Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Fear of Death, and Dieing

Lets start off right away that there is "Life After Death". Duh. Of course there is. Don't buy the "Pop Culture" narative. If they can keep you busy being worried about only living for 75 on average years then you will only think about your own needs and greater control over your spiritual exsistance. And look around you, in nature, your garden, life after death happens all the time. Why would our lives be any different. For me because of who I am, and being in other worlds and seeing so many impossible things...its a no brainer. We exist over millions of years, if not billions. So how long have we been around, our spirit selfs? Millions if not billions of years, I kid you not. Oh and not just humans. Sorry to burst your bubble but humanity is not the be all end all of life. You mostly likely have been aliens, and animals and birds and bugs. I know I know, not you, you're enlightened and have been Princesses, and Kings and slaves and....OMG! Let it go. WTF. You r human now but not always from my experience of 60 plus years of being an clairvoyant and I'm okay with it. I have giving alot of thought to the concept of Heaven and Hell put forth by the Western Christian Anglo Culture, and I began to notice that God and the Devil are so similiar. Like what now Duende? Have you gone mad? No no, hear me out. The Devil is a scarey guy and if you mess up you visit him in Hell and God is a scarey guy and if you mess up you go to Hell. WTF. So you be good and if you are afaird of going to Hell, just make a donation to the church and you'll go to Heaven? Really? Which means by these terms, the Gangster Elite 1% get to go to heaven cause they gots tons of cash and the rest of us poor sods....ah no...right to hell. But what if we where real real good and did everything right, with no screw ups and where like Mother Teresa and Gandi? I think even they had faults. LOL so did they go to Hell? I believe that Heaven and Hell are here on earth. In my life I have lived and seen both and I'm a really good person. Its what you make it. So what do I believe....right at the moment...and it might change, I believe in Karma. Not the new agey christian anglo Karma but the Eastern Karma but in order to believe that then you have to believe in rencarnation. Will be continued....

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