This is the wee little fairy house I made from a old 1$ thrift store doll house I found. I spray painted the whole thing gold and then tweeked the heck out of it and made it magical.

This is the front of the Fairy House. I live in the rain forest so this old plastic dollhouse is perfect and its being recycled and creating magic for everyone at the same time.

This is the back of the house. I used multi colors to make it pop.

And then I put Magical Creatures and fairy's and Angels inside to make it even more of a special find of hidden treasures. The real magic is all the items are re-purposed finds from the thrift store, nothing is very expense. This fairy house cost less than 10$ Canadian. Now that's true magic...lol
Now I know it appears very altruistic and it is...but it also feeds me, my spirit, my soul just does back flips into the air...it makes me fly. For me its like all the incredible parts to Christmas, its like a present waiting out in the middle of nowhere waiting to be discovered by a child or a child like adult who is looking for those special supersize moments in life, that when you are staying aware and there appear...like...Magic. There I said it....well because I can. I created Magic. Little small unassuming magic but for a child or a believer of the fairy worlds, this will be a special moment and the great thing is I won't even know. Its out there now, no longer mine, its everybodys in the world of everyone and hopefully the faye world will love it too.
I also take blue cobalt glass (which is very rare to find on beaches) and I break it at extreme low tides in the winter and by the time summer roles around its smooth mysterious (where did it come from and how did it get here) treasures. Here's the recent fallout on Face Book of that commando beach smashing I've been doing for the past 15 years:
Friend says:
There's this magical feeling you get while walking along the beach & you spot a rare piece of blue beachglass. Chances of finding a piece of cobalt blue are 1 in 250!
Today I found 6 pieces of blue!!!💙🌊 "If you find a shard of cobalt blue sea glass, it was likely produced between the 1880s and 1950s. Companies that produced products such as Bromo-Seltzer, Noxzema, and Vicks Vapor Rub used cobalt glass container in the mid-1900s. The odds of finding a cobalt blue shard are about 1 in 250"!
I love this...I just imagine her face. When I asked her where she found it she wouldn't say...but she found 6 pieces of it, so I'm thinking its one of my spots. LOL! Its so wonderful! I'll never say what I've done and where but I do love the out come.
I'm planning to do more fairy houses in the same area in this magical forest, some more hidden than others. I'm hoping it'll spark some hubbub in the small town that I live in. This is an Artists (me) Dream. Yay!!!
Hey you do it in your community parks and forests or even green urban spaces and send me pictures of the magic you created...I'd love to see them. Lets go global, viral! Happy Magic Making!! Let me know.
PS. I went back and placed the magic little fairy house further back under the hollow...didn't want my over the top gold little house messy with nature. It'll be someones secret treasure.
Duende Naddred (c) 2020
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