Its so interesting to get a sign from the Universe, especially an Animal Totem sign. I'm so discerning around Animal Totem signs, which is when a creature big or small shows up in the oddest places unannounced, or in an supersizing circumstance.
For me if I see an Owl in the sky, off in the distance that is not a sign, its just an Owl off in the distance. But if that Owl (white) swooped down to my wee cabin at the time, on 9/11 and perched right beside my porch, 6 ft up on a tree branch, and sit there for 30 minutes, when I was out at 7 o'clock at night, which I never do? Now that I would consider a sign. Owls are rare to see but white owl's in the area I live in even rarer.
Here's a few suggestions about getting signs and recognizing them that I found on the internet:
1. Synchronicity
Often the universe sends us signs in the form of synchronicity. When we are on the right path, little coincidences occur often. We may receive a call from someone we were thinking of, or the exact information we need to make an informed decision. We may ask the universe for guidance and receive it in the form of intelligence from a friend or just the right book falling into our hands. When these things happen, you know you are receiving divine guidance and that you are on the right path in life.
Conversely, when everything seems a struggle and things always seem to go wrong, the universe is asking you to look at your life and make adjustments. Struggle rarely gets us where we want to be. In this case, it is best to take a step back, breathe and think about the direction of our lives. Ask the universe for further guidance and see what comes up.
2. Health
Our physical health can guide us to the right path in life. Illness, accidents, and ailments can be signs from the universe sent to guide us. Many spiritual traditions associate certain illnesses with our spiritual needs. For example, the throat chakra is associated with being able to express ourselves freely. Therefore, a problem with the throat or thyroid could indicate a need to express our own needs, ideas, and desires.
In more general terms, lethargy and depression suggest you are not living the life meant for you, while an abundance of energy and vitality indicate that you are. To follow the guidance of the universe, notice how you feel with certain people, in certain situations, and while doing certain activities. Anything that leaves us drained out of proportion to the situation may be doing us harm. Sometimes the activity should be avoided. However, sometimes it is our attitude that is at fault. We all have to do things we don’t like at times, however, we can do them with a good attitude.
3. Dreams
Our dreams can offer us powerful signs from the universe. It is well worth keeping a dream diary as these messages are easily forgotten. If you do not frequently remember dreams, consider repeating the following mantra three times before bed:
Tonight I will receive and remember the messages of the dream world
Spend some time reflecting on your dreams as they can contain messages from the universe, the spirit world, and your own unconscious. Dream dictionaries can help, but always remember that you are the best person to decipher your own dreams and do not take definitions too literally. Think about what the messages might mean for your own life.
If you have nightmares or dreams about dead people, do not be afraid that they foretell a disaster or death. In fact, they usually indicate a time of great change and growth in your life to come.
4. Losing or breaking something
When we lose or break something we cherish, it can often be that the universe is teaching us to let go. After my mother died, many of the things she had given me got broken. This hurt a lot at the time. A crack even appeared in the diamond ring she had given me. Seeing as diamonds are so strong, I realized that this was a sign. I now see that I did not need material things to be close to her. She is part of me and always will be.
When everyday things go missing or are broken, this can be a sign that we are too busy and hurried and need to slow down. If life is too rushed it can fly past without us ever appreciating its beauty.
5. Problems and delays
If you are experiencing problems, delays and roadblock at every turn, the universe might be guiding you to think differently. Perhaps the path you have chosen is not right for you. Alternatively, it might be your energy that needs adjustment. Doing things with the energy of lack or despair rarely results in a happy outcome.
Take a step back and ask yourself some questions about how and why you are doing what you are doing. Then ask the universe to guide you further.
6. Physical signs
The universe will often guide us with physical signs. However, many of us miss these. Signs can be anything from seeing a white feather drift down from the sky to a particular bird or animal. Or they can be more directly related to your own path. Once, when I was deciding whether I should try to make my living as a writer, I found an empty ink bottle half buried in the path where I walk my dogs.
*Here's my Story:
I woke up on Christmas Day, finishing working an over night at my clients house. He lives in the forest, a 20 minute walk from the ocean. There is a small creek/river from the ocean inland, but it shallow most of the time, however at this time of year in a rain forest, most creeks are full. Then the small creek now a bigger creek is connected to the low swampy land here on the other side of the highway. Were my client lives is not easy to get to by foot.
(I've been on this journey a long while and I'm very discerning I just don't accept things quickly, I take in the information, weigh out the pros of possibilities and the cons of impossibility. Then when I take in all the information, I connect with my heart and see if it rings true as a possible sign.)
I walk out of the house to walk the family dog and when we are 10 yards away from my truck (its sitting under a tree) I spied what I thought was an ugly looking Bear peering up from the drivers side. And when I get a wee bit closer I noticed its not a Ugly looking Bear but a sweet looking 660lb 14ft Sea Lion!! Yes Way!! I kid you not. Holy Shit! Then there's like a ping that goes off in my heart but I'm discerning and break down what its doing laying right beside the passengers door of my truck. Its impossibly hard to get here. I was just gob smacked!!
