Since I can remember I've had an awareness that I'd been communicating with other people in the dream, not a few but many many.
I was out side a sky train station doing up my shoe and then I felt I was being watched, when I looked up this little black boy was smiling at me while holding his mother's hand. I gentle smiled back as he said, "I know you." It wasn't a question he was telling me. I was puzzled, "You do?" "Yes," he said "You are my friend," and then he walked away waving at me as he left.
This wasn't the first time this has happened to me. I was at a friend's wedding from Ontario, here in Vancouver and I was standing at the buffet table and a couple walks up to me and says: "We know you, you look so familiar, when did we meet." I was a professional actor once upon a time and started sleuthing all the possible places we could have met, but without any solid conclusions. The couple seemed very familiar to me without a feeling of a conclusive recognition. They were sure they'd meet me and still persisted so I rattled off more places that we could have met; "Did you ever live in Toronto?" They shook there heads no. "Maybe it was a TV commercial in Ontario I was in?" No they wouldn't have been born yet they were to young. And so it went and then finally I said, "I no where we've met?" "Were?" They where very excited. "In the dream." Both there mouths dropped open at the suggestion of the possibility and then they said, "Yes."
I was working for the school board as a special needs assistant and we where on an outing with the class, on the bus. We got on and we all walked to the back of the bus so we could sit together and as we were headed down the isle, this young girl stared right up at me. I mean I didn't even know her and didn't think anything of it. I ended up sitting alone, because everyone was paired up together, when the little girl sat down next to me. Her mother kept calling her back but the little girl of 6 was ignoring her mother completely and waving her off. She didn't say anything at first, she just sat beside me as we headed down the road to towards the mall. "I know you, you are my friend." she said without looking up. This has happened to me so often that I just say, "Yes, we are." Then she went silent again for a wee while as her mom tried to call her back to her seat, then suddenly blurted out, "I don't know what to say." I looked at her and smiled, "That's the great things about friends, you don't have to say anything." She seem to like that reply and sat for a wee bit longer, then finally went back to her mother. I'd never seen or met the young child before or ever.
I'd met an old friend I'd done theatre with when I was younger some 20 years prior. I went up to say hi and we talked. It was so good to see her, then I noticed her daughter, who was approximately 11 years old, was staring up at me from what she was doing. "I know you." She announced. "I'm sure you don't." She persisted, "NO, I know you." I was puzzled, thinking was it happening again? "I used to be an actor maybe you saw me in a commercial or something?" "Nope that's not it," she replied.
I just gave up at that point and try to access the Spirit Walker/Dream Walker part of me. I took a deep breath letting the story unfold, "You were sitting with a group of children, near a castle." "Yes!" she was very happy that I was remembering. "And I told you story's." "Yes!" intrigued she stood up to listen better to what was being told and beginning to unfold. "I'd finished telling everyone story's and you pounced on me and tickled me" "Yes!" She was getting more enthralled. "Then I tickled you until you said Uncle." "Yes!" "In a dream!" "Oh, YES!"
A year or so later I was volunteering for an organization called Disabled Sailing in Jericho Beach in Vancouver and I was walking in and out of the Jericho Rescue building into our office. There was a huge open bay where boats could be taken in for repair went the winter cold weather hit. It was summer and I was strolling back and forth and I noticed this young teenager girl was watching me going back in forth. Then she said, "I know you." She pointed at me. I smiled back, laughing saying,"You don't. " I walked into the office for a moment and then came back out. "NO, I know I know you!" Then it dawned on me how she knew me. "I know were you know me from." "Were?" She asked. "In a dream." I realized it was my friends daughter from years past. "Oh, it's you!" She yelled, "The Dream Man!"
