The New Age Movement is filled with good intentions and combines all the spiritual beliefs from around the world. This is all a good thing, right? Well mostly but the more and more circles I went to the more and more it became head shaking
It took me some time to realize that it's filled with hierarchy, shame and guilt. The New Age has converted buddhism, taoism and other enlightened religions in quazis christianity.
You deal with Christ Consciousness but with a New Age twist. Better? Haha, No. It still it comes with shame and guilt. I've grown up in the Anglo Western Religions of shame and guilt why does it have to rear its ugly head in this new movement? But it does. For example: A person running the circle after a time becomes exalted and then low and behold he/she becomes like a "Priest" and heaven forbid if you question there insight because then you are questioning there spiritual authority. Lord of lords why? Mostly from as far as I can tell they are still reeling in pain. Also most of them have come from some form of christian back grounds. Beware of the Recovering Catholic or Christian. The shame and guilt from what they had suffered follows them like a ball and chain.
I've known countless New Agers who have Arc Angels, like Saint Micheal and Saint Gabriel with them so if you question them then you are questioning the divine it self. Some even channel the Christ Consciousness so if you question that then you are ostracised and unwelcome to the circle, their circle. Wait a minute I know what you're thinking, wasn't it everyone's circle? Ah not any more because now they are with God and channeling Christ you are questioning the divine. Don't do that or you're in big trouble "Shame and Guilt" and you won't go to....Um heaven?
The next process among the fine leaders of New Age circles, or anyone wanting to be apart of them you have to be a part of all the Correct New Age Speak. And that that is mind boggling spiritual double speak.
This is Christian Anglo Western New Age double speak, messes with and twists all other religions and belief systems such as: buddhism, taoism, paganism and any other "Ism's" that are out there.
What to do? How to survive? What path to follow?
Follow your own self, your own path, find fulfillment of your own. (c)
“I think it only makes sense to seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom.”
― Noam Chomsky
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