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Just read a post were only Red people can be called "Shaman". And Yellow people are called "Sages" and Black people are "Shamans" too. And Brown people are "Guru's" but if you're White then you can't be called any of these. Especially if you live in North America. Then you can be a pastor or a reverend or a priest but not a Shaman, but maybe a "Guru" but then most people think your some flake hippie from an ashram.
Now Siberian Medicine People are called "Shamans" but aren't they white-ish. So is that okay? I guess cause there culture hasn't been completely wiped out by the church but if you are "Whitey" and your aboriginal culture has been genocide totally with little or known ancestral information left then, then what?
So what if you have a gift, what if you talk to spirits, what if you where born in the wrong time in the wrong land and you happen to be "White?" What then?
Do you take on "Druidism" or "Wicca"? What if that doesn't resonant with you? What then? What if you become an accidental "Shaman." What then?
Aren't all peoples of the World indigenous, I KNOW I KNOW, you can't say this Duende, its blasphemy.
So we call all "Whitey's" with magic/medicine "Mage's"? Can we do that? Just take a name? Of course but where does it originate from? Greek and the Old French ancestral medicine when I look it up.
What do you call yourself, if you don't quite fit? Do you have to call yourself anything? Well you don't really but other people on this planet seem to need too? Does it even matter if what we call ourselves? Probably not. After all it is about your relationship with Creator and the Creator knows with out judgement, but there is alot of people out there, in our world in pain: Trauma in there early childhood and trauma closes the eyes and the heart from all cultures with all peoples. I don't blame anyone for Color Coded Racist Identification but to stop people becoming who they are through bullying?
Everyone appears to be specializing, and qualifying themselves into groups of subgroups creating exclusiveness and cleekisms making it quite impossible for anyone to learn anything on there own, because more times than not, you're not the right color, not in the right culture, not in the right club, you're to young and not ancient enough (cause we all know that wisdom is only found in the elderly...not). Does this all just becomes the land of the in titled? Which is insecurity caused by childhood trauma?
By now you probably horrified that I should be so Politically Incorrect in mentioning these issues, but when is any form of Racism okay, even Reverse Racism?
Let me tell you a story that best explains what i'm talking about:
I met a man, much older than myself and he said, "I'm looking for a Shaman?"
"Oh," I said, "What do they look like?"
"I don't know?"
"Can I help you with that?"
"Yes Please!!" He was very excited.
"Do they have feathers in there hair or there hats?"
"Do they wear sandals?"
"Do they have long grey hair?"
"Yes, yes they do."
He was getting very excited. "Do they carry a long stick or a staff?"
"Oh Yes."
"Are they very old, and hunched over?"
"Of course,yes."
"Do they wear weathered robes with a hoods?"
"Yes, yes yes!"
"Are they RED?"
"YES!" He was ecstatic at this point.
"You might just miss him," or "Her"

Being Shaman filled, has nothing to do with age, color, gender or culture, it just is inside of you. If you are looking for a Shaman don't be blinded by your brain, listen with your heart and then see with your eyes. And if you are a Shaman, not to worry you can be any color of the rainbow, male or female or neither or either or both.
What's the Universal Rule? They're are NO Rules.
Separation is a disease caused by Trauma. Heal it and you'll heal the world.
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