The Commonalities
Over the years I have discussed this issue of the commonalities between Clairvoyants and this is what seems to come up more often than not, we tend to be:
- Can't sleep with closet doors open. You have to shut them habitually or won't able to sleep.
- Outgoing- People person with a great love for humanity.
- Easy to talk too – people you don't even know will tell you there life stories and seek you out for advice.
- Storytellers, Poets, Writers, Performers, Artists etc.
- Extremely honest and trustworthy- In a society that some might say to a fault.
- Big Heartd with a large capacity to love.
- Communicators with all living things, especially the animal kingdom.
- Unique in your ability to communicate with aboriginal elderly, children (of all cultures) special needs people, especially deep connections with Autistic Children and Adults.
- Children know you as a friend and will call you that upon meeting you for the first time.
- We call wild animals, birds, mammals etc. to you and they tend to follow you around. Especially crows.
- A Leader and Chief even though you fear leading.
- Calm when everyone else is freaking out, especially in times of life threatening or traumatic situations.
- Wise beyond your years.
- Highly intelligent, ingenious at figuring out difficult situations and then fix them.
- Dyslexic or have severe learning disabilities.
- Able to leave our bodies (astral travel) in .5 seconds.
- Levitation has occur as a child or preteen ie. Floating off the bed or floating in the air while running.
- Hypersensitive to taste, touch, smell and sound.
- Borderline diabetics, having sugar intolerances and allergies to sugar.
- Butter addicts.
- Intolerant to caffeine.
- Have opposite effects with pharmaceuticals prescriptions. Hyper = Drowsy and Drowsy = Hyper
- Lip-read and also have unique abilities to read peoples idiosyncrasies.
- Think that they are crazy, unstable, and unfit because they hear voices in our heads.
- Hear voices (individuals even, sometimes with accents) in our heads that gives you information about; problems we are experiencing, people with health difficulties, innate info about world the order, the universe at large and how to navigate it and where you were from (what exact star) family, friends and loved ones, disasters etc.
- Worried about having Multiple Personalities
- Insomniacs.-because there bodies are whirling beyond light speed. Waking a 3 in the morning with a rapid heart beat that is pounding out of the chest. To the point to making them think that they might be having a heart attack.
- Extremely hypersensitive 10 to 13 days of each month from the 20 to the 3rd of each month depending on the moon. And four times a year i.e. solstice, equinox etc. tend to be Extreme extremely hypersensitive almost with the ability to feel the earths pulse.
- Lacking in any ambition or ego that resemble anything in the 21st century modern society’s minds.
- Aware that they are being hunted and think that they are paranoid schizophrenics.
- Deficient of vitamins C and lack calcium, magnesium and basic other minerals.
- Relationship junkies and sometimes sex junkies.
- Scared to be alone and afraid to go to sleep.
- Frightened to dream for fear of information or being hunted or shot.
- Hesitant in seeking power or becoming who we believe we are for the fear of being killed.
- Frightened to know more about who they are bit it for fear of responsibility, or not fitting in, or being different, or being ostracized by the general public, or being seen as weird and therefore sooner or later being sent to an insane asylum.
- Highly imaginative and the general public tends to remind them all the time.
- Aware that people are frightened of them because they think they can read there minds even though they don’t believe in that stuff.
- Happier in the forest but lonely for people after a time.
- Lonely, and sad and feel separate from the world.
- Frightened of the dark.
- Afraid of being alone in the forest during the day and especially at night.
- Afraid of spiders or snakes and owls.
- Bonded with Cats of all kinds.
- A little over weight or a little to thin.
- Able to speak in tongues.
- Have severe allergies.
- Hear voices outside our heads with no one around.
- Able to predict wonderful things.
- Incredible hunters of things, animals, and of people.
- Read incessantly beyond all normal bounds devouring books in the hunt for information they know but don’t quite know what they are looking for.
- Heal people in numbers of ways through, tarot, channeling, healing touch, reiki, medical intuition etc and not know quite how we did it.
- Unable to keep watches on wrists and have electronical equipment around shut down or totally stop working i.e. TVs., car radio’s, cars electronic systems etc.
- Have dreams of dancing in a spirit form.
- Have a fascination with long bows, hunting bows that go beyond archery and hunting.
- The Earth is not my home…Does this sound like something you've said & rarely share?
- Have had Alien contactee experiences.
- Able to see little people, fairy folk or talk to them.
- See hooded cloaked people at the end of streets but when they get there it was a tree instead.
- Have had loss of time experiences from 1 to 6 hrs.
- Aware and have seen people pretending to people who are not what they appear.
- Feel an intense calling to First Nations peoples. That goes beyond reason.
- Hyper aware that they are being watched.
- Seeing white orbs, 6ins in diameter – 3s, 6s, 9s etc.
- Have no desire for power. Find it distasteful.
- You have woken up (as an adult) so terrified, you've refused to sleep alone.(c)

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