This much synchronicity is crazy rare.
So was it a sign? I would say yes.
What did the sign mean? Well its one thing to receive an animal totem sign its another to figure it out.
Seal Meaning, and Messages
In this case, seal symbolism is letting you know that it’s time to pay close attention to your imagination and insight. In other words, seal meaning is asking you to be aware of your thoughts and your dreams. A lot of what you imagine generally has a strong basis in reality, no matter how far off it may seem. Thus seal symbolism is bringing you the clear and distinct message that it is time for you to allow your creativity and your imagination to soar. Furthermore, like the beaver, it is now time to follow through on your dreams.
*This really resonates with me. My heart says yes, I here that ping which means I'm getting it right.
Seal Totem, Spirit Animal
People with the seal totem are highly imaginative and very creative. Moreover, they need activities that channel and direct their imagination and creativity. For these folks hearing and balance are also essential. They have to learn to listen to their inner self and balance their lives to it. People with this spirit animal have dreams that are very significant and vivid. Plus like the dragonfly, these visions continuously feed their creative imagination. Thus it is vital for them to stay in touch with their body’s natural rhythms. In other words, if you are hungry, eat; if you are tired, rest.
Seal Dream Interpretation
When you have a Seal dream, it refers to your playfulness and jovial disposition. Thus the vision is letting you know that you can adapt to various emotional situations. Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun. Thus it may indicate that you need to put closure on something as in “sealing the deal.”
This sea creature in your dream it can also be a sign of trust, security or promise. Like the brown bear and the beetle, it is also a symbol of integrity, which we can abuse or use as power. It depicts the emergence of the conscious life of your deepest instincts and life energies. As this animal can emerge from the water entirely and live on land, this mammal is sometimes used to represent the emergence from the womb and the pleasures or difficulties of life as a ‘land animal’ physically independent of our mother. This is especially so if it is a very young one.
*So most of this apply's to me but there was some other nigglely that just won't stop saying (my inner voice) and what else. When in doubt I go on a vision journey into my imagination (the door way to the other worlds and inner knowledge) and i will go and ask the animal or being or creature from the other worlds ask what they wanted to say.
Its okay if you can't speak there language cause the heart/brain/intuitive self has an instant translator that helps cross those barriers.
When I asked the Seal Lion what he wanted the answer I got was Big and I am quite careful with romantic save the world reply's. Again I'm discerning, I'm asking the Seal Lion what I can do to help him not me. Sometimes I've watched other people in the New Age Totem Animal Buddha Unicorn Rainbow world go off on big Save the world for mankind, look at me, look at me, self serving purposes.
The Sea Lion wanted me to stop the Pipe Line from going in because it would be devastating to there environment and all ocean life in general. Industry is pushing to huge gas and oil pipe lines in my area.
I went and did what the Sea Lion had asked. Ended up waking a Minister in our cabinet and in the dream to him suggest to pull the "Environmental Research File" on the negative impact on the environment of the West Coast Line if there was a spill. I watch as the minister got up and pulled the file that was going to be buried.
So did I help the Seal Lion? Maybe and Maybe not. In my Dream Walker self I would say YES but I am always more than discerning when the quest is so Big. I don't like to go all fired up and half coked over issues that are Million of dollars driven but hey....I'll give it a go and who knows...right?
Again what was Shakespeare famous quote:
A phrase used by the title character in the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. Hamlet suggests that human knowledge is limited:
There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy [science].
Duende Naddred (c) 2019
*So most of this apply's to me but there was some other nigglely that just won't stop saying (my inner voice) and what else. When in doubt I go on a vision journey into my imagination (the door way to the other worlds and inner knowledge) and i will go and ask the animal or being or creature from the other worlds ask what they wanted to say.
Its okay if you can't speak there language cause the heart/brain/intuitive self has an instant translator that helps cross those barriers.
When I asked the Seal Lion what he wanted the answer I got was Big and I am quite careful with romantic save the world reply's. Again I'm discerning, I'm asking the Seal Lion what I can do to help him not me. Sometimes I've watched other people in the New Age Totem Animal Buddha Unicorn Rainbow world go off on big Save the world for mankind, look at me, look at me, self serving purposes.
The Sea Lion wanted me to stop the Pipe Line from going in because it would be devastating to there environment and all ocean life in general. Industry is pushing to huge gas and oil pipe lines in my area.
I went and did what the Sea Lion had asked. Ended up waking a Minister in our cabinet and in the dream to him suggest to pull the "Environmental Research File" on the negative impact on the environment of the West Coast Line if there was a spill. I watch as the minister got up and pulled the file that was going to be buried.
So did I help the Seal Lion? Maybe and Maybe not. In my Dream Walker self I would say YES but I am always more than discerning when the quest is so Big. I don't like to go all fired up and half coked over issues that are Million of dollars driven but hey....I'll give it a go and who knows...right?
Again what was Shakespeare famous quote:
A phrase used by the title character in the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. Hamlet suggests that human knowledge is limited:
There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy [science].
Duende Naddred (c) 2019
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