Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Anunnaki... Winged beings/enlightened/divine gods/revered?

450,000 years ago, the Anunnaki arrived on Earth in search of precious resources, bringing with them 600 workers known as the Igigi. These workers spread across ancient Africa, establishing infrastructures that allowed the Anunnaki to exploit the continent's rich mineral wealth. The Igigi, depicted with long beards, flowing hair, and wings, were a lower rank of deities, predating humanity and often likened to angels. As told in the Akkadian myth of Atrahasis, the Igigi were burdened with immense labor by the Anunnaki, highlighting their subordinate status. The Anunnaki's relentless quest for gold, vital for their survival, eventually led to the Igigi's rebellion. To ease their burden, humans were created to take over the laborious tasks. This story intertwines myth and speculation, offering a glimpse into how ancient civilizations might have perceived divine intervention and the origins of humanity. *Written and Shared from the Ancient Knowledge Pages.
This is a depiction of the Igigi. Questions? If the Anunnaki were so powerful then....why did they need slaves and why did the slaves revolt? And then they created humanity (viscaully) and made them less on purpose so they couldn't revolt? So why are they so special? Did they leave ever? I suspect not....I still feel like I'm in a slave working society. And look at history.... forced labor of percieved lesser beings aka savages seems, sadly to being the constant in human history and by study Ancient Knowledge this appears to be...universe history. Lets talk about the folks who came and where kind? Arent gods suppose to be altruistic? We don't hear about them? Why? Nope instead we hear about the greedy Gangstar Elite wanting gold and power over and eternal youth? They sound wickedly insecure...I mean is that all a 100,000 years of living will do for you? Really? Come on. Isn't some one going to question these winged creatures who appear to have little or no compassion. Who, by history alone, suggests they where crazy ridiculously shallow, tyranical and wickedly self surviving. Seems to me the more appear to be the first Naricists....has anyone else thought that there is something not right about beings that set them self up as gods like this? I'd like to know more about Igigi beings and what they where like? Does anyone else wonder about this, or is it just me. Alien Inspired Spirit Driven. Duende Naddred 2024(c)

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