, around 1958, that North America really cemented the legend of Bigfoot into its history books and into the public consciousness.
Robin Lynn Pfeifer from Newaygo County, Michigan, is stocking up on blueberry bagels from the local store, not to eat though. These sweet treats aren’t intended for her own family of five. Instead, she plans on handing them out to the mysterious, hairy creatures that allegedly live in the woods surrounding her rural home. Apparently, Pfeifer shares the land and lives in harmony with a family of Bigfoot and they’re not as scary as many people believe them to be.
Yeti Footprints Ape
Gentle enough to become habituated to humans, according to Pfeifer her and her family have lived together with the family of Bigfoot for years, regularly offering sweet treats and relaxing. The woods surrounding her house are the home to the wild family and is where they meet often. It is unclear whether or not the Bigfoot approach her house but what is clear is that they could be construed as being friends. This is the first instance where the sighting hasn't been a shaky photograph on a low-resolution camera. Could this be the proof everyone has been looking for? Could this be the legend of Bigfoot?

 Jan 31 2019 posted to Cryptozoology

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

10 Creation Myths As Strange As The Bible by JACKIE FUCHS

Who are we and where did we come from? It’s a question as old as humankind, and everyone seems to have an answer. What’s surprising is not how our creation stories differ, but how much they have in common, even when they originate in vastly different places.


China’s Cosmic Egg

The first living being was P’an Ku, who grew for 18,000 years inside a cosmic egg. When he hatched, the shell above him became the sky while the piece below became the earth. The opposites in nature were separated as well—male and female, wet and dry, light and dark, yin and yang, etc.
After all this effort, P’an Ku literally fell to pieces and his features became the natural world. His limbs turned into mountains, his blood to rivers, his breath the wind, his voice the thunder, his hair the grass, his sweat the rain, and so on. His left eye became the sun and his right became the moon. Some people say that the parasites on P’an Ku’s body became mankind.
Others say that, many centuries after P’an Ku’s death, a lonely goddess named Nü Wa saw her reflection in a pond and made some beings like herself out of mud. These became the aristocrats. Creating these beings was hard work, though, so Nü Wa swung a muddy vine through the air and its droplets became the commoners. Years later, the heavens collapsed, creating holes in the earth through which waters rose to form a great flood. Nü Wa patched the earth, but became exhausted by her labors and died. Her body became yet more features of the world.

9The Blackfoot’s Colored Language Water

Old Man came from the south, making the terrain, plants, and animals as he headed north. The first people he created were a woman and her son from clay. Old Man showed them how to collect plants for food and told them which herbs were good for treating sickness. He taught them how to make weapons to kill animals and fire so they could cook them. Most importantly, he told them how to get spirit power by finding their spirit animal in their dreams.
Like many other origin stories, Blackfoot legends tell of a great flood. One possible explanation for this are the worldwide floods from melting icebergs that may have occurred around 5,000 BC, possibly the time of Noah. After the flood, Old Man gathered the people on top of a mountain and gave them water of different colors to drink. Each color represented a different language. The Blackfoot, Piegan, and Blood tribes all drank black water, which is why these tribes speak the same language.

8Yanomamo Sanema’s Moonblood

The Sanema people are part of the Yanomamo group of tribes who live in the Amazon rain forest. Each tribe has its own collection of stories, passed orally from generation to generation. Because of this, their creation myths vary. Generally, however, the Sanema believe that all the living things are descended from “original ancestors,” whose spirits still inhabit the forest.
One story has Peribo, the Moon, eating the souls of children. This angered Suharina, who shot Peribo in the belly with an arrow. His blood spilled to the earth, forming puddles from which mortal men arose. The most belligerent human beings were created where large amounts of blood fell, and where only a few drops fell, less violent men were born.
In another myth, Naro (Opposum), who was ugly and smelly, was jealous of his brother, Yamonamariwa (Honey Bee), who was beautiful and had two wives. Naro shot charms made from his pubic hair at Yamonamariwa and killed him. A third brother, Reha (Lizard), discovered Naro’s treachery and denounced him. The Ancestors destroyed Naro and transformed themselves into spirits and animals by painting themselves with his blood. The sloth, however, was created with a small amount of Naro’s excrement.

