Sunday, July 7, 2024

Be Small, Be Silent, Ignore it and it'll go away

I get that you, or some of you are afraid and for good reason. I was too. Yes I was, for 36 years. Infact I was terrified of all sorts of things that go bump in the night: Aliens, Ghosts, and a whole lot of other Nasty Bits of Business in here and the other worlds but most here. I fought them and that only made them stronger, I ran without knowing I was running. I mean I've had 47 address in my life. I felt and joked that I was in a "witness protection program", that was keeping me safe from scary shit...really scarey! I hide under the covers, under the bed, in the closet (don't do that, everyone hides in the closet) but nothing worked. I even thought that if I didn't talk about it then I would be safe from harm...just saying that makes me realise that of course that isn't going too and didn't work...ever. Not until I realise to "Heal" them, they, it, those, Aliens, Nasty Bits of Business, and all things, creatures, spirits, ghosts, of have all with ill intent who dare to try and cross my broundries. Read the blog and the answers are within. I won't leave you here, its late and I"m tired, I will add giving you the basic survival techquies to serve things that go "Bump In the Night". More to follow Duende Naddred (c) 2024

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Anunnaki... Winged beings/enlightened/divine gods/revered?

450,000 years ago, the Anunnaki arrived on Earth in search of precious resources, bringing with them 600 workers known as the Igigi. These workers spread across ancient Africa, establishing infrastructures that allowed the Anunnaki to exploit the continent's rich mineral wealth. The Igigi, depicted with long beards, flowing hair, and wings, were a lower rank of deities, predating humanity and often likened to angels. As told in the Akkadian myth of Atrahasis, the Igigi were burdened with immense labor by the Anunnaki, highlighting their subordinate status. The Anunnaki's relentless quest for gold, vital for their survival, eventually led to the Igigi's rebellion. To ease their burden, humans were created to take over the laborious tasks. This story intertwines myth and speculation, offering a glimpse into how ancient civilizations might have perceived divine intervention and the origins of humanity. *Written and Shared from the Ancient Knowledge Pages.
This is a depiction of the Igigi. Questions? If the Anunnaki were so powerful then....why did they need slaves and why did the slaves revolt? And then they created humanity (viscaully) and made them less on purpose so they couldn't revolt? So why are they so special? Did they leave ever? I suspect not....I still feel like I'm in a slave working society. And look at history.... forced labor of percieved lesser beings aka savages seems, sadly to being the constant in human history and by study Ancient Knowledge this appears to be...universe history. Lets talk about the folks who came and where kind? Arent gods suppose to be altruistic? We don't hear about them? Why? Nope instead we hear about the greedy Gangstar Elite wanting gold and power over and eternal youth? They sound wickedly insecure...I mean is that all a 100,000 years of living will do for you? Really? Come on. Isn't some one going to question these winged creatures who appear to have little or no compassion. Who, by history alone, suggests they where crazy ridiculously shallow, tyranical and wickedly self surviving. Seems to me the more appear to be the first Naricists....has anyone else thought that there is something not right about beings that set them self up as gods like this? I'd like to know more about Igigi beings and what they where like? Does anyone else wonder about this, or is it just me. Alien Inspired Spirit Driven. Duende Naddred 2024(c)

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

My book "Unseen Magic" is now on line @ Kobo :)

Unseen Magic A Shaman's Journey by Duende Naddred Synopsis Unseen Magic is in part medicines from the help of indigenous peoples of the "West Coast First Nations Peoples" of the Pacific Northwest, and influenced in part by Cree and Lakota First Nations and his own heretical Indigenousness Pict backgrounds. This book is about one man's journey in Shamanism, since birth. He has writtten a handbook to help all people's from all walk's of life, to understand there psychic gifts and the ups and down's in navigating there journey. It's a coffee table book, meaning you don't have to read "Unseen Magic" cover to cover, unless of course you want too (which is good too). Think your crazy? Do you hear voices? Do you see the unseen? Are you frightened of your dreams? This wonderful book, will help you to circumnavigate dream, and all the inbetween and normalize your "Magic". Everything you want to know about the "Spirit World" but were afraid to ask. It'll make you laugh, cry and ponder the unknown. About this book 441 Pages 10 - 11 Hours to read 136k Cost 2.99 ON Line : Duende Naddred 2024 (c)