I was sitting waiting for a the sea bus at approximately 8 pm in the evening on a week day evening, I tell you this because it is always slow with few people taking transit that time of night. I was standing waiting with a few people in the holding area when this young lady (approx 8 years old) and stared right up into my eyes for what seems like a long while, then just as quickly she stop and wandered away. I watched her wander around the holding area and then she walked up to her mother and started signing with her mom. After she was done I caught her mother's eye and in sign language if daughter was deaf. She signed back that she wasn't deaf but mute. I signed thank you. The Sea Bus came in, the ramps came down, the doors opened up, and the little girl was the first up the ramp but then she stopped and turned to look at me, then looked down at her hand. She wanted me to hold her hand onto the boat. I was shocked, ran up taking her hand gently and guiding her onto the Sea Bus, well at least I thought I was guiding her but in retrospect I suspect she was more guiding me. I let go of her hand when we got on the boat and sat down as she sat with her mother and the rest of there friends. "Tell the mother, that her daughter is Psychic!" Boomed in my head. "What?" ""Tell the mother, that her daughter is Psychic!" "Yes, I heard you." "Tell the mother, that her daughter is Psychic!" "Yes I will but I'm not doing it now. I'll do it my way in my time, now leave me alone." I was so irritated, I hate when someone from the other side gets bossy. They don't live here, in this world, it's filled with so many weird conservative single minded, one world one life freaks, who are not open minded at all.
I waited for the Sea Bus to almost dock then I jumped up, walked over to the mother who was with her friend, taking a deep breath saying, "Excuse me miss but I just wanted to tell you that your daughter is very intuitive." She just looked at me speechless, "What?" I thought that would have worked, so I tried to get a little more specific, "I don't know if you are aware but your daughter is very clairvoyant." She looks at me stunned so I think fast, "Your , your your daughter is..?" Then suddenly her friend says, "You know, he's trying to tell you that your Alice is psychic." And I laughed inside, thinking I should have listen to wise old dead people, trusted them and said it, oh well is been said.
We all exit the Sea Bus and the 6 or us stop outside of the station, the kids are chatting and laughing as the adults ask me how I knew, I'm about to explain it when; the young Alice turns to me and says, "I know you, you're my friend." I just nod. "What is she talking about?" I don't answer because I am completely gob smacked knowing that Alice is from out of the dream, she is so familiar and my friend. "I know you, you are my friend." She signs friend to help her with the sounds of the words that are coming out of her in monotone. I nod again, as I'm close to tears. Then she says, "These are my friends, I'm your friend, you my friend." I nod again. Her mother looks at me had says, "What have you done?" I look at her, "Its not me its your daughter." "You've done more in 20 min to help my daughter in the last 20 min than anyone has been able to do with her in 6 months of school. How did you do that. I smiled, "I have done nothing, its your daughter and she is my friend. " I thank everyone and go. Alice waves goodbye.
Dream Telepathy is a powerful ability to have because you can influence people in a good way, help populations to evolve by there own free will, help them to see the unseen and to give them hope. The biggest conspiracy that I've discovered is that the powers of control, corrupt religions, governments and corporations want to control the masses and to take there hope. As soon as you take someones hope they will literally do nothing in the face of tyranny, they will become complacent and allow anything that power wants to achieve. The corruption of power feeds the news and media with half truths, it's not entirely false, so it will confuse people to what is really the truth, leaving them confused and do it enough and they will give up.
What if you could share knowledge of through Dream Telepathy what would happen then? And if you could and I"m sure you can how many people can you effect a night, 1000? 10,000? 100,000? I suspect if you're strong enough you can effect a million a night, but don't take my word for it, try it your own selves. Knowledge is power, power in numbers all moving together evolving at once is change.
I gave you these examples so you may know that the mystery of dream telepathy does and is happening even now as I write these words.
Daniel Quinn wrote a book called the "Story of B" and in it he suggested that information is power and sharing it with everyone, with no hoops, or tests, giving it to all peoples from all walks of life is the only way to have a revolution and revolution never works of course until you drop the "R" and allow evolution to occur.
Duende (c)