7India: Create, Preserve, Destroy, Repeat

Brahma began from nothingness. By thought alone, he created the waters, into which he deposited his semen. This grew into a golden egg, out of which he was born. By thought again, he split the egg in two, and the halves became heaven and earth. Brahma grew lonely, so he split himself in two to form male and female. In one variation of the story, Brahma repeatedly splits himself in two until all living things are created from his body. In another, the first man and woman mate in different animal forms until life forms are born.
Together, Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver), and Shiva (the Destroyer) make up the Supreme One. Each universe Brahma creates is eventually destroyed by Shiva, after which there is nothing but a vast ocean on which Vishnu floats, resting on a great snake. In some versions of the myth, Brahma comes not from an egg, but from a lotus flower that springs from Vishnu’s navel. Eventually, our world, too, will be destroyed by Shiva and the cycle will begin anew.

6The Navajo’s Four Worlds

The Navajo have one of the longest and most complex creation stories on the planet. It starts in the First World, called the Black World. The Black World contained four clouds, including a black one, which represented female substance, and a white one, which represented male. Together they created First Man, representing dawn and life, and First Woman, who represented darkness and death. Other beings in the Black world included Great Coyote (who was hatched from an egg), First Angry, and various insects.
The Black World became too crowded, however, so everyone climbed to the Blue World of birds. There, they lived in harmony for 23 days, until someone tried to sleep with the swallow chief’s wife. Banished to the Yellow World of mammals, they found six mountains, where holy people lived. The holy people were immortal and traveled by following rainbows. First Woman gave birth there to twin hermaphrodites. Four days later, she gave birth to another set of twins, one male and one female. By the end of 20 days, five pairs of twins had been born.
One day, Great Coyote took Water Monster’s baby. Water Monster got so angry that he made it rain and rain, until the flood waters rose higher than the mountains. In what must have been the slowest flood in all of time, First Man planted various trees and a male reed in sequence, none of which grew higher than the level of the waters. Finally, a female reed grew to the sky. Everyone climbed to the top of it, where they found the Fourth World—the White World—which is where we all live today


Scandinavia’s Fire Demons And Frost Giants

Before time existed, there was a place of fog and ice called Niflheim. Across a great void was Muspelheim, where fire demons and fire giants dwelled. Fire from Muspelheim eventually melted Niflheim’s ice, which dripped and formed a giant cow named Audhumla and a frost giant named Ymir. More giants grew from Ymir’s armpit sweat and were breastfed by Audhumla, who created more giants by licking blocks of salty ice.
These giants mated and gave birth to the god Odin and his brothers. Odin and his brothers killed Ymir and the earth was made from his flesh, the heavens from his skull, the sea from his blood, the clouds from his brains, mountains from his bones, and trees from his hair. Odin built Asgard as a dwelling place for the gods and linked it to Midgard (Earth) by a rainbow bridge called Bifrost. The maggots in Ymir’s corpse become dwarfs and remained beneath the surface of the earth in what was left of Ymir’s body. The Gods found two tree trunks on Midgard and breathed life into them, creating Ask and Embla, the first man and woman.

4Japan: Chaos And A Very Painful Birth

Japan’s creation myth may be the longest and most complicated of all. It begins with chaos, out of which came matter, separating over eons into heaven and earth. Various deities came into being, including Izanagi and Izanami, the first male and female. Izanami mated with Izanagi and gave birth to the islands of Japan, as well as a variety of deities. The last of these was a fire deity, whose birth burned Izanami’s genitals so badly that she died.
A distraught Izanagi beheaded the fire deity and went to Yomi, the land of the dead, to look for Izanami, but Izanami couldn’t return with him because she had eaten in Yomi. Izanami told Izanagi that she would ask for permission to leave, but made him promise not to follow her. After waiting a long time, Izanagi broke his promise and went to look for Izanami, but only found a decaying corpse with maggots (the eight deities of thunder) eating her body. (If this sounds familiar, check out the Greek myths of Hades and Persephone and Orpheus and Eurydice.)
Izanagi freaked and sealed Izanami in Yomi. She swore that, in revenge, she would strangle one thousand people a day, to which Izanagi replied that he would cause fifteen hundred more to be born. This is why each day in Japan, fifteen hundred children are born and one thousand people die.
Eventually, Earth’s first emperor descended the Floating Bridge from Heaven and married Princess Brilliant Blossoms, but he grew suspicious when she got pregnant right away. To prove the children were his, the princess sealed herself in the palace and set fire to it, since only the Emperor’s descendants could survive flames. As the palace burned, she gave birth to beings who became the ancestors of the imperial family of Japan.

