The Wolf-Dream Walker
The wolf is the alley of the dream and the Dream Walkers (can find background about this in ancient texts) and has been from the time when all was in the beginning. Then the wolf were hunted down and completely wiped out in some areas of the world. All the way up to approx. 1960’s when they started to become a protected species.
Many people think the wolf is to be feared as a predator I suspect the confusion lies with thinking they are like hounds, they are not, hounds are a cross between wolf and dog (usually black with ridges on there backs with red eyes). Hounds are deadly predators who try to create havoc and chaos with human beings to throw them into a state of mental confusion and if successful they send most of those people into states of panic and paranoia which if done right leads them into the asylum for the insane.
Wolves are the knowing of the dream and the Dream Walkers. They see and hunt and protect and teach dreamers in the ways of medicine in movement- creative spontaneity. To shower yourself in white light in the face of terror, in the dreamtime is a static process and all nasty bits of business have to do is hang around and keep terrorizing you so you as soon as the shower stops. The Wolf is proactive opposed to being inactive and will take immediate action at signs of adversity without doubt or over intellectualization. The Wolf acts, thinks and responds to threat all in the moment and deals with the situations swiftly if it is called for, in a dynamic way. The Wolf is also a wonderful gentle parent, a protector, a comrade and good caring friend. They don’t relate in the dreamtime in our language but in a simpler state by sharing thoughts its simpler and its been my experience that they find English overly redundant.
To become a wolf you have to learn how to shape change. * For further info refer to “Shape-shifting.” and merge with a wolf. Not a difficult process but it can be a little unsettling for the fanciful.
Find a comfortable spot to relax in. Sitting or lying either is good. It helps if the lights are out and it is dark.
Reach into or imagination/the non-ordinary reality/the dreamtime and call to the wolf. (Stay away from preconceived ideas a much as possible. Be what you are not what you hope to be.)
Imagine the place where the wolf is, in details that is the secret. The terrain, the forest, or the tundra and then at this point go to the wolf. Usually they are waiting for you and will recognize you so not to worry they know you’re coming.
Ask the Wolf if you could blend with him or her. Blend and then be a good friend and run with the wolves.
Realize that if you blend with the wolf the wolf blends with you. It works both ways, so don’t be shocked if the wolf comes out of you sometimes. It’s a partnership the wolf will learn from you as you learn from the wolf. The times the wolf will slip through is when you are tired, frightened, and in altered states i.e. during intimacy (I kid you not) be careful it can be very frightening to your partner if he or she is unaware of what’s going on.
When you are needed by the wolf he will call and the same goes if you need help just howl inside and they will come. Be careful not to over use this privilege.
When you’re doing well you will begin to see a whole pack and sometimes when they are comfortable they will come and rest in our home.(c)
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