First of all realize that you don’t deserve this.
Know that there is no reality that you can’t affect.
If you where as pathetic and worthless as your abductor would like you to believe then why the hell do they keep abducting you? I mean would you abduct an ant? A beetle? No! Why? Because they have no direct influence on your life. Aliens only study people that relate to them in some way. You must have some great importance or they wouldn’t even bother with you. And if they are harassing you a lot you most be extremely valuable. See where I’m going with this. I always think, the more opposition I’m getting the closer I’m getting to the truth.
Now at this point turn the tables and become the hunter instead of the hunted. When you get that “weird oh my god I think I’m being watched feeling,” shape shift into a wolf This absolutely scares Grey and Black Aliens, Cat People, Lizard People, Dog People to death. Be the wolf and hunt them and tell them “To Stop or you will call the pack.” Important note: “Do not change back to yourself until they are gone, no matter how much they beg.”
When you encounter an Alien/Star person that knows who you are when you are the wolf not to worry they are friendly and possess the sight. These wonderful folks are usually, white, blue, green aliens, translucent butterfly people, and sphinx people to name a few. When you are meeting these people you are now having “Contac tee experiences.”
Take care of your pain. Seek help and find some good therapy regarding your past trauma around possible child hood abuse issues. Be careful what therapist you talk too not all of them are good. Good Therapists are as hard to find as good mechanics, there are so few of them out there. Work on your child hood pain first, I would not recommend not telling them about your “Abductee” experiences until you trust them. Therapists tend to be very conservative and highly opinionated and can create a lot of confusion for you about what’s going on. Be discerning. Just because there a therapist doesn’t mean they are all knowing human beings on all issues of life. When you deal with your pain you will stand up for yourself in this reality and then it will happen in the non-ordinary reality/dream-time.(c)
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