3The Aborigines’ Rainbow Serpent

Aboriginal creation stories begin with the Dreaming, when the world was bare and cold. The Rainbow Serpent slept underground with all the animal tribes in her belly. When the time was right, she emerged and spewed forth the animals, along with the features of the natural world.
The Rainbow Serpent was the maker of laws, which all creatures must obey. In some variations of the myth, she swallowed wrongdoers and spat out their bones to form rocks and hills. In others, she rewarded those who obeyed the law by giving them human form and turned the lawbreakers into stone.
The Rainbow Serpent is sometimes called the Old Woman, and it was she who taught humans how to get food. In tribes who believe they are descended from animals, the Rainbow Serpent was said to have given each a totem and ruled that no man could eat the animal it represented. This way, she ensured there would be enough food for all.

2Egypt’s Divine Semen

Before the beginning of time, there was Nu (or Nun), the primeval ocean of chaos. From an egg on Nu’s surface emerged a deity referred to variously as Atum, Amen, Re, Ra, or Amen-Ra. Ra created a divine son and daughter via masturbation, who bred to produce a race of gods. Ra’s tears became mankind. Ra’s grandson, the god Osiris, married his sister Isis. Isis learned Ra’s secret name, which allowed Osiris to take Ra’s place as king of Earth. Osiris showed humans how to get food and wine, while Isis taught them weaving and medicine.
Osiris’ brother Set, who represents evil, was jealous of Osiris. He tricked Osiris into a chest, which was sealed with molten lead and cast into the Nile, drowning him. After a long search, Isis found the chest, but Set managed to get his hands on it and tore his brother’s body into 14 pieces before hurling them back into the Nile. Isis recovered all the pieces of Osiris except his penis, which had been eaten by a fish. She fashioned a penis out of clay and blew life back into Osiris through it. He was revived just long enough to impregnate Isis with their son, Horus, after which he died for good and became king of the netherworld. To keep baby Horus safe from Set, Isis put him in a basket to float down the Nile, inspiring the story of Moses. When Horus grew up, he and Set had a contest to see who should rule the earth and Horus won.

1The Dogon’s Alien Egg

The Dogon are an indigenous tribe of Mali, believed to be of Egyptian descent. Dogon origin stories begin with Amma, the god who existed before time. Amma was lonely, so he created the Earth, which is sometimes called the “egg of the world” or the “original placenta.” Earth is said to exist in infinite space and contain a model of all creation. Amma married the Earth, but her clitoris was opposed to Amma’s penis, so Amma circumcised her. She later gave birth to Ogo and a pair of androgynous twins in the form of fish called the Nommo.
Since Ogo had no partner or twin, he committed incest with the Earth. From this union came the first menstrual blood, along with the spirits of the underworld. Amma undid the disorder this act caused by transforming Ogo into a jackal. The blood that flowed from Earth became various heavenly bodies, plants, and animals. Amma then created the stars by throwing pellets of earth into space. Using two white earthenware bowls—one encircled with red copper, the other with white—he created the sun and moon. Black people are supposedly born under the sun and white people under the moon.
In the 1930s, the Dogon told a pair of French anthropologists that the germ of all things was originally contained in an invisible twin to Sirius, the Dogstar. This twin star, now known as Sirius B, wasn’t discovered by astronomers until 1970. According to the Dogon, astronomical knowledge was given to them by one of the Nommo, who is referred to in this account as “the son of God.” Some people have taken this to mean that the Nommo was Jesus, but maybe the Dogon were just having a cosmic laugh at Western expense.
Jackie is a former journalist and Huffington Post blogger with an interest in word origins and medieval history. Her blog Nothing Too Trivial (Interesting Things for Interested People) can be found at