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Connection Through the Dream

I have had a hypothosis that we reach out to help eachother around the world through the Dream, by DreamWalking. I've watched over the years, as my mother grows older and has more and more interactions as she gets closer and closer to crossing over past the vail, in over 2 hundred visit from people (not wisps of mist but solid people of this world) most of which were not dead. I discrened this by checking with my mother on what they said and what they where wearing. Most folks that have passed on, in my experience, wear clothes of their era and time and place. All but six had been in modern clothing. I started to suspect that something very extraordinary was going on. The humans were coming to help her but hadn't crossed over and were still very much alive. I always suspected this was happening even when I had been told that its impossible. I always imagined that we as peoples of the world have been lied too. What if my theory is true, what would that mean to those that wish to control us? No control? Imagine the possiblities if it was true? And so I waited and waited and waited for more proof that this might be possible. And then recently something extraordinary happened.... I was having lunch with my friend up at her boutique, which is very close to where I live. We where enjoying our lunch when two Japanese lady's entered the store. We all quickly struck up a bound and the lady's were, so delightful and inqusitive and even more so after they discover my friend selves of oracle cards. They were so open and interested in these which they had only a little experience with. Lol! It was wonderful, they had so manoy questions, and such critcal thinker. Amazing and rare. My whole life's journey is too, Assist, Support, Lift Up and Let go. I proceed to give them as much information about the spirit world as I could, by answering all there questions and inquries, and there where many...How wonderful and rare. Suddenly we were having the deepest conversation, all within a limit time period in the middle of my friends shop. They told us that they were both artists and had an interest in the paranormal. Now its very rare that people on first meeting for people to reveal this. Takes months in our western culture to hint at it, and hear we all were going deep into the world of the extraordinary. We talked and shared so much in 60min (it might have shorter or longer amount of time because when you are in the depeths of spirit...time warps and bends, slows down and can even speed up. In this instances everything around me slowed down. It was and always is like sitting in a bubble or a zone where you are their and not their all at the same time. Liken to an inbetween. Connection in these circumstances can be absoutley mind blowing and in this encounter it was plus plus. I at one point canalled my wise old dead friends and brought through Maui Ching and White Feather (well I don't bring than they move gently through when the situation is required) they had so many question and again very open. Finally nearing the end of our conversations I asked them if they'd be open to Chi Wa (an ancient perssure point healing, mostly to the hands, a modelidy similar to Shiastu) which was taught to me by my Wise Old Dead friend Mau Ching, orginating from Korea back in the 6 Century. Both lady's were very recieving and again inqusitive. Suddenly they had to run off to catch the ferry. We all said our goodbyes and off they went. Everyone seemed very pleased with the magical interaction. And that was, I thought that was the end of the happening, the sponatious extradorinary meeting of minds. Five minutes later they were back, wanting to thank me and by me a coffee. I accept the offer of generousity and accept. While we were in the coffee shop, on of the lady's share's... "We had to come back and thankyou." I said, "You're welcome and feel the same." "I also wanted to tell you, that you came to me in a dream 10 Years ago, I was having a bad time with my balance and you came in my dream and did that Chi Wa, and the next day I was better" Of course that just blew my mind! I'd always suspected I was helping folks but this lady just proved my hypothosis! Wow. very cool. I mean, I live in a small, small town, its extremely rural and the only way to get here, is by boat or plane. What are the chances of this happening, and even my friends shop is in a more remote place and even smaller town. Wow! Just love when spirit brings extraordinary magic into my life. Duende Naddred (c) 2024 Spirit Driven, Alien Inspired

Email me

Hi, have tried to email you but for some reason the link to your email, does not work. I'm do well at many things but computers? No so much, enough but sometimes lacking. for best response. Duende Naddred "Spirit Driven, Alien Inspired"

Monday, October 9, 2023

Druids, who where they really?

Druidic Beliefs There were no temples built for the Celtic gods. Shrines and sanctuaries were established outdoors at sacred groves or nearby sacred lakes. Sacrificial things, human and animal, took places at these sacred sites. Icons made of either of wood or stone were stored in the shrines, along with sacred, precious artefacts. Hauls of silver and gold were deposited into the holy lakes and rivers. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, one of the centre of the druids were at the sacred grove on the island of Anglesey. In AD 61, because of human sacrifices that took place, the Romans under Suetonius Paulinus took action to eradicate the bloody practices; druids were massacred, and groves were destroyed. It was only when Gaul and Britain had become provinces of Rome, did the Celts have temples built and the Celtic deities receive Romano-Celtic names. Despite these names, all the inscriptions on these Gallic and British deities were written in Latin, since neither Gauls nor the Britons have their own writing systems. The only source in the Irish literature that indicate that Irish worshipping a god, in the usual sense, come at the reign of the high king, Tigernmas. Tigernmas was said to have introduced the worship of Crom Cruach. Human sacrifices were performed before the stone idol of Crom Cruach. Some ancient Gallic deities such as Belenus, Danu, Lugus, Ogmios and Epona survived the early spread of Christianity to be transmitted into Bel, Ana, Lug or Lugh, Ogma, and Macha – the Irish deities of the Tuatha De Danann. While the Welsh had transmitted Belenus/Bel into Beli, Danu/Ana into Don, Lugus/Lug into Lleu, and Epona/Macha into Rhiannon. The British god Nodons was transmitted into the Welsh Nudd, who was sometimes equated with Nuada Airgetlám. Ignoring the Irish and Welsh literatures and concentrating on the ancient Gaul and Britannia during the Roman empire, you will find that there is no Celtic pantheon, such as the Greek and Roman Olympians or the Norse Aesir. There are hundreds of Celtic gods and goddesses, where some are more popular in Continental Europe and the British Isles. There is very little evidence of magic from the ancient druids in Gaul that appears frequently in Irish and Welsh literature. The classical authors believed that druids practised magic and witchcraft but were very vague to what sort of magic. What is clear is that the ancient druids took special interests in healing and divination. Like shaman or medicine man, the druids made charms and talisman to ward off evil spirits. As physicians and healers, the druids gathered herbs and poultice. They gathered plants known as selago, without using iron. Another special plants were the marsh plant, known as the samolus, used as charm against diseases of cattle. Pliny the Elder (AD 29-79), philosopher and natural scientist, wrote that druids held the mistletoe and oak trees (genus Quercus) as sacred. The mistletoe were rarely found on oak trees. The druids would cultivate mistletoes with great ceremony on the sixth day of the moon. They always used golden sickle to carefully cut the mistletoes and gathered them in white cloak. It was said that mistletoe contained special properties that would cure all illness and diseases. It was said to be antidote to all poison and impart fecundity to barren cattle. However, in the medieval Irish literatures, it was ash trees, often called rowan and quicken trees (genus Sorbus aucuparia), and the yew trees (genus Taxus) that were sacred. They contained magical properties. Also sacred were the apple trees (genus Pyrus malus) and the hazel (genus Corylus). In Tóraigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne (The Pursuit of Diarmait and Gráinne), the giant Searbhan (Sharvan) guarded rowanberries on the Quicken Trees, in the forest of Dubros. The magic berry could restore an old man of 100 to his youth of 30-year-old. The Welsh legend, seemed to favour the apple trees. In the poem attributed to Myrddin, the antecedent of Merlin, he hid up in the apple tree, when the men of Rhydderch, but he was hidden by the magic grove. Though druids could heal, using some sort of magic or just using herbs, it was mainly the work of physicians. The most famous physician was the Danann Dian Cécht and his children. Dian Cécht had blessed the spring, which healed the Danann warriors during the Second Battle of Mag Tuired. His son Miach had restored Nuada’s arm. The magic is more explicit in Irish and Welsh literature. Some druids used wands, especially when transforming another person into an animal, plant, or rock. A sorceress or witch was called bantuathaig. Be Chuille and her sister Dianann were the sorceresses of the Tuatha Dé Danann. They used their magic to conjured up host of warriors from the grass and leaves, during the war against the Fomorians. In Irish and Welsh legends, prophecies and divination were frequent in the literature.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Confused? Got any questions? Ask away!

Hi everyone...I'm out here in the great internet world...a space in a space, in the worldwideweb, like an island onto myself. What questions do you have? What's happening that I might be able to help with? I will responsed if asked. Please FIRE AWAY....and I will do my best to answer anything burning questions. And if I don't know, I'll go hunt it.